

...from the globalist perspective, J6 was worse than 9/11 as 9/11 was instrumental in ushering in the Constitution-violating surveillance state required to undermine American sovereignty in pursuit of political globalism.

J6 was an ostensibly non-violent expression of profound dissatisfaction with the Federal political establishment & J6 helped highlight how much Americans have been disenfranchised by globalists who have usurped American organs of state.

#uspolitics #globalism #january6th #j6 #j6footage #foxnews #tucker #tuckercarlson #nineeleven #911 #dc #washingtondc #federalgovernment #government #disenfranchisement #usurpation #globalists #globalagenda #elites #elitism #youtube #markdice



The #globalists have realised their #plan to bring the entire #planet under one #government right away is too #ambitious, so they have now fallen back to their secondary position of #global #regionalisation.

Ostensibly, the idea is to create #supranational regional #governance structures in #Asia, the #Americas, #Europe, the Middle-East, #Oceania and #Africa.

Each region will move progressively towards #regional #regulatory #alignment of the #nations within it, culminating in regional, supranational #governments.

After this is achieved, these regional governments will then be gradually brought into alignment under a global #supraregional government.

#middleeast #USA #uk #america #eu #globalism #globalagenda #theelite #globalelites #newworldorder #elites #nwo #un