

A quotation from Russell, Bertrand

But so long as men are not trained to withhold judgment in the absence of evidence, they will be led astray by cocksure prophets, and it is likely that their leaders will be either ignorant fanatics or dishonest charlatans. To endure uncertainty is difficult, but so are most of the other virtues. For the learning of every virtue there is an appropriate discipline, and for the learning of suspended judgment the best discipline is philosophy.

Bertrand Russell (1872-1970) English mathematician and philosopher
“Philosophy for Laymen,” Universities Quarterly (1946-11)

#quote #quotes #quotation #ambiguity #belief #fraud #uncertainty #judgment #charlatan #evidence #fanaticism #gullibility #philosophy #proof
Sourcing / notes: https://wist.info/russell-bertrand/69738/


@IDF is #ISIS : A photo of an IDF soldier inside al-Aqsa University in Gaza City, with books burning behind him, has been circulating on social media around the world in the last few hours and has sparked outrage.

There's nothing much to add to what this picture shows and what it says about #IDF.

They act exactly like the acts of the Mongolians, the Taliban and the ISIS. They destroy knowledge and history m they thrive in denying their enemies the ability to learn and to remember.

But the western liberals and disgusting people who blindly support this monstrous colonialist creation of the mixture of nationalism, white supremacy and religious fanaticism just like the Nazis back in 1930s.

This is just yet another example of the rottenness of the basics foundation of the Zionism and it's ongoing crimes against the Palestinians and anyone around the world who oppose their extremist ideology and acts.

#IsraelWarCrimes #domicide #Gaza #Zionism #Colonialiam #BookBurning #ISIS #Fanaticism #Genicide #Israel #Palestine


A quotation from Russell, Bertrand

A fanatical group all together have a comfortable feeling that they’re all friends with one another. They are all very much excited about the same thing. You can see it in any political party. There’s always a fringe of fanatics in any political party, and they feel very cozy with one another; and when that is spread about and is combined with a propensity to hate some other group, you get fanaticism well developed.

Bertrand Russell (1872-1970) English mathematician and philosopher
Interview by Woodrow Wyatt, BBC TV (1959)

#quote #quotes #quotation #partisanship #coterie #fanatic #comfort #fanaticism #gang #in-group #politics #tribe
Sourcing / notes: https://wist.info/russell-bertrand/64326/


#AaronMate #Israel #JewishSupremacy #Nazism #genocide #MassMurder #fanaticism



In yet another anti Norooz attempt bu the #Taliban regime in #Afghanistan, all schools will start the new year session on March 21st to make sure there will be no #Norooz holiday celebration

The disgusting Taliban hate Norooz and working hard to kill if. The regime of #Iran tried really hard in the first 2 years after the revolution to do the same, but failed miserably and instead decided to embrace it.

#Fanaticism #PeesianNewYear #Politics #Religion

به اساس مکتوب وزارت معارف، سر از فردا سه شنبه، اول حمل سال ۱۴۰۲ دروس شاگردان در مکاتب دولتی و خصوصی آغاز شده و تمامی اساتید و دانش آموزان مکلف اند تا سر وقت به مکاتب خویش حاضر باشند.

دانش آموزان و والدین گرامی مطلع باشند


An art treasure long cherished by Muslims is deemed offensive. But to whom? | Kenan Malik | The Guardian

#politics #islamism #fanaticism

What is striking about the Hamline incident, though, is that the image at the heart of the row cannot even in the most elastic of definitions be described as Islamophobic. It is an artistic treasure that exalts Islam and has long been cherished by Muslims.

Yet, to show it is now condemned as Islamophobic because… a student says so. Even to question that claim is to cause “harm”. As Berkson asked in another (unpublished) letter he sent to The Oracle, after his first had been removed: “Are you saying that disagreement with an argument is a form of ‘harm’?”



A Hamline Adjunct Showed a Painting of the Prophet Muhammad. She Lost Her Job. - The New York Times

#politics #islamism #fanaticism #wokism

And that's it. Fascistic morons under disguise of victimhood culture. The painting in question is 14th century classical Persian art, done by Muslims in a Muslim country for a Muslim audience back then:

Imagine that. Fuck those morons. Send them to Iran or Afghanistan, to live in a nice tolerant Muslim country. What a fucking bunch of assholes.



Cuba and U.S. Government

#NoamChomsky ~ #RogueStates


' #Cuba continues to be a #stimulus to #poor and #underprivileged #people. It keeps making that clear, for example, by sending #doctors all over the #world at a rate way beyond any other country despite its current straits, which are severe, and by maintaining, unimaginably, a #health #system that is a deep #embarrassment to the #UnitedStates. Because of concerns such as these, and because of the #fanaticism that goes way back in #American #history, the #US #government, for the moment, at least, is continuing the #hysterical #attack, and will do so until it is #deterred.'

#chomsky #sanctions #embargo #kennedy #castro #coldwar #invasions #haiti #venezuela #panama #latinamerica #doctrinal #system #endtheembargo