

Aswad formed around 1975 in the West London area. Steel Pulse formed that same year and had greater success in Jamaica and America but still, Aswad was without doubt a major band in Britain in the 1970's and 80's. They released many albums and were very popular in Japan where they achieved gold and platinum sales. In the late 80's they ventured into pop territory which lost some of their original roots fans. But their early roots LP's are wonderful and should be heard by everyone.
Once again John Peel grabs a band just starting out. All four songs here are from Aswad's eponymous debut album in 1976.
This is an important Peel showing the flowering of #roots reggae in England. Aswad was joined by Steel Pulse, Cimarons, Misty In Roots, Matumbi, Black Slate, Capitol Letters, Black Roots and Linton Kwesi Johnson among others.

For the first time absolutely first class reggae was being created outside Jamaica.
1. #Pressure (0:07)
2. #Ethiopian Rhapsody (4:46)
3. Back To #Africa (8:04)
4. #Natural-Progression (13:16)See less

Aswad - #Peel #Session #1976


#Music on #Blue-Crystal-Eagle
#ChrisDifford 11/4/1955 #Birth Squeeze
#Squeeze - #Peel #Session #1977
Squeeze are an English rock band that came to prominence in the United Kingdom during the new wave period of the late 1970s, and continued recording in the 1980s, 1990s and 2010s. In the UK, their singles "Cool for Cats", "Up the Junction" and "Labelled with Love" were top-ten chart hits. Though not as commercially successful in the United States, Squeeze had American hits with "Tempted", "Pulling Mussels", and "Hourglass", and were considered a part of the Second British Invasion.

The vast majority of their material is composed of lyrics by Chris Difford and music by Glenn Tilbrook, who are guitarists and vocalists in the band. The duo were hailed as "the heirs to Lennon and McCartney's throne" during the band's initial popularity in the late 1970s. The group formed in Deptford, London, in 1974, and first broke up in 1982. Squeeze then reformed in 1985, and disbanded again in 1999.

The band reunited for tours through the United States and United Kingdom in 2007. In 2010, they issued Spot the Difference, an album of newly recorded versions of older material. The band's first album of all-new material since 1998, Cradle to the Grave, was released in October 2015, followed by another album, The Knowledge, in October 2017.

Cat On The Wall / Model / All Fed Up / Sex Master


A hands-On Review with Session — A Fully Encrypted Chat App

A hand holdinga phone. Around the phone can be seen graphics depicting two keys connected to a shield in between them. In the background is a green S which is Session's logo.
As with Threema and SimpleX, Session is one of the most secure and private chat apps that you get today (more so than Signal, and way more so than WhatsApp).

A lot of this is to do with the metadata level (that data which WhatsApp actively resells upstream to Facebook and other providers).

There is no doubt that Session is up there with the best, but this is also why none of your friends will be found there. There is no phone number or e-mail lookup to find users, nor any search to find them. Each friend must choose to share their contact ID with you. You can connect quite easily with a QR code or a contact link, but that is just not how people are yet connecting.

Most users want to log into a central service where their e-mail address or phone number is searchable (at least to those who know it), and that is how people connect and find each other.

Of course that means the central provider knows who you are and can connect that information with your login times, IP addresses, location, etc. Yes Signal tries to minimise that, as does Proton Mail, but others like Google, Facebook, and WhatsApp max out that information to build profiles on you “to serve you better”. Personally, I think WhatsApp and Facebook have taken that too far, by sharing that information, which is why I deleted my accounts with them.

So, yes Session is excellent, but regretfully the world is just not ready to adopt it en-mass (and the same goes for truly encrypted e-mail). The technology is ready, but humans are not ready.

What you can otherwise do, if this does concern you at all, is to rather adopt something like Signal messenger, and for Facebook use a 3rd party anonymising app like SlimSocial. If you are not ready to delete your Facebook and WhatsApp apps (the mobile apps are real data gatherers), then at least create your presence on Signal, so that others friends can delete their apps and can still contact you.

See howtogeek.com/i-went-hands-on-

#Blog, #privacy, #Session, #technology


23.10.2024 SimpleX - neuer verschlĂŒsselter Messenger

Dezentral, verschlĂŒsselt, sicher, Open Source

In vielen BeitrĂ€gen haben wir bereits ĂŒber sicher verschlĂŒsselte Open Source Messenger berichtet (Sichere Messenger , PrivatsphĂ€re schĂŒtzen - was tun? ). Unsere letzten Empfehlungen waren Session, Signal, Briar, ...

Nun kommt ein neues Programm dazu: Der Open-Source-Messenger SimpleX. Das Programm gab es Anfang des Jahres fĂŒr Desktopumgebungen und nun steht es bei Android und fĂŒr das iPhone in den App Stores zum Download fĂŒr Smartphones/Handy. FĂŒr Android Nutzer, die vorsichtshalber auf den Google Play Store verzichten wollen, gibt es auch die APK Datei direkt als Download.

