

This pair of #Swans and their juvenile #Cygnets have set up a resting spot on the banks of the #Canal and on the edge of the shared #Cyclepath and #Footpath. I'd passed them before but didn't have a camera with me at the time. As you can see, they have no concerns with people being quite close by but someone told me that they've been quite aggressive, no doubt if someone has been perceived to be a threat.

#MyWork #MyPhoto #CCBYSA #Android #Summer #Birds #Wildlife


We had a #cycletrip to #BudleighSalterton today, which is a nice round trip of 48 km. It was a very pleasant day, not too hot and with a refreshing breeze to keep you cool. Those of you in the know will be glad that I wore short trousers and so my pump could not get stuck in my trouser leg.

The #beach is made up of pebbles of various sizes ranging from the size of your hand (15-20 cm) down to less than a centimetre. The colours vary from #purple and #pink to #grey and #blue. Here's a typical assortment.
Pebbles on Budleigh Salterton beack

Looking out to #sea (the #EnglishChannel), you can see that the water is various colours too ranging from marine #blue and #green to #brown near the #shore where #sediment gets churned up. (Note, it is nothing to do with the current notorious practices of private water companies.)
Budleigh beach and the English Channel

Looking #west and #east respectively, you can see the #sandstone and #mudstone #geology of the #cliffs
Western view from Budleigh beach
Eastern view from Budleigh beach

Right up by the #sea, you can sea the small #waves lapping the #shore. I suppose this #photograph is technically a #selfie.
Waves lapping on the shore

Finally, on the way home, I took a picture of the #cyclepath between BudleighSalterton and #Exmouth which stretches about 6 km and avoids motor traffic altogether. I can't think of many more pleasant routes to #cycle on.
Cycle route between Budleigh Salterton and Exmouth

#MyWork #MyPhoto #CCBYSA #Android #Summer #Bike #Biking #Cycling


First day of #Winter and a couple of km from home, I rode over some twigs on the #CyclePath and suddenly I head a slap-slap-slap coming from the front #wheel. Looking down I saw on of them had become embedded in the #tyre. I hoped that the thorns from it hadn't #punctured the #InnerTube but a few hundred metres further down, I knew it had deflated and I had to walk the rest of the home. So, another chore for me to do. Ho hum.

#Bicycle #Bike #Cycle #Cycling #Biking