

You #fear to lose your #jobs. You fear to lose your #friends. You fear to lose your #status. You fear to lose these, while having the knowledge that there are those who are fearing the sounds of #bombs being repeatedly dropped on their homes, schools, and communities. They fear their #screams will not be heard around the world. But what makes matters worse is, we hear their screams, but choose to ignore them out of fear of being an #outcast of #society.

— Unholy Rome


Michael Tsarian - Fear is the mind killer - And fear is all they have left.

Michael says, all the “ruling class” has left is fear. They are NOT legitimate, they have no REAL power over anything anymore and all of their offspring are idiots at the wheel. The intelligent minds that had been living over the past hundred years that set up many of these systems of control around the world are all dead and their offspring are stupid and lazy. Sounds about right to me! Judges and attorneys only understand procedure and know nothing about the basics of law, Teachers do not teach life skills they only destroy the minds of children for the luciferins, Universities are allowing into their ranks test scores that would have been considered failing only 2 years ago and the infrastructure of America is crumbling under our feet and no one seems to know how to repair it. Time to wake up and learn our way out of this mess.

🟠 #MichaelTsarian - #Fear is the mind killer - And fear is all they have left.

🟠Michael says, all the "ruling class" has left is fear. They are NOT legitimate, they have no REAL power over anything anymore and all of their offspring are idiots at the wheel. The intelligent minds...


I think the difficulty is that most of us, at least those who are in #authority, they prefer #violence because they want quick solutions and to be able to #control people through #fear. And so they encourage more and more violence so that they could maintain that fear.

And it has seeped so deep down into society that we, even our #parenting style has become violent. Every time we #punish a child for misbehavior we are planting the first seeds of violence in their minds. They come to realize that anybody who does something wrong must be punished. And so that whole cycle of violence continues from there.

What it means now is that we have to look for an alternative and try to incorporate that in our life. And i think that is what my grandfather [ #MahatmaGandhi ] wanted to do and he demonstrated through his philosophy and his life, that it can be achieved and it can be done if we have that desire to do it.

--- Arun Gandhi, https://youtu.be/jFmTqFoLgjA?si=6KXzBcm-6n5CIukn&t=57

#ArunGandhi #nonviolence #violence #fear #punishment