

Defensora do genocídio e da censura, CONIB é inimiga da democracia

Breno Altman

Breno Altman é diretor do site Opera Mundi e da revista Samuel

'Assim como combater o nazismo não era ódio aos alemães, lutar contra o sionismo não é antissemitismo', destaca Altman


Mais uma vez a Confederação Israelita do Brasil recorre a demandas judiciais para impedir meu #direito constitucional à #expressão e à #opinião.

Como parte da estratégia mundial das forças #sionistas, a principal #agência do Estado de #Israel em nosso território utiliza vultosos recursos financeiros e organizacionais para levar adiante seus métodos de #lawfare, com o intuito de #calar a #crítica e a #denúncia do #massacre contra o povo #palestino.

Agora, o comando do lobby sionista no #Brasil exige não apenas minha #exclusão de todas a plataformas de mídia social como também que eu seja #proibido de participar em “lives, videos e manifestações” sobre a questão palestina, “sob pena de prisão preventiva”.

Esses são os pedidos, sob a forma de medida cautelar, que a #CONIB encaminhou, no dia 11 de janeiro, ao juiz da 9ª Vara Criminal Federal de São Paulo. Configuram claramente pressão por censura prévia, mecanismo abolido desde o final da #ditadura. Os representantes de Israel querem ter o direito de anular a opinião de um #jornalista #brasileiro, simplesmente proibindo-o de analisar e denunciar os delitos humanitários do sionismo.

Além do mais, os argumentos são ardilosos e falsos, como de hábito. Não apontam uma só mentira que eu tenha dito ou escrito. Malandramente tentam estigmatizar como antissemitas a oposição aos #crimes de #lesa-humanidade do Estado de Israel e a repulsa aos atos de seus dirigentes desde 1948.

Combato sem tréguas a corrente ideológica encarnada no regime #sionista, é fato, por sua natureza #colonial e #racista, cujas entranhas estão expostas na atual política de extermínio na Faixa de #Gaza. Isso nada tem a ver com antissemitismo, conceito historicamente empregado para o preconceito racial contra judeus.

Da mesma maneira que lutar contra o nazismo não representava ódio aos alemães, enfrentar o sionismo não tem qualquer relação com sentimentos antijudaicos. Confundir antissionismo e antissemitismo não passa de manobra falaciosa.

Sou #judeu, de uma família com muitas vítimas no #Holocausto. Meu pai e meu avô, #antissionistas como eu, foram importantes dirigentes da #comunidade judaica, liderando instituições de grande prestígio e memória do povo judeu, como a Escola Scholem Aleichem e a Casa do Povo. Apontar-me como antissemita é acusação falsa, sórdida e injuriosa.

A CONIB, notória por sua conexão com a #extrema #direita, ao buscar me calar e censurar, arremete #contra a #democracia. Tenta dobrar o Estado brasileiro aos interesses de um sistema supremacista e facínora. Querem me usar como exemplo para provocar #medo e #intimidação, com o objetivo de silenciar a denúncia contra os brutais e imperdoáveis crimes do governo israelense, que incluem o assassinato de inúmeros jornalistas.

A #gravidade do comportamento dessa obscura entidade salta às vistas.

Oxalá as instituições nacionais sejam capazes de perceber suas reais intenções e deter sua ofensiva autoritária, de flagrante desrespeito à Constituição e à #soberania do país.


6. #Fediversemoderationstreff

By Fediverse Moderationstreff

About this event:

Schwerpunktthema: #Meta #blocken oder #föderieren?

Beim 6. #FediverseModerationsTreff wollen wir mit euch zusammen über die Situation rund um #Project92 und eine eventuell zukünftig stattfindende #Zusammenarbeit einiger #Fediverse-Instanzen mit der geplanten #Meta-App sprechen, die mit #Mastodon interagieren kann. Das Thema hat in den letzten Tagen große Wellen geschlagen. Wir wollen #Argumente #pro und #contra #Föderation sammeln. Außerdem soll Raum für #Server-Betreibende sein, um sich über #Befürchtungen und einen möglichen Umgang mit Meta auszutauschen.

Organisiert von @ueckueck, @ebinger und @w4ts0n

Meldet euch gerne an. Willkommen sind wie immer Moderierende von Instanzen, Admins sowie Interessierte an der Moderation.

Link zur BBB-Videokonferenz: https://lecture.senfcall.de/tho-vpy-plo-txw



The Media Lens Book Of Obituaries – Deleting Tutu’s Criticism Of Israel

Media Lens

(...) Following his death in 2004, we described how Ronald Reagan’s eight years as US President (1981-89) had resulted in a vast bloodbath as Washington poured money and weapons into client dictatorships and right-wing death squads across Central America. The death toll: more than 70,000 political killings in El Salvador, more than 100,000 in Guatemala, and 30,000 killed in the US Contra war waged against Nicaragua. Journalist Allan Nairn described the latter as ‘One of the most intensive campaigns of mass murder in recent history.’ (Democracy Now, 8 June 2004)

On the BBC’s flagship Newsnight programme, Gavin Esler said of Reagan:

‘Many people believe that he restored faith in American military action after Vietnam through his willingness to use force, if necessary, in defence of American interests.’ (Newsnight, 9 June 2004) (...)

