


Donald Trump has slammed the demonstrations, noting “To every college president, I say remove the encampments immediately,” and urging them to “Vanquish the radicals and take back our campuses for all of the normal students who want a safe place from which to learn.”

Trump calls out college presidents amid nationwide campus protests:

(While knowing that there is no alternative), the more I hear stuff like this from Trump, together with his over-the-top #Zionism, the less that I like him.

Soon, those same Radicals will be kids protesting being sent to war in Ukraine.

Or resisting the next experimental vax.

He is just another #Mike #Johnson, but with a way bigger mouth.


Oh, this is good.

if you're a western leftist, especially an activist, you're likely used to a very narrow concept of what #Zionism means. This post gives a good glimpse of the many different things a #Jew might mean if they say they are #Zionist, not Zionist, or #AntiZionist. Some I agree with, some I don't, some make me want to have a good #Jewish argument.


#Israel #Palestine


‘A new abyss’: Gaza and the hundred years’ war on Palestine

The Guardian

While much has changed since 7 October, the horrific events of the past six months are not unique, and do not stand outside history. (...)

This is the thesis of my book The Hundred Years’ War on Palestine: that events in Palestine since 1917 resulted from a multi-stage war waged on the indigenous Palestinian population by great power patrons of the Zionist movement – a movement that was both settler colonialist and nationalist, and which aimed to replace the Palestinian people in their ancestral homeland. These powers later allied with the Israeli nation-state that grew out of that movement. Throughout this long war, the Palestinians have fiercely resisted the usurpation of their country. (...)

Complete article

Photo of destruction in Gaza)
Palestinians returning to the ruins of Khan Younis, Gaza, on 7 April 2024. Photograph: Anadolu/Getty Images.

Tags: #books #palestine #palestinians #israel #gaza #occupied_territories #zionism #history


For a thoroughly anti-nationalist critique of Zionism

critiquing Israeli nationalism and colonialism is no more inherently antisemitic than critiquing the Chinese Communist Party is inherently anti-Chinese. Believing that to be the case is in itself racist because that belief is rooted in the idea that people and states are the same thing

A “people” is quite simply a group of individuals that have associated together and have over time formed cultural similarities. It is an organic network of affinity groups with a culture that developed freely and naturally, and that will change and evolve over time. A people have no innate “essence” that exists out in the ether, and there is no force involved to maintain a people. A nation state on the other hand is a group of elites that has forced many people under one despotic military regime with the goal of creating and maintaining an artificial and unified identity


#Zionism #nationalism #anarchism


La oposición judía a Israel es tan antigua como el sionismo

Por #JosephMassad

En agosto de 1897, Theodor Herzl intentó convocar el Primer Congreso Sionista en Munich. Sin embargo, fueron las fuerzas combinadas de un gran número de rabinos ortodoxos y reformistas -que normalmente estaban de acuerdo en muy pocas cosas- las que le desalojaron a él y a su herética organización de Múnich. Se vio obligado a convocar la conferencia al otro lado de la frontera, en Basilea (Suiza), donde difamó a los rabinos antisionistas como «los rabinos de la protesta».

Seis semanas después de la fundación de la Organización Sionista, los judíos rusos formaron el Bund (la Unión General de Trabajadores Judíos de Lituania, Polonia y Rusia) y se opusieron vehementemente y ridiculizaron el sionismo. El Bund mantuvo esta postura hasta que sus miembros fueron borrados de la existencia durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial en las brasas de las cámaras de gas y los crematorios de la Alemania nazi. Todo ello al margen de los judíos comunistas de Europa del Este y de la Unión Soviética, que condenaban el sionismo sin paliativos.


#Sionismo #Zionism #história #history