

Als Wehrflüchtling zur Fahndung ausgeschrieben: Sergij Sternenko (Kiew, 15.6.2020)
Wanted as a fugitive from military service: Sergiy Sternenko (Kiev, 15 June 2020)

Das waren noch Zeiten, als Sergij Sternenko als Anführer des »Rechten Sektors« in Odessa antifaschistische Demonstranten ins Gewerkschaftshaus prügeln und dieses dann anstecken lassen konnte. Oder »prorussische« Autoren wie Oles Busina auf offener Straße erschießen, ohne dass ihm etwas passierte. Alle Verfahren wurden von der Post-»Maidan«-Justiz der Ukraine niedergeschlagen.
Those were the days when Sergiy Sternenko, leader of the ‘Right Sector’ in Odessa, could beat up anti-fascist demonstrators in the trade union centre and then have it set on fire. Or shoot ‘pro-Russian’ authors like Oles Busina in the street without anything happening to him. All trials were quashed by Ukraine's post-‘Maidan’ judiciary.

#Sternenko #Rechten-Sektors #Right-Sector #Odessa #Maidan


Since Maidan 2014, the ukrainian national currency has lost its purchasing power by more than 500%

Since government coup #Maidan 2014, the ukrainian national currency has lost its purchasing power by more than 500%, for this ukrainians with pots on their heads jumped on the Maidan, shot up to a hundred people in the center of #Kiev, burned people in #Odessa, lost #Crimea and started a war in #Donbass.

It was such a waste of their country, built by the sweat and blood of generations of Soviet people.

Fucking morons!



#ukraine #ukrainian #russophobia #war #ukrainians #poverty #failstate #history #economy #finance #currency #fail #anti-Russia


+++ Nachrichten im Ukraine-Krieg +++: Wowtschansk ist praktisch zerstört

Mit Gleitbomben und Granaten wird die Stadt unablässig von der russischen Armee angegriffen. Die meldet die Einnahme eines weiteren Dorfes in der Region Charkiw. Präsident Selenskyj beklagt erneut Waffenmangel.#Ukraine-Konflikt #Ukraine #SPD #Charkiw #Odessa #WolodymyrSelenskij #DeutscheBank #KrieginderUkraine #Europa #Politik #Schwerpunkt
+++ Nachrichten im Ukraine-Krieg +++: Wowtschansk ist praktisch zerstört


Russia claims that their missile and done attacks against Odessa last week destroyed entire shipment of recent missiles and air defense system from US and Germany worth over $4B

The attacks were reported by both Russian and Ukrainian sources and the aftermath of the attacks were clearly indicating that the targets were amonition depot of some kind and the fire lasted for hours and spread to a large part of the storage facility that was hit.

The Russian military blogger claims that the information was leaked by an Ulrainian military who gave the coordinates and the date of the arrival of US and German shipment only hours before they were planned to be shipped out to different locations.

#Russia #Ukraine #UkraineWar #US #Germany #Military #Odessa


About Odessa...

About #Odessa ... #Ukraine #Russia #massacre

"... May 2, 2014. There is a good material in Ria on that grim anniversary (in Russian, use Google translate). What is correctly noted, for many Russians this was the event which changed everything. Later those events will be "explained" by the onset of the war in Ukraine. So, keep in mind, while SMO started in February of 2022, the conflict was ongoing for the last 10 years. It is then when I completely lost any "brotherly" feelings. Why I do not consider, as many still try (for Putin it is obvious, he has to project moderation and historical wisdom) to convince that Ukrainians and Russians are "brothers"--ethnically, yes, culturally, no--them to be largely not brotherly at all, bar people from what historically was Malorossiya, is long to explain. New generations of Ukies are people radically different from Russians and it is not just the matter of propaganda. Long story short--it is a debilitating envy and complex of inferiority which is in the foundation of Ukrainian nation. I am on record--Ukrainian nation DID happen. It is a real nation, which only now is getting the whiff of its own demise."



Osteuropa-Workshop und die Ukraine: Nehmen und Geben

Viele Ukrai­ne­r:in­nen glauben, dass von einem Beitritt ihres Landes zur Europäischen Union auch Europa profitieren wird.#Russland #Ukraine #Odessa #Osteuropa–einGedankenaustausch #Europa #Politik #Schwerpunkt
Osteuropa-Workshop und die Ukraine: Nehmen und Geben