

Anti-Communism Is A Fundamentalist Religion, Now Followed By Billions| Countercurrents

it is not the socialist revolution that provokes mass violence, but the bourgeois counter-revolution, that begins when capital realises that it is losing its property and power.


Beyond that, the picture was of a “triumphal procession of Soviet power” (this heading in Soviet textbooks was no accident). In the winter of 1917-1918 the relationship of forces saw half a million members of the workers’ militia, the Red Guard, pitted against a few tens of thousand White Guard members in the south of Russia. Everything was quiet until the counter-revolution received vast sums of money from the Triple Alliance (primarily from Germany) as well as from the Entente, and all these imperialist countries launched aggression against the young Soviet power.


And this applies to countless examples, all over the world, where the West first provoked and brutally antagonized socialist or communist countries, then accused them of cruelty, and finally “liberated” them in the name of freedom and democracy, literally raping the will of their people. All this just so European and North American imperialism would survive and thrive.


Ask the common men and women of the streets of London, Paris or New York, what they know about Stalin’s era, or the famines in the early years of the USSR, or in Communist China?

99.99% know nothing. Where these famines took place, or why? But they are absolutely certain that they took place. No doubts, whatsoever. No doubts that they happened “because of Communism”. Westerners are intellectually obedient, like sheep. Most of them do not question the propaganda unleashed by their regime. Are they really “free”?

The famine in the Soviet Union actually took place because the young revolutionary country was totally devastated by the Western and Japanese invasions, which tried to break and plunder the country. British, French, U.S., Czech, Polish, German, Japanese invasions, to name just a few.

But ask, for instance, the Czechs, how much they know about their Legions that controlled the Trans-Siberian railroad, on their way from Europe to Vladivostok. Plundering, rape, and mass killing. I tried. I asked, in Prague and Pilsen. They thought I was a lunatic. The Legions are portrayed as heroic, in their history books.


In both cases, Western propaganda made people believe that the real cause for the loss of lives in Russia and China was Communism! The brainwashing has been so successful, that even in Russia and China, millions of people have been fully indoctrinated by these countlessly repeated lies coming out of the West.

But ask in London, whether people know anything about the fact that under the British occupation of India, tens of millions of people died from starvation; victims of the famines triggered by London, for many reasons, one of them being an attempt to lower the population. Over 50 million Indian people, cumulatively, died in these famines, between 1769 to 1943, in British administered India.

Should we, as a result, ban the British political system? I am convinced that we should! But that is usually not what the people of the world, including the victims of the British colonialist barbarity, are demanding.


The goal of Western propaganda has always been to equate Communism and Fascism, the two most antagonistic systems in history, in the world. It was the Soviet Communist system, which smashed Nazism to pieces, saving the world, at an enormous cost of approximately 25 million human lives.

Only Western imperialism can be compared to German Nazism. The two are made of the same stuff.

#capitalism #imperialism #europe #Western #intervention #mccarthyism #anticommunism #anti-Russia #USSR #Stalin #bolsheviks #socialism #communism #soviet #russian #history #China

Image/photoharry haller wrote the following post Sat, 14 Sep 2024 23:53:16 +0200

Anti-Communism Is A Fundamentalist Religion, Now Followed By Billions| Countercurrents — https://countercurrents.org/2020/06/anti-communism-is-a-fundamentalist-religion-now-followed-by-billions/


Since Maidan 2014, the ukrainian national currency has lost its purchasing power by more than 500%

Since government coup #Maidan 2014, the ukrainian national currency has lost its purchasing power by more than 500%, for this ukrainians with pots on their heads jumped on the Maidan, shot up to a hundred people in the center of #Kiev, burned people in #Odessa, lost #Crimea and started a war in #Donbass.

It was such a waste of their country, built by the sweat and blood of generations of Soviet people.

Fucking morons!



#ukraine #ukrainian #russophobia #war #ukrainians #poverty #failstate #history #economy #finance #currency #fail #anti-Russia


Cold War Canada: Ongoing state support for East European émigré groups with deep fascist roots

“Manufacturing Consent”

... for fascism

“If the triumph of communism

is the worst imaginable result,

the support of fascism abroad

is justified as a lesser evil.”

In 1988, just before the destruction of the USSR, #Herman and #Chomsky published a theory on the use of mass media "to inculcate individuals with the values, beliefs, and codes of behavior" that "integrate them into the institutional structures of the larger society." (p.1.) The media’s "societal purpose," they explained, is to "defend the economic, social, and political agenda of privileged groups that dominate the domestic society and the state." (p.298.)

This propaganda model focused on five thematic "filters" of the mass media:

1) size, concentrated ownership, owner wealth and profit orientation...;

2) advertising as primary income source ...;

3) reliance... on info. provided by government, business and "experts" funded and approved by these primary sources and agents of power;

4) "flak" as a means of disciplining the media;

5) "anticommunism" as a national religion and control mechanism. (p.2.)

With the "specter" of communism as "the ultimate evil," the media created a "cultural milieu in which anticommunism is the dominant religion." By "elevating opposition to communism to a first principle of Western ideology and politics," the media used it as a "potent" "political-control mechanism." This "fragment[ed] the left and labor movements" and sidelined "social democrats" accused of being "too soft on communists." While many Cold War "liberal" progressives supported US-led wars justified with anticommunist pretexts, "others lapsed into silence, paralyzed by the fear of being tarred with charges of infidelity to the national religion." (p.29.)

