

The decision by #Karim #Khan, the chief prosecutor at the International Criminal Court ( #ICC) in The Hague, to seek an #arrest #warrant for the Israeli prime minister Benjamin #Netanyahu has sent tremors through government circles in Washington and London. President Joe #Biden has called the charges of war crimes and crimes against humanity in #Gaza “outrageous”, while Rishi #Sunak has described the proceedings as “deeply unhelpful”.

Rules bias


24.05.2024 Anklage gegen Völkermörder

"Die Mittel Israels sind kriminell"

Das ist nicht unsere Aussage, sondern die Erklärung des Chefanklägers des Internationalen Strafgerichtshofs, Karim Khan. Telepolis hat sich die Mühe gemacht, die Aussagen des Chefanklägers vollständig auf deutsch zu veröffentlichen. Selbstverständlich benennt und verurteilt er dabei auch die Verbrechen von Ismail Haniyya, Leiter des Politbüros der Hamas, der die strafrechtliche Verantwortung für die Kriegsverbrechen und Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit trägt, die auf dem Gebiet Israels und des Staates Palästina, im Gazastreifen, ab dem 7. Oktober 2023 begangen wurden. Dies nur als Hinweis, da wir sicher sind, dass sofort Kommentare kommen werden, dass wir die Verbrechen der Hamas übersehen - was wir auch vor dem 7. Oktober nicht getan haben.

Dabei haben Herr Khan und sein Team das getan, was ihre Aufgabe ist, auf der Grundlage des Römischen Statuts zu ermitteln und die Strafverfolgung mutmaßlicher Menschenrechtsverbrecher im Nahost-Konflikt in die Wege zu leiten. Erstaunlicherweise werden seine Aussagen und Anklagen von der breiten Weltöffentlichkeit realistisch wahrgenommen. Nur in Israel, den USA und einigen EU-Ländern, darunter auch Deutschland, verschließen Politik und Medien die Augen. Telepolis nennt es ein psychopathologisches Massenphänomen: die Verdrängung eines Verbrechens, das man nicht sehen will, weil es nicht sein darf.

Seit Monaten wird in unseren Medien gefordert, nicht über die Verbrechen der israelischen Armee in Gaza zu sprechen, ohne zuerst die Verbrechen vom 7. Oktober vergangenen Jahres zu erwähnen. Genau dies macht der Chefankläger des IStGH jetzt und ein Lob wird ihm bei uns trotzdem verwehrt.

Noch schlimmer, 12 republikanische US-Senatoren haben Khan sogar davor gewarnt, gegen die israelische Regierung vorzugehen. So etwas werde als Bedrohung der Souveränität Israels und der Vereinigten Staaten angesehen. Damit würde der Westen sich endgültig von der UNO, den allgemeinen Gerichten, wie IGH, IStGH u.a. verabschieden - es wäre das Ende jeglicher "wertebasierter Ordnung" auf die der Westen bei jeder Gelegenheit verweist.

Die Bereitschaft von Spanien, Irland und Norwegen dem Schritt von inzwischen 140 Staaten zu folgen und Palästina als Staat anzuerkennen, zeigt, dass die israelische Rechtsregierung den Bogen überspannt hat und aus dem Konflikt nur als Verlierer hervorgehen kann. Das ist kein Wunder, wenn der neben Netanjahu Mitangeklagte, Verteidigungsminister Yoaw Galant, die Losung jenseits allen Völkerrechts ausgibt: "Wir kämpfen gegen menschliche Tiere und handeln entsprechend."

Fazit von Telepolis: Es gibt keinen Unterschied zwischen terroristischen Völkermördern und rechtsstaatlichen Völkermördern, denn ein Völkermörder ist ein Völkermörder.

Mehr dazu bei https://www.telepolis.de/features/Anklagen-im-Nahost-Konflikt-Die-Weltunordnung-steht-vor-Gericht-9726157.html
und https://www.telepolis.de/features/UN-Strafgerichtshof-Ungeachtet-etwaiger-militaerischer-Ziele-sind-die-Mittel-Israels-kriminell-9724991.html?seite=all
Kategorie[21]: Unsere Themen in der Presse Short-Link dieser Seite: a-fsa.de/d/3AK
Link zu dieser Seite: https://www.aktion-freiheitstattangst.org/de/articles/8786-20240524-anklage-gegen-voelkermoerder.html
Link im Tor-Netzwerk: http://a6pdp5vmmw4zm5tifrc3qo2pyz7mvnk4zzimpesnckvzinubzmioddad.onion/de/articles/8786-20240524-anklage-gegen-voelkermoerder.html
Tags: #Ermittlungen #IStGH #Khan #Anklage #Netanjahu #Galant #Haniyya #Genozid #Völkermord #Israel #Palästina #Militär #Aufrüstung #Waffenexporte #Drohnen #Frieden #Krieg #Friedenserziehung #Menschenrechte #Zivilklauseln


