

» #Bewohner der #Erde, bitte herhören«

»Hier spricht Prostetnik Vogon Jeltz vom Galaktischen #Hyperraum-Planungsrat. Wie Ihnen zweifellos bekannt sein wird, sehen die Pläne zur #Entwicklung der Außenregionen der #Galaxis den Bau einer #HyperraumExpreßroute durch Ihr #Sternensystem vor, und bedauerlicherweise ist Ihr #Planet einer von denen, die #gesprengt werden müssen. Das Ganze wird nur etwas weniger als zwei Ihrer #Erdenminuten in Anspruch nehmen. #Danke



#Space Events May #2024 | #Planet Parade | Eta Aquariid #Meteor Shower


Source: https://youtube.com/watch?v=3ZkPA_2t8wY

◘ May 3: Celestial Parade
◘ May 4: Close Conjunction of Moon and Saturn
◘ May 5: Close Conjunction of Moon and Mars
◘ May 5-6: η-Aquariid meteor shower
◘ May 6: Moon at perigee
◘ May 8: New Moon
◘ May 8-9: η-Lyrids meteor shower
◘ May 13: Uranus at solar conjunction
◘ May 14: Mercury at its highest altitude in the dawn sky
◘ May 17: Moon at apogee
◘ May 18: Jupiter at solar conjunction
◘ May 20: The Devil Comet meets Rigel
◘ May 23: Flower Moon
◘ May 24: Lunar Occultation of Antares
◘ May 31: Lunar Occultation of Saturn


All the planets in the #solar-system are undergoing #big #changes #now, due to the 12,000 year solar #cycle.

a science article lately mentioning that Nasa or some similar agency had noticed that #Saturn’s #rings had started to #heat the #planet itself, which scientist did not quite know or understand up to now.

´The #discovery: Saturn's vast ring system is heating the giant planet's upper atmosphere.´

https://science.nasa.gov/missions/hubble/hubble-finds-saturns-rings-heating-its-atmosphere/#:~:text=The discovery: Saturn's vast ring,the giant planet's upper atmosphere


Pinguine - Public Domain

Weiße Rose

#dwr #foto #fotografieren #mywork #fbg #fbd #Frühstück #Kakao #Tee


#Welt! Bist du noch da?

#Pinguine retten

Da das mit den #Eisbergen und so ja immer weniger wird, gewöhne ich die hier schon mal an #Holzscheiben. Ob es ein adäquater Ersatz wird? Ich weiß es nicht, aber probieren kann man es ja mal.

Jetzt Kaffee und was aus der #Mottenkiste:

#Penguin #Planet


Bleibt senkrecht und gesund!


interview between Dr Lee Merritt and Harald Kautz [Vella] In which he tells her the Chemtrails and HAARP Control upto 70% of Americans/Worlds Population [MIND/BODY Control] The #Chemtrails are part of the 3D Scanning of Every Living Organism and Controlling the Bio-Field Structure the JABS and 5G were going to be THEIR Final Blow on Humanity BUT it was stopped JUST Before. THEY don;t care about MONEY [THEY can just Print ££$$$] It was always about Controlling Humanity so THEY Could then Control Our Minds to ACCEPT anything/EVERYTHING And we know where that;s going. [show less]

6 hours ago
When #RosaKoire said 'they want to #inventorize the #whole #world, every insect and tree etc" I wondered #how would they do that.
The answer-nanotech in chemtrails covering the world-every inch of the #planet.