


Last month, Steven Ward delivered a letter to King Charles III and UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer stating they have violated the rule of law. By doing so they have #acted #unconstitutionally.

Using #MagnaCarta and the English Bill of Rights as the foundational documents for the rule of law in the UK’s constitutional arrangements, Ward explains to the two men why they have violated it. The violations centre around the covid so-called vaccines and allowing foreign influences to cause harm to British subjects.

In the case of Charles III, his violations of the rule of law also includes entering into arrangements with #foreign #governments and organisations, such as the World Economic Forum #wef to initiate and promote The #Great #Reset.

Ward has called for them to both “ #stand #down” as, constitutionally, they are #untrustworthy and #unfit to proceed with matters of the #State.

The uncodified constitution of the #UK is understood by few. And few will be familiar with the concepts raised by Ward in his letter. So, we have dived in and attempted to provide context and background that will help our readers understand Ward’s ‘Letter Upon #Constitutional #Principle’.

It’s a long one folks, so grab a cuppa and then settle in.

Charles III and Keir Starmer have violated the rule of law and must step down