imagine we augmented #economics
such that we didnt reward #parasites
or at least, not just parasites, and reward #symbiotic #synergy more.
can you imagine it?
can you imagine the effect that would have?
no longer ~ rewarding the most #worthyvampire with all the power and wealth to hoard and abuse, to the detriment of all else, ~ no longer that.
all the goodness rewarded.
for example, a manufacture would no longer be economically coerced to make their product disempower the purchaser/user of that product with unecessary complexities and legalities that force the purchaser/user into dependence. #pedagogy could #thrive along with our products, fully informing the user, fully empowering the user, to use, mend, adapt their products and technologies. #FreeSoftware is an example of such #emancipationTechnology that'd be even more prolific and normal in such an economic system that encourages and rewards being helpful, rather than encourages hindering to increase wealth extraction which increases poverty/destitution that adds costs on us all.