By stirring "anti-Communist fervor ... the demand for serious evidence in support of claims of ‘communist’ abuses is suspended, and charlatans can survive as evidential sources." These "charlatans" take "center stage" as media "experts" and "remain there even after exposure as highly unreliable, if not downright liars." (p.30.)

Source: Edward S.Herman and Noam Chomsky, Manufacturing Consent, 1988.


Source: Ukraine: A Captive but Unconquerable Nation, Bulletin of the World AntiCommunist League, Jun 1969


#europe #Western #coldwar #USA #US #canada #ukraine #Vietnam #Iran #Guatemala #Brazil #Dominican #NATO #propaganda #fascism #anticommunism #mccarthyism #russophobia #anti-Russia in #soviet #USSR #russian #ukrainian #Russia #history


Releasing names of 900 alleged Nazi war criminals who fled to Canada could embarrass federal government, bureaucrats told

Other stakeholders who advised LAC worried the list would embarrass Canada’s Ukrainian community or be used by Russians for propaganda purposes, the records show.

Large numbers of soldiers from a Ukrainian Waffen SS division fled to Canada after the war.

Library and Archives Canada had hoped to release information to the public between Sept. 16 and Sept. 20, but how many names of the alleged Nazi war criminals will actually be made public is not yet known.

The list was part of the 1986 war-crimes commission led by Justice Jules Deschenes. The names were compiled from RCMP files and other documents.

#ukraine #ukrainian #nazi #war-crimes #WWII #WW2 #CIA #history #anticommunism #anti-Russia

Image/photoYogthos wrote the following post Thu, 05 Sep 2024 18:24:40 +0300

Releasing names of 900 alleged nazi war criminals who fled to #Canada could embarrass federal government, bureaucrats told.



Specific Authors of the Ukrainian War

In the early 80s, our ambassador Alexander #Yakovlev (a classic example of the genre - bed and whiskey) was recruited in Canada. In 1985, he became Mikhail #Gorbachev's chief adviser, and it was through Yakovlev that the last General Secretary was instilled with a plan to reform the USSR economy. In essence, the plan was very simple - to get rid of the superfluous Union republics and then, with the help of the USA, to become a prosperous capitalist state. It was this plan that Gorbachev proposed to Ronald #Reagan at his very first meeting.

And here is the first remark - historians will probably argue endlessly whether Gorbachev knew or not that this plan was foisted on him by the Americans themselves, or was simply a fool. Personally, I think that he knew and openly and purposefully destroyed the Union. Because this plan included not only the collapse of the country's rather strong economy under the guise of reforms, but also the bringing to power of outright renegades - #Yeltsin and the group of American advisers who stood behind him, who came to "help" the Soviet Union.


Specifically, for the deployment of military operations in Ukraine, a number of contractors were involved, both already well-identified Russophobes and specially established ones at that. Here, we will only list some of them and, accordingly, their main sponsors:

The Atlantic Council- Sponsored by SAAB, Raytheon, and Lockheed. This is the director of the Ukrainian project. Their main lobbyist, by the way, is the same Alperovich who recently authored "The World on the Brink."

The Center for Analysis of European Policy (established in 2005) - Sponsored specifically by Lockheed, BAE System, Bel Helicopter, and Raytheon, and was designed to promote the agenda in the media.

The German Marshall Fund- Sponsored by the Ministry of Defense of Latvia, Airbus, Boeing, and Raytheon. The main lobbyist is still the same William Kristol, and the former president of Estonia and our old enemy McFaul are also involved.

The Institute for the Study of War (2007) - Sponsored by Raytheon and General Dynamics Dean Corporation. The director of the institute is Kimberly Kagan (wife of Victoria Nuland's husband's brother).

These are just a few of the contractors that, by various estimates, handled up to $7 billion in U.S. government and private spending on military corporations to fuel the Ukrainian war. Much of that money ended up in the pockets of the #Nuland family and the #Kagan clan, who are connected to the #Clinton and #Obama families.

#USA #US #american #deepstate #CIA #MIC #warmongers #neocons #russophobia #ukraine #anti-Russia #ukrainian #war #history #soviet #russian #USSR #Russia

Image/photoharry haller wrote the following post Thu, 29 Aug 2024 13:16:41 +0300

Specific Authors of the Ukrainian War - by Zinderneuf — https://maratkhairullin.substack.com/p/specific-authors-of-the-ukrainian Image/photo Image/photo Image/photo Image/photo Image/photo


Rheinmetall plans massive expansion of ammunition production in Germany

The arms manufacturer Rheinmetall is planning to significantly increase its production of 155-millimeter artillery ammunition. A new ammunition factory is being built in Unterlüß, Lower Saxony, and the German government is examining legal relaxations to allow production in stock.


The Germans are getting ready to go to war with the Russians again, the European vassals want to be beaten again, masochists.

#nato #germany #war in #eu again #europe #western #warmongers #banksters #money #economy #military #european #vassalage #anti-Russia #mindmanipulation to #suicide #german #future in #poverty


For Europe and NATO, a Russian Invasion Is No Longer Unthinkable

Amid crumbling U.S. support for Ukraine and Donald Trump’s rising candidacy, European nations and NATO are making plans to take on Russia by themselves.


Europeans and their masters behind the puddle, want to smash themselves against Russia again.

Chronic pathology of the anglo-saxons, history teaches them nothing..

#USA #us #nato #war in #eu again #europe #western #anglo-saxons is #warmongers #banksters #money #economy #military #european #vassalage #anti-Russia #mindmanipulation to #suicide #future in #poverty