

#music #electronic #experimental #ambient #jazz #bass #classical #doom #drone #krautrock #noir #noise #space

Black von Kevin Richard Martin

'Black' is a musical eulogy to Amy Winehouse, a heartfelt memorial to a sorrowful demise. Its an album of predominantly beatless ambience possesed by the ghost of 'Back to black'. Fragmented moods and hypnotic drones melt together, as its circular beauty is set adrift, floating away into an endless void.. where the original only remains in spirit alone...


A LIMB @ CAMP ITALIA - in the Japanese Cultural Village & Historical Museum.

Friday January 12, 1pm SLT

Concert in Second Life - Camp Italia


Taxi to Camp Italia :
https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Camp Italia/79/105/2505maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Camp Italia/79/105/2505

If you don't find the place, you can call Asia Connell

1:00pm SLT: A LIMB

A Limb is a kind of artistic Frankenstein, exhuming all sorts of music corpses from their graves, stitching an ambient body with funk legs, punk feet, experimental arms, jazz hands, a drone head, inserting a big ethnic music heart and krautrock lungs... then bathing the whole "body" into a dub effects bath, until an electro thunderbolt strikes it and... omg... it's... alive! Hmm.. sometimes science goes too far, but it's too late to back-pedal...
If you can't connect to Second Life, you can still listen to the concert by copy/pasting the audio stream link in your web browser:

With the kind support of Transcultures - Media Arts Center as part of the 20th anniversary of City Sonic, and Pépinières européennes de Création.

#secondlife #virtualworld #dream #ambient #experimental #electro #jazz #lounge #concert #musician #composer #ALIMB #soundcloud #music #electronic #cinematic #art-and-creativity #psych #drone #noise #contemporary #minimalist #post-rock #krautrock #IDM #synthwave #industrial




Concert in Second Life - Clara’s ArtGarden.

TP to the concert: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Gangkhar/20/15/3898
You should land on ground level. There is a large Obelisk with a TP Pad

12:00pm SLT: YADLEEN
Yadleen ( @Clara Mayef ) is a composer of electronic dream music and the result is uniquely special. Her compositions can vary tremendously creating an ambience which is purely Yadleen. She also has an emphasis on India which is an extraordinary twisted work for electronic music.

1:00pm SLT: A LIMB
A Limb is a kind of artistic Frankenstein, exhuming all sorts of music corpses from their graves, stitching an ambient body with funk legs, punk feet, experimental arms, jazz hands, a drone head, inserting a big ethnic music heart and krautrock lungs… then bathing the whole “body” into a dub effects bath, until an electro thunderbolt strikes it and… omg… it’s… alive! Hmm… sometimes science goes too far, but it’s too late to back-pedal…

If you can’t connect to Second Life, you can still listen to the concerts by pasting the following audio stream links in your usual web browser:


With the kind support of Transcultures, as part of the 20th anniversary of City Sonic, and the Creative European Pepinieres.

#secondlife #virtualworld #dream #ambient #experimental #electro #jazz #lounge #concert #musician #composer #yadleen #ALIMB #Echo #soundcloud #claras-artgarden #thespamconnection #music #electronic #cinematic #art-and-creativity #psych #drone #noise #contemporary #minimalist #post-rock #krautrock #IDM #synthwave


I can't stand the #noise of #cars no more... it is aweful; as I am living at a busy road there is constant car noise... what are we doing to ourselves???


#music #electronic #electro #experimental #improvised #musiqueconcrete #noise #folkways #Baltimore

Return to Archive by Matmos

  • In 1948, Moses Asch founded Folkways Records with a self-proclaimed mandate to record the sounds of the entire world. From the Sounds of North American Frogs to Speech After the Removal of the Larynx, Folkways documented the audible nooks and crannies of existence on hundreds of LPs produced by field recordists, scientists, and experimentalists probing the margins of the human soundscape. Seventy-five years later, electronic music duo Matmos have diced, looped, stretched, and recontextualized these recordings on their new album Return to Archive, which was assembled entirely from the so-called non-musical sounds released on Folkways. On just the album’s first track, dolphins, beetles, telephones, humans stretching the limits of their vocal cords, a shortwave radio, and metal balers co-mingle in a fantasia of sound both everyday and extraordinary. Each track on Return to Archive morphs its source material into something completely unexpected, honoring and expanding on Folkways’ legacy of sonic exploration. Featuring Evicshen and Aaron Dilloway.

der analoge mann probiert ...
... nachdem der gestrige Testaufbau in einer mentalen Katastrophe endete, hat der analoge mann sich heute erst einmal um die Grundierung mit Lyra8, Mikrofon und Effekten gekümmert ... und siehe da, die Katastrophe Nummer 2 wurde abgewendet. Weitere Ideen liegen auch schon auf dem Tisch ... nur noch die große Frage: Mit oder ohne Beats?
Fortsetzung folgt (eventuellvielleicht) ...

#deranalogemann #noisefest #2 #noise #drone #industrial #konzert #probe