The basic rule: Official Friends of State are greeted by ostensibly independent corporate media with a wry, knowing, ultimately approving smile. Official Enemies of State are greeted with a sneer or a snarl.

In the immediate aftermath of Margaret Thatcher’s death on 8 April 2013, we found 461 UK national newspaper articles mentioning the word ‘Thatcher’. Of these, 29 articles mentioned ‘Thatcher’ and ‘Saddam’. None mentioned that Thatcher had armed and financed the Iraqi dictator. Links to torture and mass murder that would have been front and centre in reviewing the life of any Official Enemy were airbrushed from history. (...)

Also in 2013, following the death of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez (...)

The corporate media version of events was nutshelled by an editorial in the Independent titled:

‘Hugo Chávez – an era of grand political illusion comes to an end’

This of a leader who had reduced poverty by half, having sparked a regional move towards greater independence from the ruthless superpower to the North. The editorial continued:

‘Mr Chávez was no run-of-the-mill dictator. His offences were far from the excesses of a Colonel Gaddafi, say. What he was, more than anything, was an illusionist – a showman who used his prodigious powers of persuasion to present a corrupt autocracy fuelled by petrodollars as a socialist utopia in the making. The show now over, he leaves a hollowed-out country crippled by poverty, violence and crime. So much for the revolution.’

For the oligarch-owned Independent, then, Chávez – who had won 15 democratic elections, including four presidential elections – was a ‘dictator’. (...)

A further example of five-scythe filtering was provided by recent media coverage following the death of Desmond Tutu, the former Archbishop of Cape Town and chairman of South Africa’s truth and reconciliation commission. Tutu was one of the great leaders of the anti-apartheid movement, but he protested many other forms of oppression. In 2002, the Guardian published an opinion piece in which Tutu commented:

‘I’ve been very deeply distressed in my visit to the Holy Land; it reminded me so much of what happened to us black people in South Africa. I have seen the humiliation of the Palestinians at checkpoints and roadblocks, suffering like us when young white police officers prevented us from moving about.’ (...)

Tutu even drew attention to the power of the pro-Israel lobby in smearing criticism of Israel as ‘anti-semitism’:

‘to criticise it is to be immediately dubbed anti-semitic, as if the Palestinians were not semitic. I am not even anti-white, despite the madness of that group. And how did it come about that Israel was collaborating with the apartheid government on security measures?’ (...)

Elsewhere, Tutu wrote:

‘The withdrawal of trade with South Africa… was ultimately one of the key levers that brought the apartheid state – bloodlessly – to its knees… Those who continue to do business with Israel, who contribute to a sense of “normalcy” in Israeli society, are doing the people of Israel and Palestine a disservice.’

In December 2020, Tutu added:

‘Apartheid was horrible in South Africa and it’s horrible when Israel practises its own form of apartheid against the Palestinians, with checkpoints and a system of oppressive policies. Indeed another US statute, the Leahy law, prohibits US military aid to governments that systematically violate human rights.’

In a stirring example of just how low the Guardian has sunk under the editorship of Katharine Viner, the same newspaper that published Tutu’s comments made no mention whatever of Palestinians or the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in its obituary on 6 December 2021.

In response, a Change.org petition, signed by more than 3,250 people, sent a searing open letter to Viner:

‘Tutu’s repeated criticism of Israeli apartheid policies, and his commitment to the cause of the Palestinian people, are all simply omitted.’ (...)

The BBC made no mention of the issue here, here and here. (...)

Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer responded to the death of Tutu:

‘Desmond Tutu was a tower of a man, and a leader of moral activism. He dedicated his life to tackling injustice and standing up for the oppressed. His impact on the world crosses borders and echoes through generations. May he rest in peace.’

As the website Skwawkbox noted accurately in response:

‘But if Tutu had been a Labour member, Starmer would probably have expelled him, at least if he had the spine to do it, for comments in support of Palestinians and of boycotts and sanctions against Israel…’

Clearly, our media guardians of power were keen to say as little as possible about Tutu’s criticism of Israel without exposing themselves as outright totalitarians by blanking the issue 100% – 99% is a much better look, especially when reviewing the life of a courageous anti-fascist. (...)

Complete article

Photo of Desmond Tutu with Dalai Lama

Tags: #obituary #desmond_tutu #tutu #reagan #ronald_reagan #central_america #el_salvador #guatemala #nicaragua #contra #thatcher #margareth_thatcher #media #journalism #journalist #news #interational_politics #fireign_relations #power #bbc #the_guardian #inependent #newspapers #news_media #venezuela #chaves #hugo_chaves #israel #anti-semitism #apartheid #pro-israel_lobby #labour #keir_starmer