

All the planets in the #solar-system are undergoing #big #changes #now, due to the 12,000 year solar #cycle.

a science article lately mentioning that Nasa or some similar agency had noticed that #Saturn’s #rings had started to #heat the #planet itself, which scientist did not quite know or understand up to now.

´The #discovery: Saturn's vast ring system is heating the giant planet's upper atmosphere.´

https://science.nasa.gov/missions/hubble/hubble-finds-saturns-rings-heating-its-atmosphere/#:~:text=The discovery: Saturn's vast ring,the giant planet's upper atmosphere

  1. #Pushya #nakshatra enter image description here Cow vs Heifer - #Cow #Udders A cow’s udder is the #symbol of Pushya.

©Ratthaphong Ekariyasap/Shutterstock.com

Ruling Planet: #Saturn ( #Shani)

Associated Deity: #Bhraspati, a sage who gives counsel to the other gods

Associated Stars: #Asellus-Borealis, #Asellus-Australis, and #Theta-Cancri

Corresponding Position in the Western Zodiac: 27°06′ Cancer-10°26′ Leo

Quality or Modality: #Swift ( #Laghu)

Associated Element: #Water

Personality Traits: Peaceful, expansive, abundant, optimistic, balanced, helpful, ethical, sometimes suspicious or overly protective of material items





Your favorite #AstroHerbalism squad returns to the stage to deep dive into the granddaddy mother of all #plant #healers, the incredible #Elder #Tree. In this stream we will explore the #medicinal qualities of #elderberry and #elderflower, the folk lore and culture inspired by this Saturnian superflora, and the Capricornian signatures it expresses. Kyle Denton of Tippecanoe Herbs, Michelle Lundquist of the Healing Home, Mario Garza of Symbolic Studies and Slick Dissident reprise their roles for another round of this groundbreaking Vibe Rant series!


Nikki Haley/Date of birth
January 20, 1972


The #astrology of Nikki #Haley
Lynn Hayes

#Saturn rules the #Capricorn Sun, and is trine the Sun; an astrological “double whammy” that shows just how hard a worker she is. Saturn teaches the mastery of the material world, and here we have a chart that is driven towards that mastery. There is insecurity here as well, with Saturn retrograde at the 29th degree. Success is not guaranteed, and people with Saturn retrograde tend to be particularly hard on themselves if they are not producing something worthwhile. And her Mercury is also in Capricorn, the sign of someone who is a practical thinker and she started doing the bookkeeping for her mother’s business when she was 13.
Her Mars is in Aries so she already has that “badass” (her word) quality, and says she doesn’t wear heels for fashion but to “kick with a smile.”
Her Mars is opposed by Uranus, planet of rebellion, suggesting that she resists being controlled by others and will always seek her own way. Mercury forms a square aspect to both Mars and Uranus revealing a combative communication style (Mercury square Mars) and a tendency to think for herself (Mercury square Uranus).
The relationship between Ms. Haley’s chart and the Sibly chart of the U.S. is striking, with her Pluto sitting right on the Midheaven of the U.S. chart and her Capricorn Sun conjunct the U.S. Pluto. This Plutonic connection is incredibly potent and suggests that if she does reach the Presidency that her reign would lead to significant reorganization and change. Her South Node of the past conjoins the U.S. North Node of the future, often considered a karmic link with the suggestion that she, as the South Node link, could favorably impact the future (North Node) of the U.S."...



Cat Ivins

..."This is our first #NewMoon in #Capricorn with #Saturn in $Pisces since 1996. This is our last New Moon in Capricorn with #Pluto in Capricorn in our lifetime. Saturn and Pisces are not naturally compatible. Saturn is all about structure and limits and discipline and achievement and remember Saturn has been in the sign of his ancient rulership (Aquarius) and the sign of his rulership (Capricorn) for several years before this. We had gotten accustomed to being STRONG and to HAVING to be strong. Saturn in Pisces answering to #Neptune is not so strong and the good news for us is we don't have to be either! As Saturn in Pisces dissolves limits and rules and structures we have grown used to - this may not be comfortable. Time melts. Reality is an illusion. Reality is malleable. We might be less ambitious. Maybe with Saturn in Pisces we are building things that are not quite so 'real', not quite so lasting, but also maybe not quite so rigid.

