

'Where are the adults?': Mary Trump calls out GOP for letting her uncle continue to endanger the public

"It was quite disturbing but not surprising as is often the case with Donald," she replied before adding, "To see that he was willing to hold a rally not only in the middle of COVID, but a state being pummeled by the coronavirus, a state that, as far as I last checked, had no ICU beds left."

"It speaks to his bottomless need for attention, complete willingness to put other people at risk to feed his narcissistic needs," she continued. "These aren't just people going to a rally. they are being asked to put themselves and others at risk to attend. I don't believe there were any masks in the crowd. where are the adults who were saying, 'no, we cannot allow this to happen?' This happens in the Republican Party a lot. It started with the Tea Party; they pander to the most extreme elements among them thinking that they control them and then see they lose control because not only will they not get the vaccine even if he tells them to, they're booing him for it."



Two Flowers

I'm pretty sure these are not dos gardenias, but alas, I cannot name them.
I'm also sure they are quite common, but their name escapes me. ( I'm better with tropical plants. )

Anyone? Feel free to ID. I'd take a guess, but... These are everywhere in the Northeast, at least. Including here, Central Park, New York.

More flower images: http://www.fenichel.com/flowers
More New York: http://www.fenichel.com/NYNY.shtml
More nature (a pandemic journal): http://www.fenichel.com/nature

#myphotos #mywork #fenfotos #flowers #CentralPark #NYC #NewYork #photography #nature #staysafe



NYC Homecoming Concert

Holy Cannoli! What a lineup!
Anyone want to contribute $5000 for a ticket?
I'm within walking distance, would definitely take lots of photos just for you!

First huge-scale concert in Central Park since... the 70's. Schaefer Music Festival 1967-1976.
(Sample season in photo)

Here is the lineup! Holy Cannoli!

Jon Batiste
Andrea Bocelli
Kane Brown
Elvis Costello
Lucky Daye
Earth, Wind & Fire
Kenny “Babyface” Edmonds
Cynthia Erivo
Jimmy Fallon
Jennifer Hudson
Wyclef Jean
The Killers
Gayle King
Don Lemon
Barry Manilow
The New York Philharmonic
Polo G
Carlos Santana
Paul Simon
Patti Smith
Bruce Springsteen
Rob Thomas

Anyone want to contribute $4997.85* ??? I’ll take photos just for you!! :))

 * Google plus lawsuit claims just paid me $2.15, but I'm a bit short on ticket cash...

Meanwhile, though NYC is one of the "safest", most vaccinated places to be at the moment, this was meant to kick off a more carefree summer, after the citizenry spent the past few months masking and vaccinated. But... so far it's all mostly locals that I see in the parks and restaurants. We're waiting for more "homecoming" and visits from friends/family elsewhere. Still a time of caution and a bit of numbness/fatigue and ... "the waiting is the hardest part". #StaySafe

#music #musica #musique #NYC #NewYork #Homecoming #Concert #HomecomingConcert #CentralPark #musichistory


I found myself wondering, along with others, 'what happened with the Friday the 13th Q/Trump reinstallation?'....
So I asked. As did others. Noting that there's not been much coverage since. (Why is that?)

4th reference seems most relevant here:

Was Donald Trump Reinstated as President Today?

#Trumpvirus #delusional #conspiracy #StaySafe #MakeAmericaSaneAgain


"Ceci n’est pas un complot" de Bernard Crutzen

Docu belge sorti fin janvier 2021
Plusieurs liens sur #PeerTube : Sepia Search - Ceci n’est pas un complot de Bernard Crutzen


Un #documentaire sur la manière dont les #médias nous racontent le #Covid
"Comment les médias racontent le Covid". Un film de Bernard #Crutzen sur le traitement médiatique de la #crise par les médias belges francophones. Ce qu'ils disent, comment ils le disent, et ce qu'ils taisent. Avec une attention particulière à la notion de " #complot" Partagez largement, il faut faire bouger les lignes !