Im Gegensatz zu Signal und genau wie bei Session braucht man fĂŒr den eigenen Acount keine Telefonnummer und es gibt keinen zentralen Server ĂŒber den die Nachrichten laufen. Die (dezentralen) Server kann man bei Bedarf auch selbst betreiben.

Zur Kontaktaufnahme ist lediglich der Austausch von QR-Codes notwendig. In der nĂ€chsten Version sollen auch verschlĂŒsselte Audio- und Videoanrufe via WebRTC zur VerfĂŒgung stehen.

Ausprobieren und verschlĂŒsselt kommunizieren! Nicht vergessen, vorgestern war Global Encryption Day.

Mehr dazu bei https://www.heise.de/news/Dezentral-anonym-verschluesselt-SimpleX-Messenger-jetzt-auch-fuers-Smartphone-6544488.html
Kategorie[21]: Unsere Themen in der Presse Short-Link dieser Seite: a-fsa.de/d/3Dr
Link zu dieser Seite: https://www.aktion-freiheitstattangst.org/de/articles/8942-20241023-simplex-neuer-verschluesselter-messenger.html
Link im Tor-Netzwerk: http://a6pdp5vmmw4zm5tifrc3qo2pyz7mvnk4zzimpesnckvzinubzmioddad.onion/de/articles/8942-20241023-simplex-neuer-verschluesselter-messenger.html
Tags: #SimpleX #sichereMessenger #OpenSource #Passworte #VerschlĂŒsselung #Bitmessage #Briar #Session #Signal #Wire #PGP #Zwangsdigitalisierung #Vortrag #Workshop #Datensicherheit #Überwachung #Verbraucherdatenschutz #Datensicherheit #Cyberwar #Hacking


24.08.2024 Digitale Selbstbestimmung wahren

"Meine Daten gehören mir"

"... und ich will selbst bestimmen, wer welche Daten von mir bekommt." Das haben wir schon in zahlreichen Artikeln gesagt und auch begrĂŒndet warum weder der Staat noch neugierige Unternehmen darauf Zugriff haben dĂŒrfen. Damit das auch passiert muss man allerdings etwas tun, z.B. mal die Seite "PrivatsphĂ€re schĂŒtzen - was tun?" lesen. und befolgen.

Die Möglichkeiten zur VerschlĂŒsselung unserer Kommunikation sind vielfĂ€ltig und Jede/r muss sich selbst ĂŒberlegen, welche Möglichkeit passt. Martin Schwarzbeck gibt auf Netzpolitik.org zahlreiche Tipps und ordnet ein, was fĂŒr wen und warum sinnvoll und sicher ist.

  • OpenPGP und Mail, z.B. mit Thunderbird geht wie von selbst, man muss dem Programm nur sagen, dass man es nutzen möchte.
  • Mail ist fĂŒr junge Menschen "veraltet" und sie wollen Messenger. Auch da gibt es viele, die automatisch Ende-zu-Ende verschlĂŒsselt sind, z.B. Briar, Signal, Session, ...

Einfach mal den Artikel lesen und ĂŒberlegen, was fĂŒr einen selbst das Geeignete wĂ€re. Oft hĂ€ngt das von der Bereitschaft der eigenen Kommunikationspartner ab. Aber wenn man selbst von der Sinnhaftigkeit des Tuns ĂŒberzeugt ist, dann klappt das auch.

Oft helfen bei der Entscheidungsfindung auch so krasse Erkenntnisse, wie

  • 90% der WhatsApp Nutzer wĂŒrden es nie benutzen, wenn sie die AGBs wirklich gelesen hĂ€tten, denn wer verkauft seine Seele und Daten freiwillig ohne etwas dafĂŒr zu bekommen?
  • WhatsApp lĂ€sst Sicherheitsbehörden auf Anfrage die Metadaten der Kommunikation mit einer bestimmten Nummer quasi in Echtzeit mitlesen.
  • Signal gibt zu jedem Account im schlimmsten Fall nur zwei Datenpunkte heraus.
  • Wenn man in einem Land wohnt, wo bestimmte sichere Messenger verboten sind, dann hilft das Projekt Delta Chat.
  • "Staatstrojaner sind die grĂ¶ĂŸte digitale Bedrohung, mit der die Pressefreiheit weltweit in den letzten Jahren konfrontiert wurde", sagen Reporter ohne Grenzen.

Mehr dazu bei https://netzpolitik.org/2024/digitale-selbstverteidigung-so-geht-sichere-kommunikation/
Kategorie[21]: Unsere Themen in der Presse Short-Link dieser Seite: a-fsa.de/d/3Co
Link zu dieser Seite: https://www.aktion-freiheitstattangst.org/de/articles/8881-20240824-digitale-selbstbestimmung-wahren.html
Link im Tor-Netzwerk: http://a6pdp5vmmw4zm5tifrc3qo2pyz7mvnk4zzimpesnckvzinubzmioddad.onion/de/articles/8881-20240824-digitale-selbstbestimmung-wahren.html
Tags: #VerschlĂŒsselung #Selbstschutz #Staatstrojaner #EU #Pegasus #Unschuldsvermutung #VerhaltensĂ€nderung #Lauschangriff #Überwachung #Vorratsdatenspeicherung #VideoĂŒberwachung #Verbraucherdatenschutz #Datenschutz #Datensicherheit #Transparenz #Informationsfreiheit #PrivatsphĂ€re #OpenPGP #Session #Briar


DAVID SYLVIAN Brilliant Trees the Berlin Sessions

David Sylvian has posted an incredible 40-minute film of the Brilliant Trees sessions on the samadhisound vimeo account.