2024 will be a year when we start the process of stopping trying to apply old solutions to problems that can't be solved through our ENGAGEMENT with the struggle. Cappy New Moons are not about fast action (although the trine to Uranus will create a smooth portal for fast change if its needed) so much as it is about allowing ourselves to PATIENTLY grow into a new situation. With Pluto changing signs on the 20th, we all need to be prepared for things to move more quickly and in a new direction.

Saturn, the ruler of this lunation, is well-aspected through sextiles with Mars and Jupiter. Although his placement in Pisces and Mercury's square to Neptune in Pisces plus Pluto at the very end of Cappy AGAIN will likely speak of some Capricorn exhaustion here. That's OK. Being tired of the same old thing makes that trine with Uranus - the something new - even more appealing!

Venus and Jupiter are in mutual reception. The benefics having access to their home signs through each other is a good sign at this New Moon. "...


Der Saturnmond Enceladus ist klein. Aber er hat seinen eigenen Ring, einen Ozean aus Wasser und vielleicht sogar Leben. Was wir über diesen faszinierenden Himmelskörper wissen, erfahrt ihr in der neuen Folge der Sternengeschichten: https://astrodicticum-simplex.at/?p=36775 Die "Sternengeschichten Live" kann man das erste Mal am 28. März 2024 in Herten sehen: https://schwarzkaue-herten.de/veranstaltung/sternengeschichten-die-live-premiere-in-unserem-spiralarm-der-galaxie/ 🎙️#Astronomie #Universum #Sternengeschichten #Astrodicticum #Sterne #Enceladus #Saturn #Saturnmond #WilliamHerschel #JohnHerschel #Enkeladus #Ring #Saturnring #E-Ring #Kryovulkanismus #Eisvulkanismus #Ruth-SophieTaubner #Astrobiologie #Methanothermococcusokinawensis #hydrothermaleQuelle #Archaeen #Cassini #Kultur
Sternengeschichten : Enceladus und außerirdische Mikroben


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The #Chaldean order and the seven metals:
#Saturn - #lead
#Jupiter - #tin
#Mars - #metal
#Sun - #gold
#Venus - #copper
#Mercury - mercury
#Moon - #silver

The #7 #metals Chaldean #Astrology Talisman
The power of this Talisman is the combination of metals. Every metal is connected and strengthen different qualities in the person, in accordance with its principle. The Chaldean order ties together, those qualities in a way that puts each quality in its right place in relation to the others, that way its power will express itself in its maximum and still maintain equilibrium with all the rest. This tying up and hierarchy creates an order that resonates with the order of those qualities and their manifestation in reality.


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This #photo of #Saturn was taken by NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope on October 22, 2023, when the ringed planet was approximately 850 million miles from Earth. Hubble’s ultra-sharp vision reveals a phenomenon called ring spokes.
Saturn’s spokes are transient features that rotate along with the rings. Their ghostly appearance only persists for two or three rotations around Saturn. During active periods, freshly-formed spokes continuously add to the pattern.
Levitated Dust Takes a Carousel Ride Around the Giant Ringworld

Though Saturn's unusual-looking "cup handle" features were first noted by Galileo in 1610, it would be another 45 years before they were described by Christiaan Huygens as a disk surrounding Saturn. Subsequently, ground-based telescopes could only distinguish four unique concentric rings, labeled A, B, C, and D. Not until the 1980s did NASA's two Voyager probes fly by Saturn to photograph thousands of concentric ringlets. An even bigger surprise to Voyager scientists were dark, radial spoke-like patterns in the ring plane that came and went as they revolved around Saturn.

