

Q: Why haven’t there been any new variants since Omicron?

A: We currently have lots of “sub-variants” that are direct offspring of Omicron, but they don't qualify for new Greek letters from the WHO because they aren't different enough from previous variants of concern.

TL;DR: SARS-CoV-2 is still evolving, but it’s not making as large of genetic leaps as it once did. This has left us with the alphanumeric soup of Omicron children named things like BQ.1.1. and XBB.1.16. 🙈

Like any family tree, all SARS-CoV-2 variants can be traced back to a common ancestor—the original Wuhan strain. From there the family tree expanded, with variant branches such as Alpha, Beta, and Delta coming on the scene with lots of new mutations. While it’s not known for sure, these early variants may have developed in immunocompromised people where they had more time to replicate and mutate within one host to take those larger genetic leaps.

New variants that “won the lottery” with their mutations, meaning they were more transmissible and/or could evade existing immunity, also won the race to infect and crowded out other variants. Delta was very dominant in its era, so it seemed likely that the next important variant would descend from Delta.

Instead, in late 2021 the Omicron variant took the world by surprise. Omicron had A LOT of new mutations but was not a descendent of Delta and didn’t have any close relatives in the more recent SARS-CoV-2 family tree--like a true long-lost cousin showing up and surprising everyone at the family reunion.

Omicron got a new Greek letter not only due to its genetic differences but also because it met the criteria of “variant of concern” with increased transmissibility and immune escape compared to other variants. All new variants circulating since then have been offspring of Omicron, but none have started behaving differently enough to be classified as “variants of concern” and earn their own Greek letter.

Scientists are currently watching the latest Omicron offspring, XBB.1.16, which seems to be contributing to a surge in India and has been reported in a few US states. In India XBB.1.16. is becoming dominant, a sign that it might have some transmission advantage. So far there is no evidence of increased severity of XBB.1.16.

WHO's switch to Greek letters for naming SARS-CoV-2 variants was meant to avoid stigmatizing locations where variants were first identified, but also to make it easier to communicate compared to cumbersome scientific naming conventions. Sadly the long list of numbered and lettered Omicron subvariants has certainly not helped with clear communication!

Even so, the WHO continues to support new Greek letter labels only for variants of concern that take “major evolutionary steps.” Overall, it could be good news if SARS-CoV-2 is settling down and taking smaller steps rather than large genetic leaps. But of course, it is still possible that an Omicron descendent could make a big jump (perhaps mutating from a long-lasting infection in an immunocompromised person) or that a variant could emerge that’s unrelated to Omicron but from a variant circulating at low levels.

Overall, we can probably expect less variant “news” than we’ve had the past three years. As you might have noticed from the nicknames of some of the recent Omicron subvariants (like the “Kraken”), not many are living up to the hype right now. With high levels of population immunity from vaccination and infection, we’re seeing a pattern of smaller but persistent waves of SARS-CoV-2 regardless of the dominant subvariant.

As always, the best thing YOU can do is give the virus fewer tickets to win the genetic lottery--by giving it fewer chances to infect and make copies of itself. You can lower your risk of infection through vaccination (get that booster!) and your other tried and true prevention measures.

SARS-CoV-2's family tree. It's full of surprises:

What to know about the XBB.1.16 COVID variant causing concern in India:

Omicron, Delta, Alpha, and More: What To Know About the Coronavirus Variants:

Update of WHO’s working definitions and tracking system for SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern and variants of interest:

#variants #Omicron #virology #publichealth #covid #vaccinate


Where’s the herd immunity? Our research shows why Covid is still wreaking havoc | Danny Altmann | The Guardian

Contrary to the myth that we are sliding into a comfortable evolutionary relationship with a common-cold-like, friendly virus, this is more like being trapped on a rollercoaster in a horror film. There’s nothing cold-like or friendly about a large part of the workforce needing significant absences from work, feeling awful and sometimes getting reinfected over and over again, just weeks apart. And that’s before the risk of long Covid. While we now know that the risk of long Covid is somewhat reduced in those who become infected after vaccination, and also less in those from the Omicron than the Delta wave, the absolute numbers are nevertheless worrying.

#corona #Covid19 #omicron



Eight changes the world needs to make to live with #COVID / Christina Pagel

More and more people have been asking for a return to normal, and with #omicron waning, governments are starting to act. The #UK, for example, is removing its remaining public health measures, including mandatory self-isolation of COVID cases and free testing. However, the inescapable truth is that – unless the virus mutates to a milder form – the “normal” life we are returning to will be shorter and sicker on average than before.

