

Liftoff! is one of the first dedicated Lemmy apps

Quite a few Reddit app developers have committed to producing apps for Lemmy, and this seems to be one of the first ready for use. Mobile apps may well give Lemmy a better look-and-feel for many.

Only download for many is that it requires the build process to be run before using it. I’d hope they can at least publish the APK on the F-Droid store for Android.

See https://github.com/liftoff-app/liftoff
#Blog, #lemmy, #Liftoff, #opensource, #reddit, #technology


In another news, the headquarter and training camp oc the MKO of Iran in Albenia was raided by the police in an unusual and brutal way that led to the death of one of the senior members of the group and injury of many more with 7 in critical condition.

The head of MKO posted this tweet blaming the western governments trying to please Iran by attacking the "protected" camp of the organization, that was built under Obama in Albenia after he made an agreement with the group, Iraqi and Kurdish authorities to close the "Camp Ashraf 2" from Iraqi Kurdistan.

In the last 2 years of Camp Ashraf 2 in Iraq, the group came under constant attacks by Shia militia and other Iraqis who saw them as security risk and some people even blame the group for helping ISIS in the early days of their movements with weapons and money to attack Iran backed groups and interests.

The Albanian site has been a source of contraversy as many parents of young girls and boys kept in the "camp" claimed that their children were lured into the camp and have no rights to move freely of leave the organization once they joned.

Several members of the groups who managed to "flee" the camp mention systematic Pol Pot like indoctrination, total separation of female and male members, including those married and strong rules against sexual relationship and having children among mostly middle-aged but also some in their 20s and 30s.

The reports from #Albenia claims that they wenr in to "free some hostages" and put and end to ongoing cyber attacks and troll factories driven systematically by the group on social media where some members reported to have over 30 fake accounts on #Facebook, #Reddit, #Twitter and #Instagram.

The other sources say that it comes after mounting pressure from Iranian government on the Albenians to close the camp and deport the #MKO members from the country.

#CanpAshraf3 #Mujahedin #Rajavi #Iran #IRI ##Europe #Terrorism #CyberAttack #TrollFactory #IranianOpposition #Iranpolitics #Police #EU #Obama #Iraq #Kurdistan


Hallo an alle #neuhier und #althier,

da das #Fediverse immer noch am wachsen ist und es jetzt wohl gerade größere Wanderungsbewegungen weg von #Reddit zu #Lemmy und dem Fork #kbin gibt, hier mal ein aktualisiertes Übersichtsdiagramm um zu zeigen, dass das Fediverse nicht nur aus #Mastodon besteht.

Erst mal vielen Dank an @Mike Kuketz 🛡 und @Imke :FreiburgSocial: für das erstellen des Diagramms.

Dann gibt es natürlich auch noch ein paar Links zu Seiten auf denen man sich einen Überblick über das Fediverse verschaffen kann:

Edit: Wie ich gerade gelernt habe, ist kbin doch kein Fork von Lemmy, ähnliche Funktionen sind zwar da, ist aber eine unabhängige Entwicklung.
#Friendica #Pixelfed #Diaspora #Hubzilla #ActivityPub #DFRN #ZOT #OStatus


What Reddit Got Wrong | Electronic Frontier Foundation

Content moderation doesn’t work at scale. Any scheme which attempts it is bound to fail. For sites which need continuous user growth, that is a problem. So what can they do? Well, we know what doesn’t work:

Simply having minimal or no moderation results in a trash fire of bigotry and illegal content, quickly hemorrhaging any potential revenue and potentially landing a platform in legal trouble. 
Automating moderation inevitably blocks legitimate content that wasn’t targeted, and is gamed by bad actors who get around it.

Every approach comes to the same conclusion—a platform needs workers: Lots of them, around the clock. Sites are then stuck trying to minimize this labor cost somehow. The worst version of this is a system of poorly paid workers, typically outsourced, merely reviewing user reports and automated moderation decisions. These mods invisibly compare out-of-context posts to a set of ever-changing and arbitrary rules. It’s grueling work, where one only views the worst the internet has to offer while remaining totally alienated from the community.

Yep. This is the key thing!
#reddit #socialMedia #platforms



I'm glad to see the #reddit debacle right now. For once, it's inspiring to see such a large #community stand up to those who want to pursue monetization above community building.
On a more personal note, I was spending too much time on Reddit anyway. Mostly because I was active on a few niche communities. Still, between my accounts in #Diaspora, #Mastodon and #Kbin all is (going to be) easily replaced.
Good riddance I say. It was good while it lasted.