Over the past three decades, the Hubble Space Telescope has picked up where the Voyagers have left off. Hubble's ultra-sharp vision is the next best thing to being there. Hubble follows the ring spoke "merry-go-round" every year. It's believed the dark spokes are dust particles electrostatically levitated above the ring plane. They seem to change in abundance with Saturn's seven-year-long seasons. And, this may be linked to changes in Saturn's magnetic field, as it is battered by the solar wind.

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This is an annotated version of the image above.
Hubble Space Telescope Watches 'Spoke Season' on Saturn

This photo of Saturn was taken by NASA's Hubble Space Telescope on October 22, 2023, when the ringed planet was approximately 850 million miles from Earth. Hubble's ultra-sharp vision reveals a phenomenon called ring spokes.

Saturn's spokes are transient features that rotate along with the rings. Their ghostly appearance only persists for two or three rotations around Saturn. During active periods, freshly-formed spokes continuously add to the pattern.

In 1981, NASA's Voyager 2 first photographed the ring spokes. NASA's Cassini orbiter also saw the spokes during its 13-year-long mission that ended in 2017.

Hubble continues observing Saturn annually as the spokes come and go. This cycle has been captured by Hubble's Outer Planets Atmospheres Legacy (OPAL) program that began nearly a decade ago to annually monitor weather changes on all four gas-giant outer planets.

Hubble's crisp images show that the frequency of spoke apparitions is seasonally driven, first appearing in OPAL data in 2021 but only on the morning (left) side of the rings. Long-term monitoring show that both the number and contrast of the spokes vary with Saturn's seasons. Saturn is tilted on its axis like Earth and has seasons lasting approximately seven years.
"We are heading towards Saturn equinox, when we'd expect maximum spoke activity, with higher frequency and darker spokes appearing over the next few years," said the OPAL program lead scientist, Amy Simon of NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland.
This year, these ephemeral structures appear on both sides of the planet simultaneously as they spin around the giant world. Although they look small compared with Saturn, their length and width can stretch longer than Earth's diameter!




The Longest Night: The #Astrology Of #Winter #Solstice

..."Since Samhain, we have been seeking out the seeds of the next cycle in the fertile dark. The spark of energy as the sun is reborn at the Solstice is the beginning of the return of outwardly focused activity. As the days begin to lengthen, we take our first tangible steps in manifesting our new vision.

#Saturn is the ruler of #Capricorn so carries special power at this time of year. We know him as Old Father Time, bringer of limits and structures. The goddesses of winter also carry this sometimes stark energy. The Crone goddesses remind us of the wisdom and power of maturity. For me, Saturn is the Old Bone Mother, who strips us back to bare bones. Capricorn energy forces us to examine our inner and outer structures. If they are not strong enough, or if they have become calcified, we tear them down, and break them apart. And so we learn our lesson, and so we build new and more flexible structures.
Capricorn energy builds slowly – taking our time is a powerful magic in itself. Pay attention to the bare bones of nature, noticing the shapes of the trees and the landscape. Seek out signs of the dying year in the seed heads and bare branches. Seek out also signs of the new cycle in the leaf buds on the trees. Allow yourself to sink deeply into the energies and sensations of your own body as well as the rest of nature.",,,


#Uttarabhadrapada #Nakshatra
#Characteristics male
Males born in Uttarabhadrapada Nakshatra are bare of any judgement or prejudice and will have relationships with people both from higher and lower status. They will not bother others with their problems and are likely to look for solutions on their own. They have a heart of gold and will make all kinds of sacrifices for those who they love and trust. Although, they can have an issue with anger management. They are believed to lose their temper with the slightest provocation but will just as easily and quickly lose their anger and will not hold any grudge for a long period of time. They are believed to be very intelligent and can be an excellent orator. They will overcome any obstacle to reach their goal. Also, they are mostly very sexual people and will always want to have a companion of the opposite sex with them.