We’ve added a new significant disease to our population. COVID is often compared to #flu, as if adding a burden equivalent to flu to a population were fine (it isn’t). In fact, COVID has been and remains worse. COVID’s infection fatality rate – the proportion of people who die once they’ve caught it – was initially about ten times higher than for flu. Treatments, #vaccines and prior infections have since brought the fatality rate down, but it’s still almost twice as high as for flu – and yes, this still holds for omicron.

The impact is then worsened because COVID is so much more transmissible. It also has a similar or worse longer-term impact on the heart, lungs and mental health than other respiratory diseases, and a higher rate of long-term symptoms. Vaccines have been incredibly effective at reducing severe illness and #death, but they’re not perfect. New variants have tested vaccine defences, and protection against infection – and to a lesser extent severe illness – wanes after a few months.



"Il n’y a AUCUNE justification au #PASSEPORT #VACCINAL"! -Frank Le DĂ©dĂŽmiseur

#FrankLeDĂ©dĂŽmiseur #philosophe sur un de ses #Tweet qui a beaucoup fait rĂ©agir: "Je suis #vaccinĂ© et j’ai eu la #COVID. Tous ceux que je connais qui ont eu la #COVID depuis dĂ©cembre Ă©taient #vaccinĂ©s aussi. C’est clair que le #vaccin n’empĂȘche pas la transmission d’ #Omicron. Rendu lĂ , il n’y a AUCUNE justification au #PasseportVaccinal. Enlevez-nous ça au PC!"

#politique #analyse


In der Politik geht es beim #Kinderschutz leider nur darum wenn das #Innenministerium mal wieder neue Überwachungsgesetze braucht. Der Schutz der Kinder vor #Omicron ist ansonsten von der #Politik nicht vorgesehen - kostet ja sonst nur :(

Siehe: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_TXMHbHze9U

Besonders menschenverachtend ist die Aussage, dass die Schulen lieber lĂŒften sollen anstatt ihnen #Luftfilter zu finanzieren. Das sagen die Politiker, die sich lieber Luftfilter fĂŒr ihre SitzungsrĂ€ume angeschafft haben wegen der #Sicherheit.

#Schule #Bildung #Kinder #Jugend #Frechheit #Verachtung #Pandemie #Gesundheit #Nachwuchs #Corona #Menschenrechte #Problem #wtf #Verarschung #QuarantÀne #Lehrer


Tweet von Eric Feigl-Ding (@DrEricDing) um 23. Jan., 23:09 I’m concerned about the new #BA2 sub variant of #Omicron. In the left panel, you see it is surging (light green) to almost half of all Danish đŸ‡©đŸ‡° #Omicron cases—surpassing the old Omicron BA1 variant by a lot. Either it’s much faster transmission or it evades immunity even more.👇 https://t.co/f5vhHOZl5H



As Germany braces for Omicron impact - DrDoom says: thank you healthcare workers - snoopy style

yes, thank you is not enough, public healthcare is massively underfunded, there needs to be a massive pay rise, can’t wait for the AI robots.

“Hospital closures continue in Germany despite COVID-19 pandemic” (src: wsws.org)

as omicron is looming
 some see “light at the end of the pandemic tunnel” (corona becoming “harmless” like the flu? (no it’s not sooo mild) but mutating at a much way faster rate? (quarterly instead of yearly?)

https://interaktiv.tagesspiegel.de/lab/karte-sars-cov-2-in-deutschland-landkreise/ https://www.rki.de/DE/Content/InfAZ/N/Neuartiges_Coronavirus/Daten/VOC_VOI_Tabelle.html

src: https://interaktiv.tagesspiegel.de/lab/karte-sars-cov-2-in-deutschland-landkreise/ src of src: https://www.rki.de/DE/Content/InfAZ/N/Neuartiges_Coronavirus/Daten/VOC_VOI_Tabelle.html

Mr Lauterbach aka “DrDoom”

German Health Minister Karl Lauterbach aka "Dr Doom"

#linux #gnu #gnulinux #opensource #administration #sysops #covid #corona #covid19 #omicron #omikron #healthcare #drdoom #lauterbach #memes #meme

Originally posted at: https://dwaves.de/2022/01/18/as-germany-braces-for-omicron-impact-drdoom-says-thank-you-healthcare-workers-snoopy-style/


#Covid Arnaud Fontanet sort les avirons pour défendre péniblement la troisiÚme #dose et atténuer les #effets-secondaires des #vaccins !



