

Meanwhile, in the world of formal and informal thought disorder...

Lord #TrumpVirus the stable genius, with all the best words (and they rhyme!)

INTERPOSE- His Word of the Day to explain how he intentionally 'interposed' the 2 names, Pelosi & Haley plus Obama & Biden. (continuously confusing them) ~ Because they're all the same, "Tricky Nikki, Tricky Dicky"...

#psychopathology / #psych #psychology #psychiatry Word of the Day: #Clang


Mental health and cannabis - good chat - curious about cannabis

Cannabis, Mental Health, Consciousness Research, Neurodivergence with Miyabe Shields PhD

very glad https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wNH0whizEtw got re-uploaded with the sound corrected.

#cannabis #mentalhealth #neurodiversity #people
#research #moreresearch #needmoreresearch #dontneedmoreresearch
#wellbeing #health #suicideideation #anxiety #depression
#science #dsm #pharmaceuticals #sideeffects #psychiatry
#goodchat #goodrants #goodstimming #carboxylgroup n_n
#life #society #capitalism #categories #masking #copingmechanisms
#tribe #connection #neurodivergentcommunity #honesty
#conversation #depth #shallow #superficial #pleasantries #realtalk
#abstract #curiosity #iloveit #fringe #taboo #outofthebox
#emotionalconnection #creativity #music #study #unquantifiable
#bullying #preinternetbullying #anonymity #pseudonymity
#stress #emotions #dissociation #feel #presence #feeling
#think #psyche #intuitive #stereotype #counterintuitive
#evolveouropinion #selfinventory #selfreflect #introspect
#mindfully #mindfullness #dynamic #childhoodmemories
#formativeyears #behavior #identity #subconscious #brain
#unconscious #association #prejudice #ptsd #forget
#beinthemoment #thepowerofnow #teaching #education
#learnedadaption #learnedbehaviour #compensating
#perception #honest #healing #familiarise #unknown #fear
#importantconversations #logicalconsistency #integrity
#insightful #ireallylovecannabis #cannabissavedmylife
#alovingandgivingplant #alivingplant #cultivation #learn
#beautifulplant #prettyplant #coevolved #neverforgetthefirsttime
#funplanttogrow #healingplant #sogiving #sograteful
#sharing #personaljourney #beingmoreopen #share
#religious #kinship #theherb #community #closeness
#aspiescientists #hermit #comingout #activetherapy
#consciousness #consciousnessresearch



[2023-04- 5 16:49:30] <@Digit> i see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wNH0whizEtw has been re-uploaded. ... hopefully without the sound completely de-syncing between both halves of the conversation, like the prior upload's painful comedic fail.
[2023-04- 5 16:49:31] ^ ► YouTube :: Cannabis, Mental Health, Consciousness Research, Neurodivergence with Miyabe Shields PhD | BTS 87 :: Duration: 01:40:15 :: Views: 23 :: Uploader: Curious About Cannabis :: Uploaded: 2023-04-04 :: 5 likes

looking forward to part two too. :)


#CBT #CognitiveBehaviouralTherapy

gotta share this somewhere. n_n

https://www.reddit.com/r/mensa/comments/pt23cn/comment/jabsazt/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3 / https://www.reddit.com/r/mensa/comments/pt23cn/deleted_by_user/inepshd/?context=3 (i dont reddit often, so i hope i'm linking that correctly to catch the relevant parts for others to see the conversational thread (at least what remains of it past the deleted comments). pasting the post just made, here at the end of this post.

(and, och, just remembered, just noticed, i neglected/forgot to include a portion on the self-contradiction-of-absolute-in-exception... oh well, that's a special treat just done, here for you only. lol).

#psychology #psychiatry #philosophy #healthcare #mentalhealthcare #monopoly #forprofithealthcare #racketeering #orwellian #socraticmethod #socraticmethodabused #menticide #totalitarianism #psyop #apatientcuredisacustomerlost #menticidal #arrogant #magnaminity #magnanimous #supreme #totalitarian #psychiatric


CBT is the only scientifically valid therapy,

"scientifically" "valid" "therapy". By what criteria has it been "validated"?

