

#QUASIMIDI #CARUSO | The Most Impressive #Soundscapes | #Digital #Synthesizer #Module 1993


(c) 2023 by #AnalogAudio1
All #sounds come from a single QM Caruso played live without additional effects and without any treatment - right from the stereo outputs. The general #sound has something magical to it imho. All sounds are #factory #presets, which I chosed as "the best" of this #instrument. Of course there are also a lot of #accordion and #organ sounds (the organs are not bad either, but not exactly my cup of tea). Some factory presets (mostly #pads) are surprisingly good and they don't hide the fact that the Caruso has limited D/A converters, which makes the sound "lo-fi" in general. It sounds quite nice - what do you think?

The Quasimidi Caruso is not very common outside #Germany, very cheap nowadays, it's a good choice if you like lofi digital #synth sounds from the early nineties! #synthétiseur
Fiche sur Synthetiseur.net


#Sauerkraut #Factory - This is where the True #Krauts live.

#myphoto, #Fritzlar, #Hengstenberg, #Nordhessen, #ViaAdrana, #AmWegesrand

In Fritzlar wird weltweit das meiste Sauerkraut hergestellt. Täglich werden 500.000 kg Kohl verarbeitet. Die Firma Hengstenberg, zweitgrößter Arbeitgeber (270 Mitarbeiter) nach der Bundeswehr in Fritzlar, stellt insbesondere Sauerkraut, Rotkraut, Gurken, Essig und feinsaure Gemüsespezialitäten her. Das Gebiet um Fritzlar ist eines der Hauptanbaugebiete für Weißkraut in Deutschland.

#Foto, #photo, #Radtour, #EderRadweg, #Chattengauradweg = #R21, #Radfernweg #R4 #Hessen, #fedibikes, @fedibikes_de group, @fedibikes group


#Groove #Synthesis 3rd #WAVE vs #PPG Wave 2.2 - #synthlegends


Short #Demo of 7 #factory and #custom PPG #sounds reprogrammed on the #GrooveSynthesis 3rd Wave together with my friend #TillKopper. Till is the frist owener in #Germany with a 3rd Wave and he lives only 20 km from my home. So we meet regulary to play synths. We tried out how the 3rd WAVE is capable to adopt the classic #sound of the #PPGwave. I have a 2.2 in my #studio and it was quiet interesting, hard at the same time to recreate some #classic PPG sounds on the 3rd wave. Our impression is, that they can sound very close. The PPG wave has some mistakes in the sound which made it #legendary, so over the whole #keyboard the sounds are different with aliasing in higher octaves an brizzelng in deep registrations. It is very hard to get this effect on the 3rd wave, but we think that the guys from Groove Synthessi did a great job to get the 3rd wave as a succeedor of the old PPG. The demo is without any FX or mastering. The sounds you can #download #free for the 3rd wave here: https://till-kopper.de/3rd_wave/3rd_Wave_PPG_Sounds.zip

#synth #synthesizer #synthétiseur #sounddesign


you were jabbed in the hell realms ?

This turns you into a #walking #virus #mutation and #production #factory,

a source of infection to #everyone around you and,

to the extent that the virus does direct damage to your body systems, and we know the #spike does, it also is likely to lead to very severe long-term problems that look like other conditions. Nobody is looking for spike damage specifically in, for example, heart attacks, strokes and pulmonary embolisms, never mind the possibility of potentiating cancer by suppressing immune response if that suppression and tolerance goes beyond #Covid, and it very well might. If that's not bad enough everyone that got jabbed has the same profile of response where the normal situation is that responses differ in different people because our body systems operate slightly differently (we're all genetically unique.)

Now who's most-likely to have had the most number of jabs and thus are walking around tolerating infections and giving them others? Health care workers! And who goes to the hospital or doctor? Compromised individuals who can least-withstand infections. Gee, that was smart, right?

What's worse is that we do not know if this is local to Covid or even just coronaviruses. It might not be. We may now have created a couple hundred million people in the US alone who have coded their immune systems to tolerate certain proteins that are common across all manner of respiratory viruses and worse, if its not local to viruses to be more-susceptible to cancer and other immune-sensitive problems with no way to reverse the effects!

If you recall I pointed out very early on in this thing that jabbing people with a non-sterilizing immune product, which these jabs all are, was wildly irresponsible because at minimum it would likely cause a decrease in symptoms and thus make it more likely rather than less that you'd go out and infect other people unknowingly. That was and remains correct however what nobody knew because we didn't look is that said non-sterilizing jabs had an even worse outcome in that they shift your immune response from elimination to tolerance so now, particularly after the third, you are likely to carry and not eliminate covid which makes you a literal Typhoid Mary, and if that's not enough we have no idea if this effect is local to Covid itself (which, in the world of Omicron isn't so awful as Omicron doesn't seem to be killing many people) but it may extend to influenza and even RSV, and is even more-likely to extend to the other two common beta coronaviruses OC43 and HKU1.

And finally, this may be permanent in those people who took the jabs. We don't know.

But what we do know, factually, is that when you get infected with Covid post Jab #3 your neutralizing antibody product is a statistical zero while your "tolerance" antibody production shoots the moon. This is exactly backward from what you want to happen and we are now left trying to figure out exactly how badly you screwed both yourself and others.



#Foxconn apologizes for #wage #dispute that sparked violent protests at Chinese #iPhone #factory

source: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/foxconn-apologizes-violent-protests-apple-iphone-factory-china/

Videos shared on social media earlier this week appeared to show one particularly large demonstration involving thousands of people in #Zhengzhou, wearing masks and facing rows of #police officers wearing protective suits and holding riot shields. Police kicked and hit a protester with clubs after the person grabbed hold of a metal pole that was being used to strike him. Witnesses also said that employees at the iPhone factory were beaten and detained amid the protests.

#China #protest #Apple #economy #HumanRights #labour #work #politics #news #violence


#Traveler: A #Korg #Retrospective - #AlexBall

In 1963 two young men stepped into a #factory next to the Keio railway line in #Shinjuku, #Japan. Their ambition was to make a new autorhythm machine, but over the next six decades their company would become one of the biggest players in #music #technology and would help define the #sound of music around the #world.

A huge thank you to all at Korg and to all the people who gave up their time and expertise to make this film #film happen. A full list of credits is at the end of the film.

0:00 INTRO
47:12 TENS
51:09 SO TO NOW

#synth #synthesizer #synthétiseur #musique #histoire


Automation Isn’t the Biggest #Threat to US #Factory #Jobs

source: https://www.wired.com/story/robots-automation-jobs-manufacturing-labor-germany-us/

#Manufacturing firms that hope to maintain global competitiveness will need workers with the requisite technical backgrounds who are willing to engage with new #technology, and hopefully stick around for long enough to knowledgeably contribute to factory improvements. As digital transformations across the economy automate repetitive tasks while requiring increased problem-solving, the need for better-trained and more engaged #workers is likely to be similar across other sectors. But to meet these demands of the future, we’ll need policies that help managers see their workers not as costs to be minimized and discarded, but as assets to be strengthened over time.

#work #labour #future #politics #society #economy #news #management #capitalism #profit #knowledge #automatisation