  • Le pic Ă©pidĂ©mique est dĂ©passĂ© ;
  • #Omicron peut permettre d'atteindre une #immunitĂ© collective ;
  • L'#Ă©pidĂ©mie annuelle de covid deviendra endĂ©mique, comme la grippe ou comme un rhume, sans formes graves ;
  • Il n'y a plus que 58 % de favorables au #pass-sanitaire ou #pass-vaccinal, gros ras-le-bol des Français ;
  • Les #effets-indĂ©sirables Ă  la troisiĂšme dose sont les mĂȘmes, de mĂȘme ampleur et mĂȘme force que ceux rencontrĂ©s Ă  la seconde dose ! (Fortes fiĂšvres...) ;
  • SalamĂ© sort les griffes fĂ©ministes pour dĂ©noncer les #troubles #menstruels liĂ©s aux #injections chez les femmes (lol mdr !) ;
  • Ă  18'00, Catherine, une auditrice de 70 ans, dĂ©zingue Fontanet ! Et SalamĂ© enfonce le clou : on a montĂ© les Français les-uns contre les autres pour finir par rĂ©aliser qu'en fait, le "vaccin" ne sert plus qu'Ă  se protĂ©ger des formes graves...

La phase 3 sur les vaccins est encore EN COURS et ne finira que fin 2022 ou 2023 !!


Une phase 3 intermĂ©diaire “concluante”
Pour commencer, il est important de souligner que oui, techniquement, les essais cliniques de phase 3 sont bel et bien toujours en cours. Rien de cachĂ©. Ce sont les laboratoires eux-mĂȘmes qui le disent. À l'heure actuelle, d'aprĂšs le site ClinicalTrials.gov, une base de donnĂ©es des Ă©tudes cliniques menĂ©es Ă  travers le monde, ces essais prennent fin le 27 octobre 2022 pour #Moderna, le 14 fĂ©vrier 2023 pour #AstraZeneca et le 2 mai de la mĂȘme annĂ©e pour le laboratoire #Pfizer. Cela ne signifie en aucun cas que la phase 3 vient de dĂ©buter. Ni que les personnes immunisĂ©es sont des rats de laboratoire.

En réalité, la phase 3 "traditionnelle" des essais cliniques est terminée. En atteste la publication des premiÚres "conclusions" à l'issue de cette phase intermédiaire, mises en ligne dÚs l'automne dernier dans le cas du laboratoire Pfizer. Le 19 novembre 2020, le laboratoire américain écrivait ainsi dans un communiqué que "l'analyse finale de l'efficacité" de son produit "dans son étude de phase 3 en cours" montrait "un taux d'efficacité du vaccin de 95%". Les premiers résultats de cette phase d'essais ont été publiés pour la totalité des autres vaccins inoculés aujourd'hui en #France.

On peut jouer sur les mots, et blabla que les fabricants de ces vaccins disent de leur produit que la phase 3 "traditionnelle" est terminée, mais la vérité est : La phase 3 est encore en cours. Point.
Et quand on voit #omicron qui se rĂ©pand auprĂšs de tout le monde, #vaccinĂ©s ou non, on se demande bien pourquoi persister Ă  #vacciner tout le monde ! À part pour le #business Ă©videmment.

#Covidiocracy #Covid #Covid19 #Phase3 #BigPharma


Corona-Ausbruch bei mir im BĂŒro

Ja ich weiß ich könnte auf Home-Office bestehen aber dann wĂŒrde mein Arbeitgeber mich kĂŒndigen. Mein Chef ist halt kontrollsĂŒchtig und in der jetzigen Zeit finde ich nichts anderes. So kam es dann wie es kommen musste bei mir im BĂŒro hat sich jemand krank gemeldet mit Corona-Verdacht. Test bei mir war negativ aber irgendwie war ich doch in Panik und irgendwie hatte ich das GefĂŒhl meinen Geschmack verloren zu haben. Alles schmeckte irgendwie gleich und das soll ja eines der Symptome sein. Bis ich mir reines Salz in den Mund gesteckt habe. Das konnte ich schmecken. Entweder der Stress oder das Essen aus dem Supermarkt hat nur noch wenig Geschmack heutzutage :(

Bleibt ihr auf jeden Fall gesund im Fedivers und haltet Abstand :)

enter image description here

#Corona #Omicron #Pandemie #Gesundheit #Arbeit #System #Schicksal