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via CHD.tv: #JamesCorbett + Meryl Nass, M.D. break down the COVID-19 Crisis from Homeland Security to Biosecurity, citing similarities to the US government’s #911 response, #H1N1 crisis + other disastrous parallels. Will the #government lead us down an endless emergency crisis, pulling the ‘emergency’ stop switch, whenever they please? Was the #COVID #security #infrastructure set up to be #permanent? Are the same players involved in the coming #Climate Crisis following the #Eugenics playbook? Tune in to find out.

Show Notes:
Good Morning CHD show
#Corbett #Report: Dr. Meryl Nass Exposes the Anthrax Cover Up
UK scientists admit to using ‘ethically questionable’ fear tactics in COVID response
COVID-911 from Homeland Security to Biosecurity
A State of Fear by Laura Dodsworth
Medical Martial Law
CSPAN — Milken Institute Universal Flu Vaccine 2019
#How Can A Global #Conspiracy Work? - Questions For Corbett #074
The Open Conspiracy by H. G. Wells
The Next Million Years by Charles Galton Darwin
The Impact of Science on Society by Bertrand Russell
Superclass: The Global Power Elite and the World They Are Making by David Rothkopf
Meet Maurice Strong: Globalist, Oiligarch, “Environmentalist”
How & Why Big Oil Conquered the World — Documentary
Are There Limits to Growth? - Questions For Corbett 077
James Corbett Separates Climate Fact From Fiction
Meryl Nass’ Substack

James Corbett | The Biosecurity State | Nov. 7, 2022



We continue the discussion of #LaurentGuyenot’s latest article, The #911 Double-Cross Theory: #Pentagon Inside Job – World Trade Center Israeli Job, with emphasis on how the planes and the hijackers support the analysis of the 9/11 attacks as two separate, but related events, with two different signatures, two different plans for September 11th, and two different responses to it.

Laurent Guyenot’s new film, 9/11 and Israel’s Great Game, will premiere online on Sunday, October 9th, beginning at 9:00AM Pacific Time, followed by a panel discussion and questions from the online audience. Here are the details: http://noliesradio.org/archives/190669

Aired: October 7, 2022 See less
Laurent Guyenot | 9/11: The #Planes and the Hijackers | Guns & Butter | Oct. 7, 2022


#LaurentGuyenot | #911: A #Double #FalseFlag? | Guns & Butter | Sept. 23, 2022

Source: https://youtube.com/watch?v=hUXUzZcJkvw

We discuss #Laurent #Guyenot’s new #article, The 9/11 #Double-Cross #Theory: Pentagon Inside Job – World Trade Center Israeli Job, that analyzes the September 11th attacks as two separate, but related events, with two different signatures, two different plans for the 9/11 event, and two different responses to it.

Aired: September 23, 2022

Source: gunsandbutter.org, Laurent Guyenot



On Sunday, September 11, 2022, James #Corbett appeared at the 2022 9/11 Truth Film Festival (in support of the Lawyers' Committee for 9/11 Inquiry and their upcoming film, 9/11: Crime Scene to Courtroom) to talk about Part 3 of False Flags: The #Secret #History of Al Qaeda. He discusses the film with Richard and Gail #Gage of RichardGage911.org and answers questions about the research that went into it.


#JamesCorbett at the 9/11# Truth #Film Festival


#Faith and Vengeance: the Islamic State's War in Afghanistan

source: https://newlinesmag.com/reportage/faith-and-vengeance-the-islamic-states-war-in-afghanistan/

Had life worked out slightly differently, then, #Khorasani might have turned into exactly the kind of #Muslim that #America professed to want at the forefront of its quest to remake post-9/11 #Afghanistan in its own democratic, progressive image: intelligent and hardworking; devout but not extreme; a partner of the #West. No one is quite sure why, or when, he chose a different #future for himself, but in 2015, Khorasani gave an inflammatory speech against the Afghan government to students at his local mosque. Soon afterward he left home to join the #IslamicState of #Khorasan Province (ISKP).

#IS #Terror #WAR #military #politics #problem #history #911 #WTC #Religion


The U.S. has killed top al-Qaida leader and key 9/11 plotter, Ayman al-Zawahiri

Top al-Qaida leader and key 9/11 plotter Ayman al-Zawahiri was killed by a drone strike carried out by the U.S. on July 30, according to President Joe Biden.

"For decades he was the mastermind behind attacks against Americans," Biden said on Aug. 1, also noting the 2000 USS Cole attack and the 1998 bombings of the U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania.

Biden detailed al-Zawahiri's role leading al-Qaida since Osama bin Laden was killed by U.S. forces in 2011, including calling on followers in recent weeks to attack the U.S. and allies in videos.

"We make it clear again tonight that, that no matter how long it takes, no matter where you hide, if you are a threat to our people, the United States will find you and take you out," Biden said.

Biden said that no one else was hurt in the strike, including al-Zawahiri's family, who were elsewhere in a safehouse, and there were no civilian casualties. ...


#AymanAlZawahiri #AlQaeda #AlQaida #911 #Afghanistan #WarOnTerrorism #DroneStrikes