

And now for the all-important story about a show cancelled bloody years ago.

One of the most annoying cancellations of all, IMHO. But it seems it wasn't exactly cancelled, but rather planned to move to one or more TV movies. Though I would say they must have felt some uncertainty about this because the writing quality noticeably declined in the second half of the final season, and the last episode is just plain bad and should not be watched.

The particularly annoying thing about this one... well there are two. First it was good solid light entertainment and never pretended to be anything else. I don't need to be put through an emotional wringer every time I turn on the TV, and light entertainment isn't a lesser genre. And they replaced it with the drivel of bleakness porn that was Stargate Universe, which was just aaauuurrrgh.

Second they had many potential avenues to finish off. One or preferably two seasons would have done nicely, and then they should have stopped. It's okay to just end this. The Stargate universe was potentially expandable but you need a clean break - after the end the Goauld, SG1 should have ended and any exploration in the same setting should have been a brand new show with a new crew.

There, rant over, world put to rights.




I say we just give everybody homes.

Pimpare highlights one line from the episodes as a key to this idea. In a scene where Dr Bashir reassures a social worker that the situation in the Sanctuary District is not her fault, she responds: "Everybody tells themselves that and nothing ever changes."

"That line is central to the message of the episodes," Pimpare says. "You can't just throw up your hands and say that the system is too big to influence. That's how we get to those kinds of circumstances. In our real world, there are lots of things we can do to tackle homelessness."

Michael and Denise Okuda have a similar perspective on the message of Past Tense, rooted in the original vision of Star Trek creator Gene Rodenberry. "Star Trek has always been political," says Denise. "From the very beginning, Rodenberry designed Star Trek to use allegory," Michael adds.





Title: The Chrysalids
Author: Wyndham, John

"Chapter 1

When I was quite small I would sometimes dream of a city--which was strange because it began before I even knew what a city was. But this city, clustered on the curve of a big blue bay, would come into my mind. I could see the streets, and the buildings that lined them, the waterfront, even boats in the harbour; yet, waking, I had never seen the sea, or a boat....

And the buildings were quite unlike any I knew. The traffic in the streets was strange, carts running with no horses to pull them; and sometimes there were things in the sky, shiny fish-shaped things that certainly were not birds.

Most often I would see this wonderful place by daylight, but occasionally it was by night when the lights lay like strings of glow-worms along the shore, and a few of them seemed to be sparks drifting on the water, or in the air.

It was a beautiful, fascinating place, and once, when I was still young enough to know no better, I asked my eldest sister, Mary, where this lovely city could be.

She shook her head, and told me that there was no such place--not now. But, perhaps, she suggested, I could somehow be dreaming about times long ago. Dreams were funny things, and there was no accounting for them; so it might be that what I was seeing was a bit of the world as it had been once upon a time--the wonderful world that the Old People had lived in; as it had been before God sent Tribulation.

But after that she went on to warn me very seriously not to mention it to anyone else; other people, as far as she knew, did not have such pictures in their heads, either sleeping or waking, so it would be unwise to mention them.

That was good advice, and luckily I had the sense to ..." #bookonline #projectgutenberg #wyndham #scifi #rebirth