Profession male
Even if males of this nakshatra don’t get to have the best qualification when it comes to education and academics, they will indulge in multiple extracurricular activities through which they will learn many practical skills. In terms of academic qualification, their interest will gravitate more towards fine arts. They are very ambitious people and will get the top position in any competitive scenario as they believe in self-education as the best form of education. These males will have to have to struggle a bit in terms of their careers before finally settling down after the age of 42.

Compatibility male
Male of this nakshatra might have to go through many hardships during his childhood, as he might have been neglected as a child and had to spend most of his early years away from home. Although he respects his father, but for some reason, he will not get the love or support that he deserves from his parents. But after marriage, all his hardships and struggles will pay off, and he will get a wife who will be beautiful, talented, humble, and very loving towards him. He will also have very loving and talented children.

Health male
Even if they do not take special care of their health, males born in this nakshatra maintain a healthy lifestyle and are very disciplined and active. Because of this, they do not have to worry about their health and live their life mostly illness free.

Characteristics female
Females of this a nakshatra are seen as the Lakshmi of the household, as they bring fortune and wealth wherever they go. Their personality is also like a goddess, humble and kind. They tend to have a lot of respect for their parents and elders. They are the ones who will have the best solutions to any family problems, and they excel at maintaining the harmony of the family. That is why females of this nakshatra turn out to be very good housewives. Anyone who has to associate with them will never find any inconvenience as these females can adapt to any situation and will never be the ones to complain. They are also brave and courageous and will fight for what they think is right and fair.

Profession female
Just like mentioned above, females of this nakshatra bring fortune wherever they go. Their career will flourish in whatever job they decide to do, which will make them wealthy. Another thing to notice about them is that they gel very easily with everyone. So along with getting praise from their seniors for their hard work, they will also be very popular among their colleagues. Yet, they might have to travel a lot because of their profession, which they do not like very much.

Compatibility female
Females of Uttara Bhadrapada nakshatra are ambitious people and whatever they do, they excel in it. And hence, they will make their parents and relatives extremely proud. Because of their hardworking nature, they will bring glory to their family. They will also never have to face financial problems after their marriage because of their good luck and their family will always prosper.

Health female
Females of this nakshatra will not have to face any major health problems. There might be some issues here and there, like joint pains or pain in the bones, menstrual cramps, or digestive issues.

Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra Dates 2022
January 8, 2022 February 4, 2022
March 4 & 31, 2022 April 27, 2022
May 24, 2022 June 21, 2022
July 18, 2022 August 14, 2022
September 11, 2022 October 8, 2022
November 5, 2022 December 2 & 29, 2022
Uttarabhadrapada Nakshatra Padas
Pada 1st: Dominated by the Sun and falling in Leo navamsa, the peole born in this pada are intelligent and share the knowledge gained from experience. These people have leadership energy and are very goal-oriented.
Pada 2nd: The second pada of this nakshatra is dominated by Mercury and falls in Virgo navamsa. The native born in this pada focus on higher things in life and is often curious about making big in life.
Pada 3rd: The third pada of this nakshatra is dominated by Venus and lies in Libra navamsa. The people born in this pada try to keep everything under control and in balance. Those of this category will get drawn more towards the objective.
Pada 4th: Dominated by Mars and falling in Scorpio navamsa, the focus of people born in this pada is to venture into the unknown. They will want to study the occult, through which they gain knowledge.

Features of Uttarabhadrapada Nakshatra
Symbol- twins, back legs of a cot, a snake in the water

Ruling planet- #Saturn

Gender- #Male

Gana- #Manusha

Guna- sattva/sattva/tamas

Presiding Deity- #AhirBhudyana

Animal- #Female #Cow

Indian Zodiac- 3°20′ – 16°40′ Meena




Cat Ivins

..."It is a good idea to check in with other people. See if they need anything we have to give. People are needing more than presents wrapped in big red bows this year.

