

Hopefully in the future we will all see clearly if it does die down, that #freespeechabsolutist just means #fascist, or fascist enablers. Karl Popper tackled this issues decades ago but few in the US was aware of his existence so #freespeech absolutism sounded like a good thing because the #freemarket of ideas in reality works just as well as the economic free market, If you are on top you can break the rules to ensure both are rigged and not free.


Ok, #Commies - time for a #lesson in #economics:

One thing is pretty certain. Nobody will blame the party most responsible – the #government.

They never look back and reflect on the government’s role in creating the #crisis. No, no, no! They’re too busy pointing fingers at somebody in the private sector and holding out government as the salvation. ‘We just need more government! If we only had more #regulations then this wouldn’t have happened.’ No. It happened because we had too many regulations. What we need is free market regulations.”

Government #regulations sabotage the #freemarket regulations that actually do work.

#2023-10 #collapse #BigGovernment #Fail #crash


If physical currency is eliminated and all currency becomes intangible, digital currency, all market access will be controllable through the network of banks and payment processors.

This means that your market access control, your ability to buy food, fuel, travel and sell goods and services can be limited or switched off for punitive and control purposes. This is a significant risk to human freedom.

#digitalcurrency #digitalcurrencies #crypto #cryptocurrency #bitcoin #currency #physicalcurrency #banks #banking #centralbank #markets #freemarket #freemarkets #freedom #humanfreedom #cash #exchange #payments #marketaccess #control #covid #covid19 #coronavirus #USA #subterfuge #UK #psyop #psyops #economy #money #monetaryreset #greatreset #wef #davos #schwab


And the Woozle sez:

You can't have a market without regulation. Discuss.

From the Plus. You're a brave man, Mr. Hypertwin, even with the Yapadoodle blocked.

My view:

  • What is typically called "the free market" is, in fact, an exceptional, special, and limited case.
  • The evidence is that even in so-called free-market economies, huge amounts of transactions occur in other-than-free-market contexts. Government sector. Monopoly and cartel transactions. Very highly regulated or constrained markets. Markets in which legislated advantage is afforded a particular player. Markets in which a small cadre have gamed circumstances strongly to their advantage.
  • That the "free market" itself is no panacea. It has very little future awareness and, as with evolution, is largely undirected. Even activities which are plainly highly deleterious or suicidal in the long run are pursued by "the market".
  • That I'm not sure of any single preferred solution.

What Adam Smith's idealized market does provide is an ability for individual actors (firms, merchants, producers, consumers) to meet as equals. And if the parties aren't meeting as at least nominal equals, what you've got is no free market.

And Smith writes at great length over the regulatory environment which is required. As a counterexample: Calivinball.
