

People who read a lot of fiction tend to have better cognitive skills, study finds

“This research project suggests that people who read a lot of fiction have better cognitive skills than people who read little or no fiction,” Wimmer told PsyPost. “These benefits are small in size across various cognitive skills, but of medium size for verbal and general cognitive abilities, for example, intelligence. Importantly, there is a stronger association between reading fiction and cognitive skills than between reading nonfiction and those skills.”

#reading #science



Kobo’s new repairability push could heat up competition

A hand holding a Kobo ereader showing three books listed. The background is blurry green grass.
“The competition” is probably primarily Amazon Kindle (without a colour model, nor any repairability announced yet). Certainly, consumers score with repairability, and on the face of it, you’d think suppliers lose out. But actually, I may be inclined to buy a far more expensive model if I know I can repair it and keep it going for a few years.

Though I should add after many years of owning a Kobo reader and a few Kindles, not one of them has had any issue at all, and all still work fine. But I get that some people do drop their devices, or things can die after the initial warranty period.

Kobos are now available I see for purchase on Amazon (yes really, just not to my country) as well as Walmart.

Kobos are excellent readers actually and the only thing that counts a bit against them, is they don’t have that vast availability of books that Amazon has. But the Calibre app works perfectly well with being able to buy books elsewhere and push them to your Kobo reader.

See androidpolice.com/kobos-repara…
#Blog, #ebooks, #Kobo, #reading, #technology


https://mas.to/@mostaurelius/112269853208615850 mostaurelius@mas.to - A pack horse librarian delivering books in rural Kentucky in 1938. During the Great Depression, the Pack Horse Library Project was a Works Progress Administration (WPA) program in which the librarians, who were often called "book women" or "book ladies," delivered books to remote parts of Appalachia.

source: https://www.facebook.com/GoodwillLibrarian

#books #library #PublicWorks #WPA #reading #bookstodon @bookstodon


Just finished reading True Virtue - The Journey of an English Buddhist Nun by Sister #AnnabelLaity who is a practitioner in #ThichNhatHanh's #PlumVillage tradition of #Buddhism. It's an auto-biographical account. Interesting to read about the early history of Plum Village and her life in general


#reading #books


#jews #nazi #prison #camps #artists #literature #books #reading #my book #myphoto

TEREZIN was a concentration camp 30 miles north of Prague in the Czech Republic during the World War II. It was originally a holiday resort reserved for Czech nobility. Terezín is contained within the walls of the famed fortress Theresienstadt, which was created by Emperor Joseph II of Austria in the late 18th century and named in honor of his mother, Empress Maria Theresa.

By 1940 Nazi Germany had assigned the Gestapo to turn Terezín into a Jewish ghetto and concentration camp. It held primarily Jews from Czechoslovakia, as well as tens of thousands of Jews deported chiefly from Germany and Austria, as well as hundreds from the Netherlands and Denmark. More than 150,000 Jews were sent there, including 15,000 children, and held there for months or years, before being sent by rail transports to their deaths at Treblinka and Auschwitz extermination camps in occupied Poland, as well as to smaller camps elsewhere. Less than 150 children survived.


English Wikipedia Article of the Day

W. Somerset Maugham - Wikipedia

Sadly, my first and only experience with the man was Of Human Bondage, which I would have preferred someone prying up my fingernails than having to actually finish reading that book.

But hey... that's just my very subjective viewpoint. Many of you may love the man and his art. I may be of a different opinion if my first connection with him were one of his other stories.

#Fiction #Reading #Authors #Somerset_Maugham #Biography #Wikipedia

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