In #Capricorn, the #Sun gets serious. We are heading into the serious time of year - the time our ancestors could starve if they hadn't stocked up properly or catch a cold that would turn into pneumonia. They would celebrate the #Winter #Solstice and go into hibernation for a few weeks (exhausted from the harvest, escaping the cold and, intuitively, the germs and bacteria, too, I'm sure), venturing back out sometime mid-Aquarius season for some social interaction and hoping to trade whatever they still had plenty of to restock whatever had grown scarce.

This is true for us today, too. Without structure, responsibility and discipline - mandated by Capricorn's ruling planet #Saturn - we'll be in trouble when the cold settles in and the stuff we need to survive is covered with two feet of snow and ice.

So Capricorn is a serious sign because it rules very serious things. Capricorn rules our collective 10th house of career, reputation, ambition, hard work, the pinnacle, fathers, patriarchal story-lines, safety, security, tradition, history, structure.

A chart drawn for the Cappy Ingress (like we do the New Moon and Full Moon charts for the lunar cycles) - Sun into Capricorn - Cappy being a cardinal sign that launches a new season, can tell us quite a bit about what to expect in the weeks ahead.

So, we've got this solar energy of sobriety and responsibility, and what else do we see? The time is 10:27PM EST. The Moon is in Taurus, the sign of her exaltation.

Venus moves into an opposition with Uranus retrograde. Even though this isn't totally unexpected with Uranus retrograde, this can provide a JOLT. Our Scorpio house, or a Scorpio issue - debt, taxes, intimacy, loans, intimacy, reproduction, secrets - can experience a FAST CHANGE. Financial and romantic shocks are possible. And remember, with this happening on the Capricorn Ingress, the energy of FAST CHANGE is pulled into the season ahead. Breakthroughs, breakdowns, breaks for freedom.

Mercury repeats his/her opportunistic sextile with Saturn. Plans, conversations, information are OPPORTUNISTIC. Stabilizing. Mature. This might connect to an idea or conversation or news from around December 2nd. Watch your language. Mean what you say. This is a confident aspect where we better know what we are talking about. Verbal and written commitments are sticky - although subject to changes because, again, Mercury is retrograde. Saturn is awash in Pisces this year and next year, so any chance for him to get back to himself in stable Capricorn is useful. Talk and think about your goals. Make plans.

Mars inconjuncts Uranus - this is Sag/Taurus. Big moves vs security and stability. The greener grasses over there being incompatible to what we want to hold onto over here. There isn't a winner here. The way through would be the Mercury/Saturn we just talked about.

This is alot to be happening at this solstice moment. Our ancestors celebrated the solstice for hundreds/thousands of years and this energy is in us even when we are not conscious of it. "...


#Anuradha #Nakshatra
#Characteristics male
The male born in the Anuradha Nakshatra dons attractive looks that, however, may not be liked by everyone. Their bright eyes are special luring characteristics of these natives. Nature wise, the native is confident and a hard worker. He has a special skill of handling difficult situations with ease and in a systematic way. Yet, his mind is always wandering in the fear of what would happen to him in the future. The double thoughts could not only stress him out but also debar him from enjoying his life to the fullest or even forging relationships with the opposite gender. These people could be a bit miser too, but the quality turns out to be a blessing for them.

Profession male
The male born in the Anuradha Nakshatra is advised to start his own business. You have a character that wants to lead, and thus leading from the top would not only be easy but also very satisfactory for you. There are also chances that you might start earning at a young age of 18-20 years. This will considerably enhance your experience, which will help you in setting up your own venture in the later years. The professional prospect till the age of 48 is very good for you. Thereafter, bad health might take your interest off from business, but its profitability won't decline.

Compatibility male
The male born in the Anuradha Nakshatra will be close to both his mother and father. He will derive monetary benefits from his father, who will help him in business too. However, if doing business together, there are chances of friction between the duo. The native is old school but may get tucked with a woman who is slightly tilted towards the modern side of the world. The match may not look compatible at first, but as you stay together, both of you will learn each other's ways and thus will be able to live a happy life together.