Pakistan’s ex-PM Nawaz Sharif back from self-exile ahead of elections

Pakistan’s ex-PM Nawaz Sharif back from self-exile ahead of electionsThe 73-year-old veteran politician, who spent four years in the UK, is seeking a politic...#london #londonapartments #sharif #aljazeera #pakistan #aljazeeraenglish #aljazeeraenglish #nawazsharif #pakistancorruption #politics&law #aljazeeralive #uknews #imrankhan #pakistanpm #aljazeera #asia #asianews #pakistannews #nwaz #aljazeeranews #pakistancourt #khan #corruption #nawaz #pakistanprimeminister
Pakistan’s ex-PM Nawaz Sharif back from self-exile ahead of elections


Some republican senators were clearly not paying attention. (Or perhaps tech company lobbyists simply aren't paying them enough.)

Senate confirms Lina Khan to Federal Trade Commission in a 69-28 vote

The Senate on Tuesday confirmed Lina Khan to the Federal Trade Commission, elevating one of the tech industry’s most prominent antitrust critics to the government’s top Silicon Valley watchdog.

The vote was 69-28 in a Senate split 50-50 between Democrats and Republicans, signaling the growing bipartisan interest in reining in large tech companies’ power, just days after House lawmakers from both parties unveiled a series of bills that could force Silicon Valley companies to change their business practices and in the most severe cases, break the companies up.

Khan, who is aligned with the liberal wing of the Democratic Party, is well-known for her 2017 paper, “Amazon’s Antitrust Paradox,” which argued that decades-old antitrust laws aren’t equipped to deal with the e-commerce giant and the unique ways it exerts its dominance. (Amazon founder and CEO Jeff Bezos owns The Washington Post.) [emphasis mine]

[You're tellin' me that at least 19 GOP senators voted a liberal democrat onto the FTC? They must not have been paying attention.]

Khan previously worked as a counsel for the House Judiciary’s antitrust panel, where she helped lead an investigation into the tech giants. That probe’s findings of monopoly-style tactics and anti-competitive behavior at Facebook, Google, Apple and Amazon gave rise to the recent bills introduced by House lawmakers.

During her confirmation hearing, she signaled she would take a tough line on regulating tech giants. She said that in the past few years, new evidence has come to light showing there were “missed opportunities” for enforcement actions against tech companies under the Obama administration. She also said new findings show the FTC must be “much more vigilant” when it comes to large acquisitions in digital markets.

Khan also said she was particularly concerned about the ways in which large companies use their dominance in one market to give them an upper hand in others, an issue under intense scrutiny by Congress.

[What?? Using "their dominance... to give them an upper hand" is the very essence of capitalism. Does the GOP know what they're supporting?]

Khan is one of several critics of big tech that Biden has brought into his administration. Tim Wu, who has called for antitrust action against the tech giants, works on competition and technology policy on the National Economic Council. Vanita Gupta, who has criticized big tech’s civil rights record, is now associate attorney general at the Justice Department.

But Biden has yet to put forth nominees for other key tech enforcement positions in the administration, and it’s unclear if he will elevate people more aligned with Khan or more business-friendly Democrats. Nearly five months into his term, Biden has not yet announced his nominee for the top spot in the Justice Department antitrust division, or to fill a vacancy at the Federal Communications Commission.

Khan’s confirmation gives Democrats a 3-2 majority at the FTC, as she joins acting chairwoman Rebecca Kelly Slaughter and Chopra. But Chopra is awaiting a Senate vote on his nomination to lead the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. If he’s confirmed, Biden would have another FTC vacancy to fill, and until then, the commission would be deadlocked between Democrats and Republicans.

Khan is joining the agency amid growing concerns over whether it has adequate powers and resources, particularly to take on technology giants. The Senate recently passed a bill that would increase funding for the agency by overhauling merger filing fees, and House lawmakers introduced similar legislation as part of their package targeting large tech companies.

Advocates for greater enforcement of antitrust law said Khan’s confirmation signals a turning point for the agency.

“Her presence on the FTC marks the beginning of the end of an era of lawlessness for powerful corporations that they’ve enjoyed at the expense of workers, smaller businesses, and democracy," said Sarah Miller, executive director of the American Economic Liberties Project.

Tech industry groups criticized the Senate’s vote. Netchoice, which counts Amazon, Facebook and Google among its members, said it was “disheartened” by the confirmation, and warned that Khan’s positions on antitrust issues could harm the United States economically.

“Lina Khan’s antitrust activism detracts from the Federal Trade Commission’s reputation as an impartial body that enforces the law in a non-discriminatory fashion," Netchoice said in a statement.

More antitrust activity is expected in the Senate on Tuesday afternoon, as the Senate Judiciary antitrust panel is set to host a hearing on competition issues related to connected home devices. Executives from Sonos, Apple and Google are expected to testify, as well as academics.

Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.), the panel’s chair, said the hearing would examine an emerging market dynamic, “where only a handful of powerful companies dominate.”

#USA #Business #Tech #FTC #Khan #USSenate
