

#Schizophrenia is not what the #psychiatric #establishment say it is. Their #story is a complete #deception staged for their #own benefit and #profit. One of the first indicators that you can see for yourself is that the voices paranoid schizophrenics hear run well defined, repeatable patterns and if they run patterns they cannot be hallucinations as the psychiatric mafia insists.


Engineering #Mental #Health and Discovering #Patterns



#JerryMarzinsky and #SherrySwiney on #Archonic #Mind #Parasites:

#Psychiatry and #traditional #medicine have #failed in #treating #schizophrenia.

They have done more #damage than good if one includes #pharmaceuticals.

But what if the “voices” of schizophrenics are not hallucinations caused by chemical imbalances?

What if they are #malignant #entities feeding off mental negativity and pain?

We explore this possibility from two sides: a psychiatric evaluator who confronted these mind parasites while working in prisons; and an individual who escaped the grip of the “voices” by drawing from esoteric techniques.

Astral Guests – Jerry Marzinsky and Sherry Swiney, authors of An Amazing Journey Into the #Psychotic Mind - #Breaking the #Spell of the Ivory Tower. This is a partial show for nonmembers. For the second half of the #interview, please become a member: http://thegodabovegod.com/members/subscription-levels/ or patron at Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/aeonbyte


Видео-сингл CAVALERA


CAVALERA -- Выпустили анимационное музыкальное видео на второй сингл «From the past comes the storms» CAVALERA стали синонимом экстремальной металлической музыки, имя, которое и по сей день вызывает глубочайшее уважение, семейное наследие, построенное на десятилетиях музыкальной агрессии. В 2023 году Макс и Иггор Кавалера совершили то, что некоторые назвали бы невозможным подвигом: они пересмотрели свои … Читать далее Видео-сингл CAVALERA

Сообщение Видео-сингл CAVALERA появились сначала на "Neformal site".

#metalmusic #fromthepastcomesthestorms #2024 #cavalera #deathmetal #schizophrenia #thrashmetal #lang_ru #метал #neformalsiteru


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#Jerry #'Marzinsky is a retired licensed psychotherapist with over 40 years of experience working with and studying the thought processes of psychotic and criminally insane patients in some of the most volatile psychiatric institutions in the United States. His formal academic training comprises a B.A. in Psychology from Temple University, a Master’s Degree in Counseling from the University of Georgia, and two years study in the Ph.D. Psychology program.

He is the co-author of An Amazing Journey into the Psychotic Mind - Breaking the Spell of the Ivory Tower, and is currently in private practice working with schizophrenics

From his book
‘Psychiatry maintains the voices schizophrenics hear are meaningless auditory hallucinations caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain. Actual clinical investigation into the matter reveals this to be a false claim. Dr. Wilson Van Dusen, a clinical psychologist and author of "The Presence of Spirits in Madness" began holding coherent conversations with the voices of his schizophrenic patients decades ago. He discovered they precisely matched what Christian Mystic Emanuel Swedenborg described as evil spirits. Following up with scores of investigative interviews with his own schizophrenic patients, Jerry Marzinsky, a psychiatric evaluator, verified Van Dusen's astonishing conclusion: the voices are real. They are conscious, parasitic entities.’

Many survivors have experienced the effects of entities either during rituals or as they heal and release these traumas. With many survivors of mk ultra and ritual abuse we now know that the abuse and programming makes use of incorporating entities as a layer of mind control.

As of 2017 psychiatry had more than 7.2 million children on psychiatric drugs. 622,723 of them were under the age of 5. 80,235 of them were on amphetamines for ADHD, 38,534 were on anti-depressants - 85,143 were on anti-psychotics that cause brain damage and 389,558 were on anti-anxiety drugs. This is unconscionable.

By comprehending healing requires consideration of the energetic unseen world we are creating solutions that are working and getting survivors free. May we move away from labels of diagnosing behaviour or symptoms and see that these are trauma responses to horrific abuse. #Healing is possible as we release these #emotions, entities, patterns and programs.

Connect with Jerry at his website for more videos and resources
✅ Visit Jerry's website https://www.jerrymarzinsky.com/


Hi @sylviaj@joindiaspora.com

"... having an endless war ..." is the principle of scorched earth / burnt soil (German: Verbrannte Erde)

"... to wash money ..." is maybe not complete truth, the normally parse their "chess moves" (Euphemism) in large Mainframe

in the so called civilized world, they don't drone people, but diagnosing #Schizophrenia instead of #Autism is a typical move. Since TV tells us all "you don't want to be a friend of a schizophrenic mass murder (see eg. Criminal Minds) you are being isolated suddenly and only people with high IQ will believe you"

Also be careful with #diaspora, they don't seem to hunt down diaspora directly, like with #Tor #Project nodes they try to weaken the user that runs a tor relay.