(I ask in this manner to include pointedly reveal how "invalid" it is to do this in a reductivist 1-bit binary pass/fail.)

so yes,


there are studies that prove it's effectiveness.

Please provide, so we can pick through them.

No, duress does not exist in CBT,

Sounds like contradiction without counterargument to the example situation I depicted. Keen to hear how it'd be refuted.

Also, not true of my first-hand experience, nor of how I've seen it lays itself out to be deployed. Seems fundamental to its form, despite professing otherwise (which then hides the flaws under this delusion, preventing them from being remedied, which, if they were remedied, it would no longer be this thought-control and behaviour manipulation paradigm called CBT).

it's the anthesis

Mere contradiction. And at least as poorly spelled as my spelling typically is. ;) would like to hear how this is conceived, without succumbing to the flaw I already spoke to.

(unless you have a seriously neurotic therapist that is going offline). A legitimate therapist will never tell you what you are, they ask question to assist the patient in discovering who they are.

As an enthusiast of Socrates, I've found it offensive to see how the questions are weilded, as well as how presumptive and compassionless. The confirmation biases abound and compound harms, even creating fresh harms and maladies of trauma in its victims of this unduely magnanimous arrogant self-proclaiming "valid" aproach that cannot see outside of its biases to question itself. That it's been claimed here as "the only", enloudens this folly, and strengthens the corrupting walls of its mental prison. Menticidal, one could even say. And these are to be who get to be sole providers of mental health care?!

Further speaking to the presumptiveness, and "the only"'ness, it appears to be the proverbial hammer alone in the toolbox, making all problems look like a nail. Like there's psychelogical prevention/discouragement of having it occur to the practitioner (and administration), that there may be conditions CBT is ill-suited to. (I say, as if there are any it is suited for... which I doubt, given the flaws I've been depicting.)

I have never met a person that has done CBT and proclaimed themselves cured.

Sounds open to interpretation as on the side of agreeing with my assertions, and in contradiction to your claims of validity. ;D

But also, sounds like is in the paradigm of palliative profiteering. "A patient cured is a customer lost".

But also sounds like not the case, as experienced in my case, and as it appears to be intrinsic to the paradigm as is supposed to be deployed, despite the professing otherwise (again, the delusional psychology of CBT's menticidal arrogant magnaminity and supreme totalitarian monopoly on psychiatric treatment... hints to what it may really be about... but woe upon any who point out this folly, for they are the witch, the commie, the antivaxxer, ... the other who disobeys the norm, and due for more treatment until they obey the doubleplus goodthink, and cease that wrong-think, ... with that gently gently abuse of the socratic method, psychelogically wearing them down.)

And feel free to fall into whatever portion of folly in it there I've pointed out, castigate me gently, for my wrongthink, thus proving me wrong in the delusional cognitively-dissonant perspective, or proving me right by that being just what I've pointed out. Or declare that incorrect deployment of CBT, and I'll happily explore that and show the fundamental flaws as I find them.

Some people are meta-thinkers and hyper ambitious/motivated, so they continue CBT for years. Most people drop out at some point because it requires too much reflection, effort and acceptance of imperfection.

LOL. Those who stick with CBT are of superior mind, hah! Reminds of the kinds of psyop I may have got into when I worked in Advertising or Marketing (before I got out (thanks Bill Hicks)), to manipulate people by their egos into wanting the product. What a monstrous harm that causes in psyches and proliferates through society. Really ugly. Frightening, that people get misdirected from seeing it, and not only that, but lured into willful avoidance of even looking.

Your statements sound like a personal preference

Then you've not been paying attention closely enough to hear the message in what I've been saying.

Your statements sound like world view defensiveness, passive aggressive judgements oblivious to the three fingers pointing back. ;D

rather that information based on actual science,




or rationale.

