

We have some significant challenges to face.

Most people have a “normalcy bias.” They assume that if economic growth has continued for a long time in the past, it necessarily will occur in the future. Yet, we all know that all dissipative structures somehow come to an end. Humans can come to an end in many ways: They can get hit by a car; they can catch an illness and succumb to it; they can die of old age; they can starve to death.

History tells us that economies nearly always collapse, usually over a period of years. Sometimes, population rises so high that the food production margin becomes tight; it becomes difficult to set aside enough food if the cycle of weather should turn for the worse. Thus, population drops when crops fail.

In the years leading up to collapse, it is common that the wages of ordinary citizens fall too low for them to be able to afford an adequate diet. In such a situation, epidemics can spread easily and kill many citizens. With so much poverty, it becomes impossible for governments to collect enough taxes to maintain services they have promised. Sometimes, nations lose at war because they cannot afford a suitable army. Very often, governmental debt becomes non-repayable.

The world economy today seems to be approaching some of the same bottlenecks that more local economies hit in the past.

#energy #food #physics #economics #inflation #deflation #population #coal #oil #solar #wind #degrowth



Auch in den #USA haben die Grundstückspreise begonnen, zu sinken; die #Deflation beginnt mitten in der #Inflation und durch sie hindurch.
Die amerikanischen Staatspapiere haben eine interessante Preisbewegeung gezeigt: die Rendite der kurzfristigen Papiere steigt über die der langfristigen. Das ist, sagen die Ökonomen, ein Alarmzeichen; es zeigt üblicherweise eine kommende Rezession an, oder genauer, es zeigt, dass die Kapitalmärkte von einer kommenden Rezession ausgehen. Aber natürlich ist diese Erwartung selbst einer der Auslöser der #Rezession.

https://dasgrossethier.noblogs.org/2022/07/die-naechste-krise-iii/ #china #evergrande #krise #wirtschaft


Your first #Black (Bi-racial) President gave financial assistance #USTaxpayers money and arms to #Ukrainians

#Maidanrevolution #nazis took over the government now civilians are going through the #Russian meat grinder thinking they can take on a #super-power immigrants being conscripted to be canon-fodder for the Ukraine army all while the #USPresident and #BritishPM sit back and watch it on TV at the same time Americans and Brits go homeless and line up for miles outside food banks who wrote this script this is a classic block-buster movie

obama and poroshenko






#news #politics #plandemic #inflation #economy #Biden #democrats #bankers #globalists #bitcoin #Ethereum #gold #zionism #communism #globalism #economy #currency #economics #frauds #liars #deceivers #inflation #deflation #goldmansachs #communism #globalism #economy #currency #economics #frauds #liars #deceivers #inflation #deflation #hedgefunds #lockdowns #vaccines #NewNormal #nwo #banksters #rothschild #bildeberg #jpmorgan #rockefeller #warburg #soros #economicslavery #debt #currency #fiat #money #falseflag #plutocracy #plutonomy #oligarchy #europe #refugres #shameofeurope #inhumanity #2nd-amendment, #freedom #mandate #FBI #PoliticalPersecution #tyranny