David writes:

Brilliant Trees sessions . Berlin . 1983 . raw camera footage

This raw footage shot on, what’s now seen as a primitive camera but which was a top of the line consumer product at the time, a massive, unwieldily object, was documented by Yuka Fujii. I’ve put the material together in the order it was recorded to give a very general idea of the process of development. It’s been my practice to work closely with each individual musician since my earliest days with the band in an attempt to get the best results. I’ve always maintained the band prepared me for working with others, gave me the confidence to work with my peers, the ‘newcomers’ in the room all being older than myself (25). At this point in time Ryuichi’s english was very rudimentary (this was to change radically within the next ten years or so) so we had to communicate as economically as possible, or rather, 95% of the exchange was purely musical. Yuka and Peter Barakan would step in when greater explication was needed. Holger’s english remained consistent throughout the years i knew him. Again, subtleties could be lost so the dialogue was relatively basic. These sessions in Berlin were my first step in creating what would become ‘Brilliant trees’ and my initial move away from the structure of the band. It was one of the happiest recording experiences I can recall while signed with a major label. Because of the success of having everyone meet in Berlin, a city native to no one involved, it felt like an adventure. People arrived with a spirit of openness and receptivity. I went on to repeat this process with albums such as ‘Secrets of the Beehive’, ‘Rain Tree Crow’, and ‘The First Day’ among others.

I’ve left a lot of Jon’s conversation in as it’s of interest. In one section he’s explaining the nature of raga and how he came to it by working with renowned Indian singer/teacher Pandit Pran Nath. He was also intimating that, as ‘Brilliant Trees’ asked that he play in the western tradition, ‘steps’ as he describers it, he didn’t see how his performance could be incorporated into the title track. I persevered. He returned to his hotel room that evening to work on it and, overnight, came up with something so beautiful and complimentary to the piece, that moved away from raga (outside of the coda), and gave us one of the rare, if not unique recordings, of Jon playing in the western tradition.

Besides the limited nature of my vocabulary, the paired down nature of our exchanges for the reasons given above, my only regret is that I didn’t use Holger’s guitar solo on ‘Red Guitar’. At the time I felt it a little lightweight compared to the mix Steve Nye was prepping. I would now mix it quite differently pushing the drums way back (from the mid 70s through the 80s drums were often foregrounded, a trend I wasn’t fond of. I fought for a change of approach on ‘Beehive’ and that’s about the time when things began to resemble how I’d initially imagined the material. (There are always exceptions of course, ‘weathered wall’, ‘Before the Bullfight’ are just two examples). I loved Holger dearly and wish I’d imortalised his solo in some capacity. If it still exists on multitrack all is not lost.

I came away from Berlin with an incomplete album and preceded to write a few remaining pieces to complement the best of what I had. “The Ink in the Well’, ‘Nostalgia’ and ‘Backwaters’ were added, ‘Blue of Noon’, an alternate version of ‘Forbidden Colours’, and a new track composed with Ryuichi were, with the exception of the latter, to find a home elsewhere. ‘Blue of Noon’ was originally a vocal piece but I felt this version didn’t hold together and, in any case, was out of place in the context of the album. Virgin released a working rough mix of the track as the B-side of a single.

I hope the mutual respect and good humour of everyone involved comes across along with their seriousness and committed nature to the material. Rarely has this proved otherwise for me. In this respect I feel very fortunate. From this session I made lifelong friends, a trend that was to continue for many years to come.

david sylvian july 2021

in order of appearance: Ronny Drayton . David Sylvian . Ryuichi Sakamoto . Holger Czukay . Jon Hassell . Steve Nye. RIP Mick Karn, Japan, more than 5 guys, Japan and David Sylvian, IT was A way of Life đŸ™đŸ‡ŻđŸ‡”đŸ™đŸ™đŸ™

© david sylvian / yuka fujii

All CREDITS David Sylvian ©©©©©©©© ,
Thank you David for Sharing your journey with us all with this incredible personal video , , myself included, Millions would love to see a Tour one more time 🙏.Your past work with Steve Jensen,Richard Barbieri,Mick Karn ( RIP)Rob Dean ,( including Ryuichi Sakamito /Steve Nye, is a piece of history ,Japan still annoylingly known as "New Romantics", your reply was priceless, "You weren't Fancy Dress", You still are "A Way of Life", Rip Mick Karn

#DavidSylvian #Berlin #session #brilliant-trees #music