So I'm irrational in my observations and assertions?

Well, I better get help with that... oh, and since CBT is "the only" "scientifically" "valid" "therapy", I guess I'll have to subject myself to that!

What a farce.

Commedic obtuse obnoxious dangerous-stupidity farce.

Scientism and worse, as I see it.

Rather "cant get there from here".


I have been falling into the rabbit hole of Dissociative Personality Disorder. Someone I know told me they have it, which prompted me to start doing a lot of research on the topic. It turns out the DSM-5 doesn't recognize it as a condition on its own (meaning, it can be explained by other existing pathologies) but from what I've been reading, it clearly is a phenomenon with very unique characteristics, as well as a lot of co-morbid symptoms shared with other dissociative disorders.

I was just curious if anyone here has had any experience, personal, vicarious or through scientific research, with #DID or dissociation in general. I am curious and would love to hear your stories about this.

#psychiatry #psychology #personality #dissociation #multiplepersonality #DSM #trauma #science


Third time is the charm. Not really #newhere, but after #joindiaspora and #Anjara pods closed, I was invited to Diasp.org by @V. T. Eric Layton. Thanks for the invite!

Looking forward to settling down here.

You will see posts about:

#science #philosophy #music (specially #jazz and #FrankZappa ) #fermentation (specially #WaterKefir and #sourdough ) #HigherEducation #Amsterdam #TheNetherlands (or #Nederland in the local language) plus some #randomthoughts . I have lately been getting into #psychiatry and #criminology has always been an intellectual interest for me. I am of course a user of #Linux but I am not that tech-savy. I do know #R because I teach #statistics . I am also interested in #SASS if you know what that means. I am probably forgetting stuff, but that is enough for now :)


Schizotypal Personality D O (Youtube)

The only video I found so far where an actual patient is shown. All others were just descriptions from a psychological point of view.

I'm not (yet?) diagnosed with this.
Seeing myself in this man doesn't mean that I share the official view on said disorder, especially about the "oddness" of my beliefs. I think this is rather a communication problem.

I wouldn't believe in them, would I, if my beliefs were odd to myself? Although I do see how it must look odd to some people. On the other hand, I think many people have such beliefs, or react on untraceable stimuli, more or less consciously. The problem here is that everything "psychic" is still a taboo in science, as well as in most parts of our societies.

Check for yourself.


#psychology #psychiatry #disorder #schizotypal #schizotypical #personality-disorder #psychic #society #belief #consciousness #patient #paranoia #paranoid #documentary #youtube



Did we all believe a myth about depression? | BBC News

A study showing depression isn't caused by low levels of the "happy hormone" serotonin has become one of the most widely shared medical articles.
It has provoked a wave of misleading claims about antidepressant drugs, many of which increase the amount of serotonin in the brain.
This research doesn't show the drugs aren't effective.
But the response to it has also sparked some genuine questions about how people treat, and think about, mental illness.

#science #medicine #health #psychiatry #MentalIllness #depression #antidepressants #serotonin



Can You #Cure #Mental #Illness? Two Centuries of Trying Says No.

source: https://www.theatlantic.com/books/archive/2022/07/-desperate-remedies-book-review-mental-illness-cure/670480/

Two hundred years of research and theorizing have not resolved the most basic differences of opinion among #psychiatry’s practitioners as to whether what was once derisively called “madness” is a brain disease amenable to a purely medical treatment, such as insulin #therapy or psychosurgery, or something engendered by a more complicated mix of factors. If, for instance, mental illness is based on the input of both nature and nurture, it might benefit from the talking cure—or, more likely, the talking cure in conjunction with #medication.