Health male
The male born in the Anuradha Nakshatra has the blessing of good health. However, minor health woes such as dental problems, cough and cold, and constipation may be by your side at regular intervals.

Characteristics female
The female born in the Anuradha Nakshatra looks innocent from the outside but has a cryptic personality that is witnessed by a limited few. This personality of hers is about her sexual nature, which she is shy to talk about but not to one who matches her vibe, aka, she finds compatible. The female born in Anuradha Nakshatra has a heart of gold and is very helpful towards others. She likes to live a simple life and is less influenced by what other women are doing. However, you not being 'womanly' is something that can concern your mother a lot. The female has a good friend circle, and she naturally shines well in the social and political fields. You will likely meet your special one after crossing the age of 23.

Profession female
The female born in the Anuradha Nakshatra has a good career if she indulges in fine arts. It is good that you work hard on your education, but an academic degree won't come to your use as you will likely choose or be interested in a completely different profession. Many professional exponents of the dance art form are known to be born in this Nakshatra and you can too follow the lead.

Compatibility female
The female born in the Anuradha Nakshatra is born with the tag of being an idol mother, who empowers her children to achieve glory. She herself is ambitious and always willing to achieve more and making the best of her time. Hence, the work-life compatibility between her and her husband is amazing. Also, she cares for her mother and is more attached to her father. Her devotion to her in-laws makes her even more desirable.

Health female
The female born in the Anuradha Nakshatra may have to deal with menstrual issues. Chances of irregular periods are also prevalent for these natives. Besides, after crossing the age of 26, problems of headache and nasal catarrh may also keep you awake at night. Countering these will need you to adopt an active lifestyle.

Anuradha Nakshatra Dates 2022
January 27, 2022 February 23, 2022
March 22, 2022 April 19, 2022
May 16, 2022 June 12, 2022
July 10, 2022 August 6, 2022
September 2 & 30, 2022 October 27, 2022
November 23, 2021 December 21, 2021
Anuradha Nakshatra Padas
Pada 1st: The first pada comes on Leo Navamsa. The natives born in this pada are intelligent and quick learners. They are very eager to learn and get professional qualifications.
Pada 2nd: The second pada comes on Virgo Navamsa. The native born in this pada is a constant learner. He is also very disciplined. These qualities help him in achieving success a lot quicker than others.
Pada 3rd: The third pada comes from the Libra Navamsa. The natives born in this quarter are social and may have a large friend circle. This can come as a boon to them as the bigger circle gets him desiring more from life.
Pada 4th: The fourth pada comes on the Scorpio Navamsa. The natives born in this pada have abundant energy to pursue all kinds of esoteric and exoteric goals in life.
Features of Anuradha Nakshatra
Symbol- Triumphal #archway, #lotus

Ruling planet- #Saturn

Gender- #Male

Gana- #Deva

Guna- tamas/sattva/tamas

Presiding Deity- #Mitra

Animal- #female #deer or #rabbit

Indian Zodiac- 3°20′ – 16°40′ Vrishchika



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An illustration shows the rings from the surface of the ice-rock centaur #Chiron.

A #bizarre #object that sometimes gets as close to the #Sun as #Saturn, and other times retreats as far out as #Uranus, has been discovered to have a transforming disk of dust around it that changes shape and can even mimic rings.

#Minor #planet 2060 Chiron is what's known as a #Centaur, which are captured cometary objects that travel around the sun on looping orbits between #Jupiter and #Neptune. Chiron is just 218 kilometers (135 miles) across and occasionally has outbursts like a comet. To date, however, no spacecraft has ever visited a Centaur.

In 2011, Chiron passed in front of a faint #star from our point of view here on #Earth. Such events are referred to as "stellar occultations," and based on how an object such as Chiron blocks a star's light, the occulting object's shape and size can be determined through deduction. During the 2011 occultation, it was noticed that the star's light dimmed slightly — twice before Chiron itself occulted the star, and two further times after Chiron had moved past the star. This observation was interpreted as Chiron having a double-ring system of dust.

