

Steve Bannon to Face the Music

... Bannon, a former White House senior adviser, is scheduled to appear in front of Judge Juan Merchan for a pretrial motion hearing at the New York Supreme Criminal Court, where Bannon's lawyers are expected to argue that the case should be thrown out.

Bannon has pleaded not guilty to several charges of money laundering, conspiracy and scheming to defraud in connection with $15 million in donations a "We Build the Wall" fundraising campaign received. ...

Full article: https://www.newsweek.com/steve-bannon-faces-music-we-build-wall-fraud-case-1896079


Well, here you have it, clear as can be. The “brain” of #TrumpVirus, the chief strategist, pre-pardoned, spells it out clearly:
The GQP #Cult (nee party) is in fact embracing the obvious: Welcome to America’s new, official 'party of Trump', AKA #Fascist Party

“There Isn’t Enough Fascism in the GOP”:

#### Bannon Explodes at RNC Over Republican Losses in Ohio, Kentucky and Virginia

#Fascism #RNC #Bannon #Jan6 #sedition #GQP #FascistParty #truth #psychopathy #psychopathology


Heh… A new song parody… combining two islands of fantasy:

Gilligan’s Island crew reunited, on …

Mutineers’ Island

Making the rounds on Twitter & TikTok, and eventually to a screen near you!
Could use a few updates: Billionaires, not millionaires, etc. But hey… cute. And a lot of #truth too.

#TrumpVirus #Sedition #MutineersIsland #Jan6 #treason #slime #insurrection #Bannon


Bannon turns on Trump?

Eventually, every Republican will claim they never supported Trump. The writing's on the wall.

They are counting on Americans having short or non-existent memories (which most do).

Let us please nail them All to the wall before our conspecifics' memories fade. Including Bannon, McConnell, and the Mercers. Not to mention all those still in Congress.

Bannon detailed Trump's scheme to steal the election: ‘I’m the winner. Game over. Suck on that'

FTA: Three days before the 2020 election, Steve Bannon explained that Donald Trump could not lose. Because if he did lose, Trump intended to declare victory anyway. Then Trump would use the power of his position to simply overturn the election results.

Trump isn an idiot. Too idiotic to run a country by himself. In case you ever wondered who his puppet master was.

In the UK, Oxford produces all the dangerously idiotic and self-serving leaders (e.g., Johnson). In the US, we have Harvard. Bannon is Harvard spawn (as are Cotton and Hawley). Harvard and Oxford spawn all need to be viewed with deep suspicion. Personally, I think they should all be killed upon graduation unless they can pass a test of basic humanity. The lot of them are a scourge on the rest of us. (And to think I came this close to doing my graduate work at Harvard. I hate to think what I would have become if I did.)

#Bannon #Trump #AmericanPolitics



NICE! #truth, #Justice, #accountabilty - may be on offer, on tap, on trial... soon!

Judge won't delay Steve Bannon's trial after his last-minute offer to cooperate with Jan. 6 panel.

The Trump associate is set to go on trial next Monday for contempt of Congress after he blew off the Jan. 6 committee's subpoena

Tomorrow/Thursday, more hearings into the 1/6 #sediton/ #coup, which "a lot of people say" was 'masterminded' by #Bannon, finessed by #TrumpVirus. #Traitors #karma #SeditiousConspiracy #slime

Bannon is set for a heavy trial one week from today, with little chance of being held harmless. So now, he's agreed to comply with the 1/6 committee, after (surprise, surprise!) having his "privilege" taken away from him by Lord StableGenius, who "hardly knew him".

Will he now "sing"? He surely must be busy about now, trying to find away out of the corner he is crazy-glued into, self-inflicted.


"Just in" via Kyle Cheney, Senior legal affairs reporter for Politico, following the Jan 6 Coup Inquiry

Brains vs. Beauty - The Seditious Collusion behind MAGA and the 1/6 Treason

Guess which one has been thrown under the bus, bigly?
Might explain some of the sudden changes of tune, along with a court date AND non-privileged testimony imminent.

Watch the #truth unfold! Two live public hearings this week, 1 Tuesday at 10AM (EST) and one Thurs, "prime time"(?)

#Accountability #Justice #MakeAmericaSaneAgain #Bannon #TrumpVirus #sedition #coup


Man könnte zum Beispiel über die Figur des Vordenkers Aleksandr #Dugin nachdenken. Eine Art Ideologe der Linie oder „Vision“ des Kremls. Dugin hat den Spitznamen „Putins Rasputin“ erhalten, und das nicht nur wegen seiner Ähnlichkeit mit dem russischen Mystiker, dem privaten Berater der Romanows und einer sehr einflussreichen Figur unter Nikolaus II. von #Russland.
Dugin schrieb das Strategiehandbuch, das Putins #Außenpolitik prägte. Eine Strategie, die vor einigen Jahren vorgestellt wurde. Dugin war nicht nur Berater von Duma-Abgeordneten und #Putin, sondern auch Gründer und Mitglied der Bolschewistischen nationalen Partei, der Bolschewistischen nationalen Front und der Eurasischen Partei. Sinnbildlich ist der von ihm geprägte Slogan: „Russland ist alles, der Rest ist nichts!“. Das von Dugin selbst entworfene Symbol des Nationalbolschewismus weist merkwürdigerweise mehrere Bezüge zur #Geschichte der #Nazi -Symbolik auf. Auch ist es eine Tatsache, dass der Nationalbolschewismus prekäre Ähnlichkeiten zum Programm der #NSDAP aufweist.

https://www.volksverpetzer.de/recherche-afd/dugin-putin-nazi/ #trump #bannon #stalin #ndp #dvu #geopolitik #schirinowski #neuerechte #krieg #eurasien #ukraine #althans #afd #ochsenreiter #sellner #iran #serbia #ib