

The Other Victims of 9/11

source: https://revealnews.org/the-other-victims-of-september-11/

Published on the 20th #anniversary of 9/11, this is a series of reported essays describing how the attacks that day and the “war on terror” that followed changed the lives of people outside the United States. Nearly 1 million people have died in #Afghanistan, #Iraq, #Pakistan, #Syria and #Yemen as a result of these post-9/11 wars, according to the Costs of #War project at Brown University. The wars have displaced 38 million people from these countries, as well as #Libya, the #Philippines and #Somalia.

#terror #terrorism #politics #usa #world #problem #911 #victim #collateralDamage #drone #military #pentagon #dod #defence #peace #news #warONterror


I'm going to share something I couldn't for many, many years.... some of the poems/odes written by children who watched the planes hit, from their schoolyard. The cries of anguish and appeals to G-d, thanks to first responders, hopes for a better future...

It's Not OK

Well, I still won't re-read or look long at this, as today I find myself familiarly numb, feeling only a dull recognition and some tears in my eyes for no "apparent" reason. I guess just the date and coverage is just one big trigger.... Don't look if it's a painful trigger.

Children's Reactions to the World Trade Center Disaster - September 11, 2001

#StaySafe. #TakeCare #LoveAndMercy #911 #Sept11 #NeverForget #September11 #11September #WTC #NewYork


"Love and Mercy, that's what you need tonight..."

The song which soothed & led me towards the light after days-weeks-months of trauma and sadness and helplessness following 9/11. Goosebumps listening to this in the years since. From the gods.... And that sensitive soul of Brian Wilson. How many times I listened to this in a state of despair in the wake of the incomprehensible. Yes, love & mercy are key to survival & healing.

Love and Mercy

#BrianWilson #LoveAndMercy #music #musica #musique #love #mercy #remember #911


Yes, well, 9/11, 20 years on.
I was in lower Manhattan that day.

I lost friends. I was traumatized like everyone, and tried to help as I could, not easy with a mostly-shut-down brain and surrounded by chaos, confusion and tragedy.

I thought I'd avoided over-dosing on all the news of events, speeches, memorials, etc. Twenty years. And at the stroke of 9/11/21 I received this, from the sister of a friend killed that day.

For the historical (and emotional) record -
From the sister of my friend, Steve Jacobson, a hero many times over, who perished at the top of the WTC, 9/11/01 -


Hope everyone is doing well.

It doesn't seem like 20 years has gone by since the 9/11 attacks on our country but it has. To me, it seems like yesterday. We all remember where we were when it happened and couldn't believe what we were seeing on tv.

My heart sinks every time I hear about our brave servicemen being severely injured or dying, many of whom signed up right after the attack. Now each time I hear that any first responder is afflicted with some health issue related to the attacks or has died from a 9/11 related cancer, etc., I cry. You see, 9/11 doesn't go away.

Never forget.

#911 #Sept1 #September11 #WTC #WorldTradeCenter #NeverForget #NYC #NewYork #history


Nein zum Verschwörungsideologen und Nazisympathisanten Daniele Ganser

Bildbeschreibung hier eingeben

Das Bündnis gegen Antisemitismus Kiel weist darauf hin, dass sich am 17.08.2021 um 20 Uhr im Kieler Schloss vermutlich ein Clientel von Rechtsextremen und Anhängern von Verschwörungsideologien einfinden wird. Dies soll nicht ohne Widerspruch stattfinden.
- Ganser bezeichnet Terroranschläge, wie 9/11 oder den Bombenanschlag auf das Satiremagazin Charlie Hebdo, als false-flag Operationen US-Amerikanischer Geheimdienste.
- Ganser verharmlost die Corona-Pandemie und solidarisiert sich beispielsweise mit der Anti-Corona Demo vom 29.08.2020 in Berlin.
- Seine Verschwörungsideologien bedienen oft das rechtsextreme Clientel, beispielsweise auch direkt mit einem Auftritt auf einer Veranstaltung des neurechten Kopp-Verlags.

komplette Stellungnahme unter https://bgakiel.wordpress.com/2021/08/12/nein-zum-verschworungsideologen-und-nazisympathisanten-daniele-ganser/

#Antisemitismus #Kiel #CIA #USA #NATO #911 #Ganser #Compact #CharlieHebdo #Antiamerikanismus #Verschwörungsideologie #Wehrsportgruppe #Veranstaltung #Vortrag #Kundgebung #Demo