À noter que le lien original a été supprimé sur youtube et sur vimeo...
D'autres liens pour ce #film :


Quelques tags donnés dans l'ordre d'apparition dans le documentaire :
#Belgique #Francophone #StaySafe #Propagande #Endoctrinement #Masses #Guerre #Télévision #PCR #AFP #LeMonde #Média #BillGates #Gates #Conflit-d-Intérêt #McKinsey #Journaliste #Journalisme #OMS #Cas #Malade #Fake #FakeNews #Décès #Enfant #Thrombose #Stress #Santé #Hypnose #Peur #Inhibition #Action #Capitalisme #Business
Général :
#Politique #Censure #Manipulation #Démocratie #Oligarchie #Covid19 #Coronavirus #Covid-19 #Pandémie #Corruption #BernardCrutzen #CeciNestPasUnComplot

Peertube : "Ceci n’est pas un complot" de Bernard Crutzen


Human Nature

In my social scientist (and human being) hat… This article/report seems spot-on, at the heart of it.

The article is a New York Times report on how confused many are, some cautious, some unconvinced, some surprisingly comfortable in the cocoon of anonymity &/or safety with most people masked, at least in public. For many reasons.
This is absolutely a big deal, psychologically, for many people worldwide, at least among those who now see “the end of the tunnel” and are trying to be safe but not unnecessarily so. Working with trauma, I see it, feel it, watch it… A transition.I was in NY at the onset (months of lockdown and trauma) and now towards the end of the beginning, I finally traveled to see family in Florida, the cultural and psychological antithesis of my home town (in general).

I was busy with family, nature photography, and (first-time) fancy dining, but was ridiculed for wearing a mask (in a small convenience/gas stores, where a clerk told me “we’re Florida, we're ahead of everyone else & we’re not scared of politics”) while workers in most places - indoor/outdoor restaurants, food markets, CVS etc. drugs/sundry stores - they wore masks and Publix, Target, etc. had big signs that masks were required. I’d say maybe 1 of 10 people ignored it. Nobody enforced, a few complained.

Anyway, the CDC has now - 1 day after CNN’s Chris Cuomo excoriated the CDC head for being too cautious - issued new “guidance” saying "if you’re vaccinated, you do not need to be (overly) concerned with masks. As bombs fall in Israel, and as (allegedly) Russian hackers extort bitcoin payments from a major U.S. gas supplier, prices and hoarding rises, and television talking-heads and reports highlight the difficulty (&/or folly) of suddenly abandoning masks if one is vaccinated. As a circus proceeds in Arizona with the goal of taking us back to the good old days of Lord #Trumpvirus. And back to the “normal tourism” days of insurrection and denial of reality.

On the ride home from JFK (usually) International Airport, it was fascinating to me, observing people on a sunny Saturday afternoon just after the CDC “guidance” collided/colluded with the impending reality of summer va-ca, camp, and "normal life’… I saw a blend of behavior, some on benches reading and/or sunning, safely spaced, and about 50/50 with or without masks. (When I left New York, I’d not seen a face in months… almost 100% of people were compliant and adapted with outdoor dining, etc. So now "we" (being focused first on our own population but also keenly aware of the tragedies elsewhere and also knowing we ALL need to address a GLOBAl pandemic), Americans have "guidance’ that (more) normal life is OK again NOW - if vaccinated. Some see conspiracies &/or hoaxes, others trust science. Everybody is skeptical about the “news” and many distrust “experts” (which is sad, and dangerous).

And some have learned to like the anonymity of masks. Celebrities and victims of racism alike.
Many just want it all to end.
Meanwhile… in normal, daily news...

There’s a tiger loose in Houston still. The owner was arrested. But for murder… So sure, things are all back to normal now! Or soon?

Coming up once I decompress: Lots of nature photography including an amazing encounter with an alligator, where that viral-meme of a dinosaur-ish alligator strolling across a path was captured a few years ago and won the Internet. A scary thing: I was being followed by raccoons along this thin path, Garr fish & alligators in swamps on either side, and my path was cut off. The raccoons did a quick double-take, and I said my prayers and filmed.

It’s been a very interesting break from the past 1 1/2 years of lockdown, restriction, conscientiousness, and painful patience…

“Stay tuned”… back on the grid with Internet, it’s still a crazy world… but it may soon improve. Yin/yang. ☮️. #StaySafe

#COVID19 #psychology #sociology #behavior #naturephotography #culturalanthropology #perspective #currentevents


Hey everyone, I’m #newhere. I’m interested in #communication, #cyberpsychology, #photography, and #psychology. Thanks for the invite, @Tursiops!

