

#Huawei Isn't Out Of #Chip #Business, Building Its Own Wafer Fab

Source: https://www.androidheadlines.com/2021/06/huawei-isnt-out-of-chip-business-building-its-own-wafer-fab.html

Huawei will initially make optical #communication #chips and modules, as well as microcircuit designs, at the pant. But in the long run, the #company could also produce advanced #semiconductor chips including #smartphone SoCs at its new #HiSilicon #factory.

It was to be predicted that the Chinese would not be stopped by the U.S. #sanctions, but would rather accelerate their efforts to make themselves independent of U.S. #technologies. The #question that forces itself is: Is the U.S. #government simply acting stupidly or is it too arrogant?

#news #usa #china #trade #economy #supply #politics #technology #mobile #computer #future #knowhow #business #hardware


What is the best #alternative #currency in the #crisis?

First of all, forget Bitcoins or other cryptocurrencies, because we are talking about a crisis without electricity and internet. In many countries with currency crises, the dollar has established itself as the best alternative currency, as it is easy to obtain and can be easily divided into pieces. But what happens if the crisis occurs in the U.S. itself, then the dollar itself would be the problem.

First of all, what are bad exchanges:
- Jewelry, watches, gems - too valuable, attracts criminals, you get too little for their value
- Gold - too valuable
- ...

Good exchanges:
- Silver coins - can attract criminals
- Cigarettes or tobacco - addicts are always there, well fragmentable
- Canned food - long shelf life, high usefulness in the crisis
- High-proof alcohol - medical benefits, alcoholics are numerous in the crisis.
- Toilet paper - high usefulness, very popular in crises, well fragmentable
- ...

#crisis #future #finance #money #currency #guide #Preparation #supply #trade #exchange