

What is #Hamas' #strategy and is #suicide a strategy at all?

For those who know little about the #MiddleEastConflict, Hamas' strategy seems very irrational. Sure, they have caused a lot of deaths on both sides, spread #fear and #terror, but they cannot win and now bear the #consequence of the #destruction of the #Gaza Strip.

What we have to keep in mind is that the #peace process (if it would be successful) would make Hamas obsolete. #Israel has recently moved diplomatically closer to Saudi Arabia. This does not please #Iran, which in no way wants its #enemy #SaudiArabia to be strengthened by peace with Israel. Iran, in the other hand, is Hamas's suspected main weapons supplier. Therefore, the American aircraft carrier at the coast of Israel makes sense. This is a sign to Iran, because the aircraft carrier is useless for the pacification of Gaza.

The question remains why the Israeli ground forces have not yet stepped forward and why the aircraft carrier is useless? Gaza has multiple levels of tunnels underground, and these tunnels contain command centers, weapons, and supplies. A battle in these tunnel systems would be very costly for the Israeli army. With airplanes and bombs you can bomb the Gaza Strip (which only hits the civilians) but not the tunnel system.

Which brings us back to the Hamas strategy:
1) Preventing the #peace process.
2) Spreading terror and fear in Israel.
3) Provoking the Israeli army to cause a lot of collateral damage in order to discredit it in the world press.
4) Activating sympathizers worldwide for the supposed Palestine cause.
5) Helping states like Iran and #Russia destabilize Western democracies.

Gaza bombed

#news #conflict #war #problem #democracy #weapons #arms #CollateralDamage #crime


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#Before the promotion of #Einstein the Western #world had a massive #awakening in #Physics where all of our current #technology has it’s origins.

There was a engineered pivot away from this innovative methodology towards mathematics to suppress the Good Stuff!

Fiat needed planned obsolescence.

Enter #Cesar-Soós, an #engineer who took the #metaphysics of #Norberto-Keppe, and built a motor based on #resonance, just like the geniuses before 'Special Relativity.’ In this #interview we discuss what Norberto Keppe’s contribution was to ‘Dis-Inverting’ Physics and how Cesar was able to use his principles in #building some of the most #efficient #motors in the world.

#Material is #Consequence’ w/ Cesar Soós | #BioCharisma #Podcast S2 Episode 3


A quotation by James, William

The hell to be endured hereafter, of which theology tells, is no worse than the hell we make for ourselves in this world by habitually fashioning our characters in the wrong way. Could the young but realize how soon they will become mere walking bundles of habits, they would give more heed to their conduct while in the plastic state. We are spinning our own fates, good or evil. Every smallest stroke of virtue or of vice leaves its never so little scar.

William James (1842-1910) American psychologist and philosopher
The Principles of Psychology, Vol. 1, ch. 4 “Habit” (1890)

#action #character #consequence #effect #flexibility #habit #vice #virtue #youth #quote #quotation
More notes and sourcing on WIST: https://wist.info/james-william/12304/


The moment an artificial #intelligence accidentally wiped out #humanity...

The following section is taken from the #essay by #BruceSchneier about The Coming AI Hackers:

Imagine a robotic vacuum assigned the task of cleaning up any mess it sees. It might disable its vision so that it can’t see any messes, or cover messes up with opaque materials so it doesn’t see them.72 In 2018, an entrepreneurial—or perhaps just bored—programmer wanted his robot vacuum to stop bumping into furniture. He trained an #AI by rewarding it for not hitting the bumper sensors.73 Instead of learning not to bump into things, the AI learned to drive the vacuum backwards because there are no bumper sensors on the back of the device.

source: https://www.belfercenter.org/publication/coming-ai-hackers

This means, in its #consequence, that AI would unhesitatingly wipe out humanity if that would bring it closer to the programmed #reward. We could not even call this AI #evil, because it has no emotions at all and knows no human #morality. Ultimately, it would not be the AI's #mistake either, but in fact the fault of unclean, incomplete programming. Now look at the quality of today's software with Trojans, viruses, backdoors, spam and all that crap. Does anyone seriously believe that the #military and intelligence services do not use all the software possible? Against fully autonomous #combat #robots, one can only defend oneself with combat robots. Either with quantity or better AI. Once #Skynet is activated, the solution could be to wipe out humanity, because without humans there are no more conflicts on Earth and world #peace is, after all, the highest reward for such a combat #robot.

#software #problem #ethics #future #bug #hack #hacker #conflict #war #science #emotion #defence