Then, Chiron occulted another star on Nov. 28, 2018, in an event taken advantage of by Amanda Sickafoose, who is a senior scientist at the Planetary Science Institute in Tucson, Arizona. Because Chiron's shadow cast by the star is so small, it crossed only a narrow region of the Earth, clipping southern Africa. Sickafoose therefore led a team who used the 1.9-meter (6.2 feet) telescope at the South African Astronomical Observatory in Sutherland, South Africa, to observe the occultation.

Their results, published exactly five years later, tell a slightly different story to 2011.

"We detected dips in the starlight as it was blocked by Chiron's nucleus as well as by material located between 300 to 400 kilometers on either side," Sickafoose said in a statement.

Specifically, as Chiron moved over the star, Sickafoose's team observed dips in starlight produced by dusty material at radii of 352, 344 and 316 kilometers (approximately 219, 214 and 196 miles) from the center of Chiron. In other words, that was between about 100 to 130 kilometers (60 to 80 miles) above the Centaur's surface. After Chiron had moved away from the star, the scientists then witnessed two further dips at 357 and 364 kilometers (221 and 226 miles) from Chiron's center.

If Chiron had only two stable rings, one would expect just two pairs of symmetrical dips in light on either side of Chiron. The anomalous third dip on one side of the Centaur is evidence that the situation is not so clear-cut. Furthermore, the dips caused by the mystery material seemingly occurred tens of kilometers away from the locations of the rings as measured in 2011 (although they do fall within the margin of error of the 2011 observations). The magnitude of the dips in starlight caused by the material, however, is also different.

"The locations and amounts of material that were detected around Chiron are different enough from previous observations to suggest that there is not a stable ring system but rather surrounding material that is currently evolving," said Sickafoose.

Another stellar occultation by Chiron on Dec. 15, 2022, was observed at the Kottamia Astronomical Observatory in Egypt by a team led by Jose Luis Ortiz of the Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía in Spain. They found the material around Chiron had changed again, detecting three symmetrical structures on either side of Chiron. Two of the features are narrow and one is broad, and that together they seem to form a wide disk 580 kilometers (360 miles) across.

The origin and composition of this material around Chiron remains unknown, although the likelihood is that it comes from Chiron itself, perhaps blasted into space by cometary outbursts such as those witnessed in the summer of 2021 when Chiron brightened by 0.6 magnitudes. For context, a magnitude 0 object is 100 times brighter than a magnitude 5 object in this brightness system. Another Centaur, the 250-kilometer (160 miles) wide 10199 Chariklo, was also previously shown to have rings during a stellar occultation in 2013, and confirmed during another stellar occultation witnessed by the James Webb Space Telescope on Oct. 18, 2022. The JWST even detected water-ice on Chariklo. However, the findings at Chiron call into question the nature of the structures around Chariklo, too.

Occultations of faint stars by Chiron happen fairly regularly, and future observations now have a challenge on their hands to explain what is happening around the distant, apparently morphing, Centaur.


#Pushya #Nakshatra
#Characteristics male
Male natives born in Pushya Nakshatra are old school romantics with a hidden emotional character that debars them from making tough life decisions. These people find it tough to leave someone and thus are loyal lovers. These people also struggle at making tough changes in life. The emotional nature of these natives, however, also makes them kind-hearted. This native is always in the mood to please himself and hence, can be selfish about it. The Pushya male has a chosen few friends and doesn't pay much heed to people beyond that circle. Praise inflates his ego, while criticism deflates it. The soft nature of these individuals makes them malleable to falling into the wrong company. Hence, males born in Pushya Nakshatra must be very careful about who they forge bonds with, be it personal or professional.