#madness #mad #society #health #science #pharmacy #news #history #ill #brain


MDMA trials under review in Canada over alleged abuse of study participants | Canada | The Guardian

All clinical trials into the psychoactive drug MDMA are being reviewed by Canadian regulators after complaints about abuse of study participants by a trailblazing American psychedelic research organization.
The California-based Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (Maps) has led the way in conducting trials into the medicinal qualities of the drug. In May 2021, it released results from a phase-three trial in the journal Nature on the benefits of the drug – commonly sold illegally as a powder or within ecstasy tablets – as a breakthrough treatment for PTSD, for which there is currently no effective pharmaceutical treatment.
But the government regulator Health Canada confirmed it had announced a review into the MDMA clinical trials sponsored by Maps that have in part been conducted in Canada, following a complaint that detailed “alleged investigator misconduct”.

#psychiatry #psychotherapy #DrugTreatment #MDMA #PTSD #trauma



Boris Johnson says he decided quitting would be irresponsible after 'a lot' of thought | ITV News

Boris Johnson has said he thought "a lot" about questions regarding his future but decided it would be irresponsible to resign, despite the mounting pressure, because he wants to carry on with the project he was elected to carry out.

A person with narcissistic personality disorder can get a lot more deluded than this. I’m waiting to see if he starts decompensating. That would look like a massive bout of narcissistic rage. Full of sound and fury, etc.

#UK #politics #Tories #BorisJohnson #ToriesOut #JohnsonOut #psychiatry #narcissism #NPD



Promising early results from largest-ever trial testing LSD for anxiety | New Atlas

Biopharmaceutical company MindMed has announced the first topline data from a novel Phase 2 trial testing high doses of LSD as a treatment for anxiety. The results indicate one to two LSD sessions can generate rapid and sustained reductions to anxiety, however, significantly larger trials will be needed to validate these findings.

#science #medicine #health #research #psychiatry #psychotherapy #drugs #LSD #anxiety



Europe’s first psychedelic drug trial firm to open in London | Drugs | The Guardian

Europe’s first commercial facility for psychedelic drug trials is to open in London, with the goal of making the UK a global leader in psychedelics research and innovation.
The British startup Clerkenwell Health aims to begin trials in its central London facility in August, initially focusing on the use of psilocybin to help people deal with the anxiety associated with a diagnosis of terminal illness, and to support them through their end-of-life care.

#science #medicine #health #MentalHealth #psychiatry #psychotherapy #TerminalIllness #PalliativeCare #drugs #psychedelics #psilocybin



'I felt more joy than I thought possible' | BBC News

"I had the full-blown mystical revelatory experience - the big psychedelic multi-coloured light and sound show."
This is how Steve recalls his first dose of a hallucinogenic drug, psilocybin, the psychedelic compound found in magic mushrooms.

#science #medicine #health #psychiatry #psychotherapy #drugs #psilocybin



How People With Type 2 Diabetes Can Lower Their Risk of Health Problems | Time

A growing number of studies suggest that getting a handle on a few key risk factors can bring type 2 diabetes under control. Lowering blood sugar, for instance, reduces the risk of additional health problems, such as heart disease and stroke related to the disease.

#science #medicine #health #MentalHealth #psychiatry #diabetes



Blue Monday: Why it's a 'load of rubbish' | BBC News

Christmas is over, it's cold and dark outside and we're still in the middle of a global pandemic.
Blue Monday - also known as the most depressing day of the year - has been trending on Twitter since the weekend.
You might think it's relatable after the past year, but unsurprisingly, there's nothing scientific about it.

#psychology #psychiatry #psychotherapy #interesting



Psilocybin, in 10mg or 25mg doses, has no short- or long-term detrimental effects in healthy people | King's College

New research from the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology, & Neuroscience (IoPPN) at King’s College London, in partnership with COMPASS Pathways, has established that psilocybin can be safely administered at doses of either 10mg or 25mg to up to six participants simultaneously.

The research, published in The Journal of Psychopharmacology, is an essential first step in demonstrating the safety and feasibility of psilocybin – a psychedelic drug isolated from the Psilocybe mushroom – for use within controlled settings alongside talking therapy as a potential treatment for a range of mental health conditions, including treatment-resistant depression (TRD) and PTSD.

#science #medicine #health #psychiatry #psychotherapy
