

Feluy : TotalEnergies rejette des PFAS, des scientifiques pointent un risque possible pour la santé


#feluy #totalenergies #total #pfas #santé #contamination #bruxelles #wallonie #prélèvements #eaux #sols #œufs #prises-de-sang #environnement #eau #téflon #vêtements #emballages #cancers #système-hormonal #système-immunitaire #pathologies #parc-industriel #totalenergies-petrochemicals #usine #europe #le-monde #forever-pollution-project #analyse #polymères #prélèvement #hotspot #eau-potable #directive-européenne #pfoa #pfos #pfhxs #pfna #nature #3m #zwijndrecht #flandre #restriction #interdiction #agriculteur #cultures #vaches #pêcheurs #poissons #polluants #chaîne-alimentaire #bovins #êtres-vivants #médecine #rivière #mer-du-nord #belgique #communication #pvdf-hfp #aliments #toxique #polymère #traitement-des-eaux #sels-minéraux #dépôt-pétrolier #merlon #responsabilité-environnementale #pollution #commission-européenne #denrées-alimentaires #marché-européen #règlement-européen #chemviron #kuraray #charbon-actif #ruisseau #air #gaz #charbon #économie-circulaire #pfhxa #anvers #pfbs #cimenterie #obourg #analyses-de-sang #test-sanguin #toxicologie #antiadhésif #vêtements-de-pluie #emballage-alimentaire #polluants-éternels #surcontamination #population #bébé #grossesse #tristesse #révolte


Dutch #government to hold #3M liable for 'forever #chemicals' #damage

source: https://www.reuters.com/business/environment/dutch-government-hold-3m-liable-forever-chemicals-damage-2023-05-23/

Higher than acceptable pollutant levels have resulted in financial damages for the fishing fleet and the government, the Netherlands said.

"I think polluters should pay (...). Holding 3M liable is in line with that basic position," Dutch Infrastructure and Water Management Minister Mark Harbers said in a statement.

#poison #PFAS #pollution #economy #news #justice #company #environment #nature #politics


#Shutdown of #3M plant may affect #semiconductor sector: analysts

source: https://focustaiwan.tw/business/202204030010

The indefinite closure of 3M's semiconductor coolant plant in #Belgium could have a major impact on the global semiconductor industry, which Taiwan has a leading role in, market analysts said Sunday.

The 3M #plant in #Zwijndrecht was closed on March 8 due to tightened Flemish environmental regulations, according to a report in Korean magazine Business Korea on April 1.

#environment #pollution #economy #trade #news #problem #Europe #EU #technology