Thanks, @Tursiops, for the invite and your active role in keeping things smooth.
I've been "Federated" since just before the demise of #googleplus /#gplus
So I guess I might tag #gplusrefugee . But I've settled into pora* via pluspora, and have many acquaintances now across pods/instancies/geography.

So this is my effort to stay both on and off the grid, should my existing pora* instance go down, as it sometimes does. I hope to "cross-connect" with others already in my aspects, and have another way to stay connected across the Fediverse. (I'm on Flickr for photography as well.)

Enough. Hi. Happy to be "here". #StaySafe (my preoccupation, here in NYC, since around March)


First Encounter

A few steps from my door but after 6-7 weeks the simplest taste of spring and nature was invigorating. My first close encounter - after marveling at things like grass, trees, clouds, and blue sky - was this ubiquitous critter. I think the look s/he gave me was something like, "Why are all these humans in my park wearing masks?"

No. 1 of a series to come. Just a short walk along the edge of the island, but with camera and fresh air.
Ahh. My hour of exercise and fresh air before return to confinement. More images to follow. I saw flowers too! And masks....

More images of NYC (in more densely-packed days) at: http://www.fenichel.com/NYNY.shtml
And something perfect for these times, a virtual New York visit @ http://www.fenichel.com/NYC

#NewYork #NYC #NYNY #myphoto #squirrel #socialdistancing #photography #nature #fenfotos #mywork #staysafe



Kaikille niille, jotka jäivät sotatantereelle, ovat jo poistuneet muuten keskuudestamme ja niille jotka vielä joukossamme elävät;
Teidän suurten uhrauksienne ansiosta me elämme nyt maassa, joka on vauras, vapaa ja itsenäinen ja siten kykenevä kohtaamaan tänä päivänä aivan uudenlaisen miehittäjän.
Osoittamalla samaa päättäväisyyttä, yhtenäisyyttä ja sisua kuin te aikananne, me tulemme lopulta kukistamaan tämänkin vihollisen - ja se on paljolti teidän ansiotanne.



To all those lost in the battleground, those who have already left us because of old age and poor health and those who still are among us;
It is because of your heavy sacrifice we now live in a country that is prospering, independent and free, allowing us to face a very different kind of an invader today.
Showing the same perseverance, commitment, unity and sisu we will eventually conquer this new enemy, too - because you laid the groundwork for us.


On this very day 75 years ago all acts of war on the Finnish soil were brought to a halt and the time of peace began. In our country, today is the National Veteran´s Day in honour of our wartime heroes.
Due to the current situation with #covid-19 all the festivities and gatherings for the occasion are cancelled.
For our tune for today, I´m happy to post a very special performance - commissioned by the Finnish Government for today - of the Finlandia Hymn by Jean Sibelius. The choral arrangement is by the composer himself and it is conducted here by director cantus Arto Joutsimäki.
A thousand singers from all across the country (plus seventy-five for the occasion) of Virtuaalikuoro ("The Virtual Choir") recorded their parts in home isolation.

Greetings from Finland from all of us at the Team Sintti HQ -
Stay strong, take care, stay safe and look after yourselves and your loved ones ❕

#TeamSintti #TuneForToday #musiikki #music #klassinen #classical #choral #choir #Virtuaalikuoro #Sibelius #Finlandia #hymn #Suomi #Finland #sotaveteraanit #warveterans #kiitos #thankyou #FinlandArise #together #takecare #staysafe #staystrong

Finlandia-hymni Suomen suurimman Virtuaalikuoron esittämänä veteraanipäivänä 27.4.2020.

This was the first day, one year ago, post Google+.
We survived that, as for many our world was changed...

Watching in slow-motion was the worst part. And for many whose lives were rooted in that world & community, it was a painful wait.
Today, we wait, some patiently, some with dread... As all we can do is wait & watch. AND.... #staysafe #stayhome #STFH Time heals.

The Waiting....

#watchfulwaiting #COVID19 #tompetty #waiting #besafe #bemindful #bekind #music #musica #musique