Kennt ihr #Friendica, Friendica ist ein Teil des #Fediverse, eine Kommunikation ist bspw. mit #Mastodon möglich, aber Friendica kann auch super Thread darstellen und ist damit auch eine super Alternative zu #Reddit.
Man kann einfach in Friendica einen Nutzer bzw. Account anlegen und diesen als Gruppe einstellen (das geht im Profil) und dann verteilt diese Gruppe alle Beiträge an alle Folgenden.

Probiert es mal aus, folgt einfach meiner uralten Testgruppe @Guten_Morgen und spielt ein bisschen rum. Wenn Mastodon irgendwann auch die native Adressierung von Gruppen mit einem Ausrufezeichen kann, dann könnt ihr auch ungelistet an die Gruppe schreiben und trotzdem alle Follower erreichen indem ihr !mrgn@social.yl.ms benutzt.

Das Fediverse ist super, es gibt hier so viel zu entdecken, Friendica ist seit Juli 2010 dabei und entwickelt sich stetig weiter.


Even Nostr has a Reddit type alternative called Nvote

Nvote is a decentralized, vote-driven community similar to services like Reddit and HackerNews. Nvote is powered by Nostr (yes Nostr is more than just posting short or long-form social media text posts).

Why should I want to use this instead of a centralized service like Reddit?

  • It’s lightweight. No ads, no JavaScript. No images except in posts. (inline images can be disabled in settings)
  • Full feature compatibility with privacy browsers like TorBrowser with JavaScript disabled.
  • Community-based spam prevention with no centralized moderators.
  • Publicly available activity data to help the community identify vote manipulation and astroturfing.
  • Anyone can host a Nostr relay and mirror the data.
  • Relays and clients can be run locally or be made public for other people to share.
  • Ability to disable spam filters or even modify the client with custom filters.
  • You don’t have to rely on a single relay for content. You can configure the client to use other relays as data providers.
  • Backend data is owned by nobody and can be digested by alternative clients without the need for special API permissions.

Yes, the service does need some love as it is mostly autoposting from Reddit by the looks of it, but there are a few users commenting I see.

See https://nvote.co/
#Blog, #alternativeto, #Nostr, #opensource, #reddit, #technology


If Lemmy is not your cup of tea as an alternative to Reddit, maybe try open-source federated Kbin instead

Yes, Reddit is going through its own API pains right now, and of course it is anyway a centralised social network much like Facebook and Twitter. So the discussion around alternatives has been coming up again.

Lemmy has been around for a while, its technology is good, and it federates via ActivityPub to the rest of the Fediverse. You can also host your own instance and set your own terms and conditions. Sounds ideal? Well, there has also been quite an under current of issues raised about Lemmy’s devs (something political I gather, but I had more of an ongoing issue with one or two users doing on-topic trolling, so I left).

Well there is now Kbin. It has “magazines” which are similar to subreddits, or you can just post to the main feed. Other users can vote up or down, and comment etc. It also federates via ActivityPub, and I love the fact it can be self-hosted using Docker.

Kbin is a decentralized content aggregator and microblogging platform running on the Fediverse network. It can communicate with many other ActivityPub services, including Mastodon, Lemmy, Pleroma, Peertube. The initiative aims to promote a free and open internet.

The project page is at https://kbin.pub/, and it looks like kbin.social is one of their main instances.
#Blog, #alternativeto, #Kbin, #opensource, #reddit, #technology


The Internet's Own Boy: The Story of Aaron Swartz
Subtitles : https://www.opensubtitles.org/en/search/sublanguageid-all/idmovie-178809
French subtitles : https://www.opensubtitles.org/en/subtitleserve/sub/7628763

"Information is #power". Programming prodigy and information activist Aaron Swartz achieved groundbreaking work in social justice and political organizing. His passion for open access ensnared him in a legal nightmare that ended with the taking of his own life at the age of 26.

"L' #information, c'est le #pouvoir". Aaron Swartz, prodige de la #programmation et militant de l'information, a accompli un travail révolutionnaire en matière de justice sociale et d'organisation #politique. Sa passion pour le #libre accès l'a entraîné dans un cauchemar juridique qui s'est terminé par son suicide à l'âge de 26 ans.

Autre lien :
l'Enfant d'Internet : l'histoire de Aaron Swartz (avec sous-titres français)

#AaronSwartz #Reddit #Internet #Numérique #Surveillance


Edward Snowden : On a website for people with a four-second attention span, that's a lot of folks who stopped to watch a four-minute video from forty

Watch it, it's well worth it.

This is what we have been saying for years, the whole massive power of #CIA and Pentagon are behind such operations and with social media, they have gone mainstream.

Everything US accused Russia about, they have been doing for years and still do, in a much much bigger and more widespread ways with the help of news agencies, publications, radio and TV plus of course #Facebook, #Twitter, #Reddit and other major social networks.
#Politics #Propaganda