

Ok, #Commies - time for a #lesson in #economics:

One thing is pretty certain. Nobody will blame the party most responsible – the #government.

They never look back and reflect on the government’s role in creating the #crisis. No, no, no! They’re too busy pointing fingers at somebody in the private sector and holding out government as the salvation. ‘We just need more government! If we only had more #regulations then this wouldn’t have happened.’ No. It happened because we had too many regulations. What we need is free market regulations.”

Government #regulations sabotage the #freemarket regulations that actually do work.

#2023-10 #collapse #BigGovernment #Fail #crash


A quotation from Russell, Bertrand

Most people learn nothing from experience, except confirmation of their prejudices.

Bertrand Russell (1872-1970) English mathematician and philosopher
“The Lessons of Experience,” New York American (23 Sep 1931)

#quotation #quote #confirmationbias #experience #learning #lesson #prejudice
Sourcing / notes: https://wist.info/russell-bertrand/57566/


Live from CoC Surrey - Ignite My Heart Friday Programming - www.mixlr.com/ignite-radio-broadcast - Don't Miss Out:
11:00am/2PM ET - The Torchbearer with Bro Bisathu William -Live from Uganda!
12:30pm/3:30pm ET - The Power Lunch with Bro Jack
2:00pm/5pm ET - The Point with Bro Frank
2:45pm/5:45pm ET - Soul Food with Bro George and John - Live
4:00pm/7:00pm ET - The Book Devine with Bro Paul Cockrell - Live
5:00pm/8:00pm ET - The Final Take with Thunder Kirk - Live
8:00pm/11:00pm ET - CoC Surrey - Friday Bible Class with Bro Russ- Live

#bible, # songs, #acapella, #lesson