IMG: The talk about "WahrnehmungsSchwelle" (perception threshold) from the #CCC is #German but the best talk about this sort of things i found so far, but though the conclusion is wrong, one needs to fear this sort of things, but only if you are somehow relevant or a great #Hacker

#Linux #Windows #Apple #OSX #War #StopWar #FFF #CORONA #OSINT #PsyINT #SIGINT #Afghanistan




[this piece struck me strong throughout, no guarantees of great revelations for you, maybe you already know]



jaw dropping stuff, long before any mention of the topic in the title.

the spine stuff :O

the anxiety stuff :O

startlingly elucidating insights.
perspective shifting stuff. :)

the #autonomicnervoussystem became #disregulated
so it turns out
#anxiety #bipolar #depression #schizophrenia
are all #inflamatoryprocesses.

it's inflamatory.
it is #notpsychelogical.

jaw dropped yet? :)

#fascinating #perspective to entertain.

ther's far more in there than just that. well worth a watch. well worth paying attention to.


20,000,000 information bits in the subconscious, 40 information bits in the conscious.

:O why "mind over matter" and "willpower" struggles.

ps, [i add] the wim hof method, and cannabinoids, and natural sourced vitamins, and joyous laughter and relaxation, seem wise to deploy every day. :)

pps, that was also kinda astonishing (but should be already fully known and aknowledged), how, physicians/doctors/surgeons/etc dont get educated about diet in medical school.
... and we've been flipping out that they dont get educated about the endo-cannabinoid system (the main regulatory system of all the body's regulatory systems, with more receptors than any other system)!? they've far deeper problems yet. corporate capture, inducting "profitable" lies and lies of ommission.

#mercola #drdavidhanscom #spine #inflammation #anxiety #panic #panicattacks #stress #cytokines #susceptability #immunology #polyvagultheory #vagusnerve #cellbiology #pain #biochemsitry #time #chemicalcommunicators #enzymes #sympathetic #parasympathetic #gliolcells #threat #safety #chemical #viruses #bacteria #cancer #bully #difficultboss #thoughts #emotions #physical #neurodegenerative #neurodegenerativedisease #cardiacdisease #adultonsetdiabetes #obesity #parkinsons #altzheimers #inflammatorydissorder #fearless #chronicpain #glucose #carbohydrateexcess #diet #ocytocin #heartrate #restingheartrate #metabolism #humansocialise #coregulation #facialexpression #autonomicnervoussystem #cytokinestorm #stressmanagement #stressmanagementmisnomer #environment #environmentalstimulation #setting #physiological #calmdown #symptoms #remarkablejourney #mindfullness #bodyeffect #goodforyou #relaxation #inflamatorycytokines #responses #importantpieceofthepuzzle #stresschemicals #viralload #accademicperformance #expressivewriting #neuroplasticity #awareness #separation #meditation #sleep #forgiveness #anger #forgiveyourself #intermittantfasting #supplements #inflammatorymarkers #bmi #weight #metabolicflexibility #pinchednerves #humming #directedneuroplasticity #deepbreathing #directstimulationofthevagusnerve #mantras #feedback #psychelogical #slowbreathing #ketones #allcausemortality #vitamind #vitaminddeficiency #magnesium #zinc #disease #illness #wellness #notillness #lifestyle #lifestyles #autoimmunity #thrive #body #survive #train #heartdisease #suicide #pandemic #toxic #technocracy #toxiceconomy #fear #engineeredfear #lockdowns #masquerade #resources #brainwash #motive #worthyvampire #kleptarchy #revolution #wethepeople #play #gimmieback #spiritualjourney #oneconsciousnessexperiencingitselfsubjectively #resiliance #stubmytoe #normalresponse #psychologytoday #anxiety #anothernameforpain #unconsciouspowerfulcircuits #discover #nottrained #nutritionalinformation #outofpain #anxietydropstothefloor #reallythriveatalevelyneverknownexisted #remarkabletransition #healer #knowledgeablehealer #higherlevel #pronoia #deeplyappreciative #welcomechallenge #challenge #profound #profoundlybeneficial #massgrattitude #extremelyhonoured #painfree #wtfaredrsdoingthen #helping #helpingsomanypeople #example #thinkhard #why #conventional #failing #honest #objective #ntt #numbertotreat #preventive #preventative #profilactic #publicengagement #healthforward #technology #data #behaviour #ai #brainwashed #abusedtech #narrative #hypnosis #saturation #grateful #oportunity #issuereporting #welcome #psychology #psychologicalbenefit #directphysiologicalbenefits #positivity #mendwards #optimisinghealth #optimizinghealth #health #somaticwork #veryeffective #keepupthegoodwork #thegoodwork #goodwork #good #work #endeavor #play #playmore #hummore #sorryforsomanyhashtagsijustgottooenthusedbythiscontent #download #beforecensored #lol

might be worth a look... idk. make your own mind up. in a sea of misinformation, everybody's a shill.