Profession male
The male born in Pushya Nakshatra has a will to take up any job. These people want to show the world that they can do anything and everything and thus take on tasks whether or not they are capable of handling them. Yet, having too much work under their selves make them stressed and uninterested in other commitments in life. Also, as these males are emotional beings, even a little criticism about their work can make them sad. These natives, however, don't like to leave any task in between if they have once committed themselves to it. Aka, the male born in Pushya Nakshatra is born with strong willpower and overcomes difficult obstacles to reach his goals.

Compatibility male
The male born in Pushya Nakshatra is more inclined towards his family, or say, is dependent on them for a large part of his life. Even if you are earning well, still you will get help from your family whenever you need it. Often, the arrival of even the smallest problem in life activates the panic mode in males born in Pushya Nakshatra. Thereafter, they don't even think once before ghosting every relation in life until their problem is solved.

Health male
The male born in Pushya Nakshatra may have to face health problems right from birth till the age of 15. If you cross the age successfully, you will relatively live a disease-free life. However, try to not be lazy about things in life.

Characteristics female
The female born in Pushya Nakshatra may have a tough time finding peace for herself, owing to her busy schedule throughout her life. The female is too gentle, which is a quality of hers that people tend to use against her. As someone born in Pushya Nakshatra, you may have experienced instances when you gave someone all of yours and got nothing or even misery in return from them. Yet, despite the odds, the female born in Pushya Nakshatra believes in the plan of the lord and is a religious kind. She has an appetite for following family rituals and does everything from her whole heart. The sexual nature is one of your cherished qualities but make sure you don't use it for the wrong reasons.

Profession female
The female born in Pushya Nakshatra is a smart investor. This woman has the capability of handling her money well. You may get good returns by investing in land, buildings and estate. In the professional world too, the female born in Pushya Nakshatra rises to fame and important positions faster than anyone else. Many may quote your looks as the reason behind the quick promotions, but you may give the credit to the sharp mind and intellect thinking that you get from being born in Pushya Nakshatra.

Compatibility female
The female born in Pushya Nakshatra has less time for family matters and thus may struggle at forging good compatibility with her spouse. In fact, your spouse may even suspect you of cheating in some instances. Thus making space for work-life balance is one thing you must do immediately. The female born in this Nakshatra also struggles from the inability to express herself. Countering this can help you meet more compatible people.

Health female
Just like the male native, the female born in Pushya Nakshatra may also have to face health problems till the age of 20. Skin-related problems such as acne and pimples might leave you irritated. Medication, however, is not the cure for these problems, but time.

Dates for Pushya Nakshatra in 2022
January 18, 2022 February 14, 2022
March 13, 2022 April 10, 2022
May 7, 2022 June 3, 2022
July 1 & 28, 2022 August 24, 2022
September 20, 2022 October 18, 2022
November 14, 2022 December 11, 2022
Pushya Nakshatra Padas
Pada 1st: The first pada of the Pushya Nakshatra falls in the Leo Navamsa and is ruled by the Sun. The native born in this pada is ushered with achievement, wealth and ancestral pride faster than anyone else.
Pada 2nd: The second pada of the Pushya Nakshatra falls in the Virgo Navamsa and is ruled by Mercury. The native born in this pada may have to face health problems. Native born in this pada will have fair complexion and slim body.
Pada 3rd: The third pada of the Pushya Nakshatra falls in the Libra Navamsa and is ruled by Venus. The native born in this pada is more inclined towards home, comfort, luxuries and romance. This native tends to become a great life partner.
Pada 4th: The fourth pada of the Pushya Nakshatra falls in the Scorpio Navamsa and is ruled by Mars. Natives born in this Nakshatra may have setbacks in their early education due to health problems. Also, your irresponsible behaviour, if not changed, can let you down in life.
Features of Pushya Nakshatra
Symbol- Wheel

Ruling planet- #Saturn

Gender- #Male

Gana- #Deva

Guna- rajas/sattva/tamas

Presiding Deity- #Brihaspati

Animal- #Ram

Indian Zodiac- 3°20′ -16°40′ Karka
