

#ceylon #News
uk's criminal immigrant policy exposed, we are all at risk, illegals, khan, health & council corruption?
13.31 illegals sharia law
14.23 illegals with knife
15.57 cops grab bike guy
16.43 khan by trump
18.03 khan shitting it
19.50 khan trump
21.19 question everything government
23.17 us congress israel controlled
26.55 iodine essential
28.18 the iodine crisis
29.17 #tumeric vs #parasites
30.26 #oat #milk
31.25 sugar give it up
32.33 sleep
33.04 restore sight with radium
34.09 oz hospitals ivermectin
35.20 pandemic lies
39.12 slavery never ended
39.19 smoke councils
41.04 soverign project
42.52 council corruption being exposed
45.30 should you stop paying your debts
49.22 protect your biometric data

50.57 z dog rescue


#MariaZee and #LeeMerrit is a must view IMO. It refers us to a movie that is free to watch now https://www.parasitemovie.com/

#Parasites are an essential aspect in all #human #illness.

Treating parasites, taking minerals, eating unprocessed food, GETTING RIGHT With God are mentioned as the cure for any ills.

Having said that, I may be wrong but I feel INCREDIBLY strong about the idea that GOD can do anything. Our relationship with our TRUST in our ability to BE healthy because we are tapped into the SOURCE of charge which can bring us any frequency, any plasma, any photonic element IS FIRST and last as a way of LIFE.


"You Have No Idea How Bad This Is" - Whitney Webb 2024 Prediction
She has alluded to the teeny tiny group of oligarchs and their cooperation even when of different "crime families". People have seen this group as a parasitic force on us. I seriously think parasites are from every angle our nemesis. This is a video talking about #parasites from a #demonic /biblical angle. Wghat IF we all did a #parasite #cleanse. Would this have an effect on our need to stand up and refuse to cooperate any longer?

Source: https://youtube.com/watch?v=1iQF5xv7PXE


DE #MACRON AU #RN : les #PARASITES sont prêts à TOUT pour maintenir leurs INTÉRÊTS - Nicolas #Framont

#NicolasFRAMONT est rédacteur en chef du magazine #Frustration. Ses recherches portent sur la #sociologie de la #bourgeoisie et du #travail, et il est l'auteur de « Parasites » (Ed. LLL). Le parasite est un « organisme qui se nourrit strictement aux dépens d’un organisme hôte d’une espèce différente ». Or, dans notre #société, les parasites sont incarnés dans la classe bourgeoise. Dans cet entretien par Olivier Berruyer pour Élucid, Nicolas Framont montre que la lutte des classes est loin d'être terminée, et que par delà les beaux discours accrédités par le système #politique et médiatique, quelques privilégiés pillent et exploitent la majorité d'entre nous, sans que rien de valable ne puisse justifier cette injustice. Alors que les forces politiques sont en pleine recomposition suite à la #dissolution d'Emmanuel Macron, plus que jamais les intérêts de la bourgeoisie mènent la danse.

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#Politique #Capitalisme #Domination #Patrons #Richesse #Actionnaires #LutteDesClasses #Médias



#JerryMarzinsky and #SherrySwiney on #Archonic #Mind #Parasites:

#Psychiatry and #traditional #medicine have #failed in #treating #schizophrenia.

They have done more #damage than good if one includes #pharmaceuticals.

But what if the “voices” of schizophrenics are not hallucinations caused by chemical imbalances?

What if they are #malignant #entities feeding off mental negativity and pain?

We explore this possibility from two sides: a psychiatric evaluator who confronted these mind parasites while working in prisons; and an individual who escaped the grip of the “voices” by drawing from esoteric techniques.

Astral Guests – Jerry Marzinsky and Sherry Swiney, authors of An Amazing Journey Into the #Psychotic Mind - #Breaking the #Spell of the Ivory Tower. This is a partial show for nonmembers. For the second half of the #interview, please become a member: http://thegodabovegod.com/members/subscription-levels/ or patron at Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/aeonbyte


From A.I. really meaning #Alien Intelligence to the primary reason for the #Iraq invasion being because Sadam had found the remains of #Nimrod (of tower of Babel fame ) and a hoard of #artefacts buried with him.

The Cosmic Salon - A chat with Dr. Alphonzo Monzo III, ND LMT, LPNM
2 hour 5 minutes - Posted Apr 10, 2024

Here is another riveting chat for y'all to enjoy. We get into so much, including woo, and still there is such an incredible amount to cover that I've asked Meredith to invite #Dr. #Monzo back on. #Quantum Dots. #Carbon C-60. #Nephilim. #Healing modalities. #Parasites. Weaponized #biology. #Slime #mould,

and so much more.

Dr. Monzo's website:



#reptiles eat bugs not humans !

#PETITION: I Won’t Eat Bugs

Every day, we are bombarded with #propaganda attempting to normalize bug eating.

The World Economic Forum has been at the forefront of promoting the consumption of insects for years now, advocating that eating bugs is the way of the future, is sustainable and will help fight climate change, and will improve human health.

From Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau seeking expert help on establishing best practices for humans and animals to eat bugs in Canada to educating kids in the U.K. about “alternative proteins”, the push to encourage people to eat bugs is expanding on a global scale — this must be stopped!

Additionally, #insects may have #parasites, making them #dangerous to eat. But, of course, our globalist elites don’t want you to know that, and they don’t care because they won’t be eating them.

If you are equally repulsed by the idea of incorporating creepy crawlies into your diet, please sign our petition right here.

Sign here: http://www.rebelnews.com/petition_i_will_not_eat_bugs?recruiter_id=5964112


[ #VF] – Les #fournisseurs d' #électricité nous VOLENT… et en plus ils FRAUDENT ! - #TroubleFait


Les #fournisseurs d’électricité alternatifs volent l’électricité d’ #EDF, font exploser les #factures des #Français… et en plus ils fraudent ! Retour sur la #loi #Nome et le système de l’ #arenh qui fait vivre ces #parasites et qu’il est #urgent de supprimer.

#énergie #politique #UE #Fraude #Vole



"Lets stop calling these people #Investors or #HedgeFundManagers, and instead, call them #DroughtProfiteers, which is what they are. I mean, you can also call them #Vultures, or #Parasites, and #ShitStains. Those all apply, quite well. Get creative with it. Listen to your heart."

#RobberBarons first sprang to mind... then a new term was coined in my mind... #TerrorBarons
new term for #DisasterCapitalists #CatastropheCapitalists