

George Harrison, R.I.P., described this game of pain quite well.
These days it's mostly politics &/or ego; but the context then was The Beatles

"Sue Me, Sue You Blues"

You serve me
And I'll serve you
Swing your partners, all get screwed
Bring your lawyer
And I'll bring mine
Get together, and we could have a bad time
It's affidavit swearing time
Sign it on the dotted line
Hold your Bible in your hand
Now all that's left is to
Find yourself a new band
We're gonna play the sue me, sue
You blues
We're gonna play the sue me, sue
You blues
Hold the block on money flow
Move it into joint escrow
Court receiver, laughs, and thrills
But in the end we just pay those
Lawyers their bills
When you serve me
And I serve you
Swing your partners, all get screwed
Bring your lawyer
And I'll bring mine
Get together, and we could have
A bad time
We're gonna play the sue me, sue
You blues
I'm tired of playing the
Sue Me, Sue You Blues

#GeorgeHarrison #rocklegends #music #musica #musique #rockhistory #lawsuit #suing #Beatles

#StaySafe 💉 😷 🧠 #MakeAmericaSaneAgain


No surprise..... "It is what it is"

Former neo-Nazi: Tucker Carlson sounds like me


It is hard to cut the head off the snake, because we are fighting this war against extremism the same way we fought the war on drugs.... arresting and going after a lot of addicts, instead of going against the smugglers that are enabling the problem.

As GOP/Q use the Goebbels playbook of repeating the lies over & over until people on Fox, Gettr, OAN, etc. believe them. Cults.

#MakeAmericaSaneAgain #disinformation #propaganda #misinformation #fakenews #propaganda #StaySafe 💉 😷 🧠



See You In September

The irony of being in a safe (high vaccination/low infection) is that potential visitors need to travel - safely and without fear.

If people would just get it together, we can stop the #TrumpVirus and #DeathSantis variant spread within 2 weeks after everyone (or the vast majority) gets the vaccine and commits to a safe and sane society. This is true in much of the world, not only my island.

😷 💉 🧠

See you in #September ? #Music #musica #musique #oldies #TheHappenngs #60s #SeeYouInSeptember


100,000 more COVID deaths expected unless U.S. changes its ways

Key point: "100,000 more COVID-19 deaths" imminent, by December - UNLESS "nearly everyone wore a mask in public spaces".

To cut the #'s & end the spread, both human thinking & vaccine (not horse de-wormer!) are key.
This is real. Is it real enough yet, FL? TX? AL?

Sorry to be U.S.- centric. It's bad in many places. But the engine now is the #DeathSantis variant (Delta) in FL/USA.
Wherever you are... #StaySafe

#TrumpVirus is still running wild. Spread by the cult of alternative fact fans. Sponsored by GOP/Q & Fox variants.


Ron DeSantis boasts Florida has 'great success' at fighting COVID — as hospitalizations reach record levels

Florida is one of the worst epicenters of COVID-19. The state has hit record levels of hospitalizations, with funeral homes stacked to the ceiling with the bodies of victims, and is currently the only state where COVID deaths are higher now than they were last summer.

But to the #DeathSantis variant, a chip off the #Trumpvirus bloc(k), this is a 'great success', which all the U.S. should emulate.
As he kills off children and others at a rate "like nobody's ever seen before". A special place in Hell, no doubt, awaits De(In)Santis.



No idea how/why this popped up on my YouTube homepage. I don't remember ever seeing/hearing this before & it's not on any playlist.Well, this is from 2004, with 20-yr-old Amy Winehouse. Fun. Refreshing. And such a wonderful look at her talent and potential.

From the BBC - 2004 - Amy Winehouse - Jonathan Ross 2004 HQ

"I Heard Love Is Blind" + Interview by Jonathan Ross - 2004

Good Quality video: Amy giving a funny interview earlier her carreer and also performing an acoustic version of the song "I Heard Love Is Blind" live on Friday Night with Jonathan Ross on March 19th, 2004. - Source

#2004 #AmyWinehouse #music #musica #musique #StaySafe #MondayMusic :))