

South African game developers won’t publish in their own country — Due to the frustration and cost involved with applying Film and Publications Board (FPB) age restrictions to their work

This is according to Pieter Koornhof and Nick Hall from Interactive Entertainment South Africa (IESA), who appeared before the Competition Commission as part of its Online Intermediation Platforms Market Inquiry earlier this week. Koornhof is the chief operating officer at 24-bit Games and Hall is the business development manager at Renderheads. Hall told the Competition Commission that the process of being FPB approved is incredibly frustrating for many developers.

With 99% of the market being outside of SA, and it being easier to publish, this is why they are publishing outside of SA. Once again, restrictive bureaucracy and costs constrain, rather than encourage, local innovation. Imagine Tesla having to try to flourish globally from within SA...

See South African game developers won’t publish in their own country — here’s why

#technology #southafrica #redtape #restrictions #gaming

Interactive Entertainment South Africa recently met with the Competition Commission to discuss the state of South Africa’s video game industry and the challenges it currently faces.

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Sweden will lift COVID-19 restrictions later this month

Sweden has been an outlier in aspects of its handling of the disease, shunning hard lockdowns throughout the pandemic and relying heavily on voluntary recommendations regarding issues such as social distancing and hygiene.

However, public gatherings such as concerts, sporting events and venues such as bars and restaurants have operated under tight crowd limits, curbs that are now set to be removed on Sept. 29, along with a recommendation to work from home.

#Sweden #COVID-19 #voluntary #restrictions #lockdown #crowd #limits #concert #sports



Israël ébranlé par le variant Delta

13/08/2021 https://www.letemps.ch/monde/israel-ebranle-variant-delta

L’Etat hébreu qui était convaincu d’en avoir fini avec la #pandémie grâce à un taux de #vaccination record doit réinstaurer des #restrictions et craint pour son #système #hospitalier

Doper les #hôpitaux, voilà le remède du premier ministre #Bennett qui mercredi, a annoncé une enveloppe de 2,5 milliards (712 millions de francs suisses) pour engager du personnel supplémentaire. «Où trouvera-t-on ces gens qualifiés?», s’interroge Nadav Davidovitch qui pointe un système en sous-effectif.

Où les trouver ? Eh bien je propose en #France, le #pays où on les maltraite tellement... Une petite prime alléchante de bienvenue, et hop, le peu de personnel qui nous reste va migrer....

Ces propos secouent un pays qui sort l’artillerie lourde en urgence. Troisième dose de vaccin pour le personnel soignant et les plus de 50 ans, réinstauration du #passeport vert, mise en place de centaines de stations de test rapide et même, obligation pour les bambins dès 3 ans de faire un test #PCR pour entrer dans certains lieux.

Et donc, la vaccination à #ARNm n'a pas prouvé sa capacité à bloquer la #propagation du #virus, donc on fait quoi ?
On vaccine encore plus. Logique.

#Israël #Variant #Delta #Hôpital