

Hackers exploited #Windows 0-day for 6 months after #Microsoft knew of it

Source: https://arstechnica.com/security/2024/03/hackers-exploited-windows-0-day-for-6-months-after-microsoft-knew-of-it/

Even after Microsoft patched the #vulnerability last month, the company made no mention that the North Korean threat group #Lazarus had been using the vulnerability since at least August to install a stealthy #rootkit on vulnerable computers. The vulnerability provided an easy and stealthy means for #malware that had already gained administrative system rights to interact with the Windows #kernel. Lazarus used the vulnerability for just that. Even so, Microsoft has long said that such admin-to-kernel elevations don’t represent the crossing of a security boundary, a possible explanation for the time Microsoft took to fix the vulnerability.

#software #news #security #cybercrime #bug #exploit #0day #fail #economy #problem #politics #hack #Hackers #trust #risk


Eurasia Group's top risks for 2024. "Ungoverned AI" is #4. #1 is "The United States vs itself". So we, and our upcoming election, expected to continue the trend of every election being crazier than the previous, is the planet's greatest risk.

On the flip side, they dismiss "US-China crisis" as a "red herring". Whew, I guess we can relax and not worry about that. Also "Populist takeover of European politics" and "BRICS vs G7".

"Risk 1: The United States vs itself: The 2024 election will test American democracy to a degree the nation hasn't experienced in 150 years."

"Risk 2: Middle East on the brink: The region is a tinderbox, and the number of players carrying matches makes the risk of escalation exceptionally high."

"Risk 3: Partitioned Ukraine: Ukraine will be de facto partitioned this year, an unacceptable outcome for Ukraine and the West that will nevertheless become reality."

"Risk 4: Ungoverned AI: Breakthroughs in artificial intelligence will move much faster than governance efforts."

"Risk 5: Axis of rogues: Deeper alignment and mutual support between Russia, Iran, and North Korea will pose a growing threat to global stability."

"Risk 6: No China recovery: Any green shoots in the Chinese economy will only raise false hopes of a recovery as economic constraints and political dynamics prevent a durable growth rebound."

"Risk 7: The fight for critical minerals: The scramble for critical minerals will heat up as importers and exporters intensify their use of industrial policies and trade restrictions."

"Risk 8: No room for error: The global inflation shock that began in 2021 will continue to exert a powerful economic and political drag in 2024."

"Risk 9: El Nino is back: A powerful El Nino climate pattern will bring extreme weather events that cause food insecurity, increase water stress, disrupt logistics, spread disease, and fuel migration and political instability."

"Risk 10: Risky business: Companies caught in the crossfire of US culture wars will see their decision-making autonomy limited and their cost of doing business rise."

"Red herrings: US-China crisis. Populist takeover of European politics. BRICS vs G7."

"Addendums: These addendums for Brazil, Canada, Europe, and Japan further illustrate how global risks play out in different parts of the world, with specific implications for governments and businesses."

Eurasia Group | The Top Risks of 2024

#futurology #risk #geopolitics


#EU: Commission opens formal proceedings against #X under the #DigitalServicesAct

source: https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/IP_23_6709

The compliance with the #DSA obligations related to countering the dissemination of illegal content in the EU, notably in relation to the #risk assessment and mitigation measures adopted by X to counter the dissemination of illegal content in the EU, as well as the functioning of the notice and action mechanism for illegal content in the EU mandated by the DSA, including in light of X's content moderation resources.

#Twitter #Europe #Internet #online #ElonMusk #Musk #problem #news


CVE-2020-19909 is everything that is wrong with CVEs

source: https://daniel.haxx.se/blog/2023/08/26/cve-2020-19909-is-everything-that-is-wrong-with-cves/

This is a story consisting of several little building blocks and they occurred spread out in time and in different places. It is a story that shows with clarity how our current #system with #CVE Ids and lots of power given to #NVD is a completely broken system.

#software #security #problem #bug #risk #news #fail


The 23 word warning in a statement from AI experts.

Mitigating the #risk of #extinction from #AI should be a global priority alongside other societal-scale risks such as pandemics and nuclear war

Global leaders and industry experts – such as the leaders of OpenAI – have made calls for regulation of the #technology owing to existential fears it could significantly affect job markets, harm the health of millions and weaponise disinformation, discrimination and impersonation.



…for context, in the same timeframe, Americans died of the following non-gun-related causes:

318,792 of heart disease
277,389 of cancer
103,095 of unintentional injuries
74,657 of stroke
65,240 of lower respiratory disease
54,724 of Alzheimer's
47,343 of diabetes

14,700 deaths from mass shootings in 138 days is 106 deaths per day on average in a nation of 335,000,000 people.

This means that each day, each American has an average 1 in 3,144,898 chance of being a victim of a mass shooting; a probability of 0.0000318%.

#massshooting #guncrime #gundeaths #death #assaultweapons #assaultweaponban #automaticweapons #secondamendment #usconstitution #statistics #wion #probability #risk #governmentpower #history #tyranny #usa #uk #india



In the face of stubborn inflation, officials are expected to raise the central bank’s benchmark interest rate — the federal funds rate — to a new range of 3.0% to 3.25% from a current range of 2.25 to 2.50%. This would mark the third-straight 75-basis-point rate hike since June, bringing rates to their highest level since 2008.

“We do see a #risk of #recession, especially if the #Fed continues to get aggressive,” Luke Tilley, chief economist for Wilmington Trust, wrote in a note to clients. “They could overdo it and overcorrect. And that poses a risk to the outlook and could send us into recession.”
