

Cut diplomatic ties with Israel over “genocide,” Spanish minister says | Al Jazeera Newsfeed

Spanish Minister of Social Rights Ione Belarra told Al Jazeera that her country should cut diplomatic ties with Israel over its “genocide” against Palestinia...#AlJazeera #AlJazeeraEnglish #Gaza #Hamas #Israel #Palestine #Spain #Spanish #alJazeera #aljazeeraEnglish #aljazeeralive #aljazeeravideo #aljazeeraEnglish #aljazeeralatest #aljazeeralive #aljazeeralivenews #diplomatic #genocide #latestnews #minister #newsheadlines #relations #ties
Cut diplomatic ties with Israel over “genocide,” Spanish minister says | Al Jazeera Newsfeed


The War on Clown World

One side bans #wickedness. The other side bans any insufficient enthusiasm for wickedness. It’s not really that hard to determine who the #good guys are, and who the #evil servants of #Satan are:

Russian media watchdog Roskomnadzor officially approved on Wednesday an expanded set of criteria for what is to be considered ‘#LGBTQ #propaganda’, which can be grounds to #block access to #websites.

This comes after the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Communications issued an order to broaden and specify the definitions of #LGBTQ #propaganda and #pedophilia online.

The new set of norms will come into effect on September 1, and will be valid for the next six years, according to the document, which was published on #Russia’s official internet portal of legal information.

Under the order, Roskomnadzor will be authorized to block access to websites that feature content depicting children imitating or taking part in sexual activities, child genitalia in a sexual context, information about obtaining, creating, or sharing #child #pornography, as well as content aimed at #provoking #sexual #attraction towards #children or #justifying #sexual #relations with #minors.

In case you don’t understand why I am very, very pleased to be among the #Unauthorized, all I can say is that if you’re not persona non grata among the #wicked of #ClownWorld, you really need to contemplate whether you are truly on the side of the Good, the Beautiful, and the True or not.

Because Clown World is at war with everything good, everything beautiful, and everything true.


#AnnieLacroix-Riz: ''L' #Ukraine comme #enjeu des #impérialismes rivaux'' 1 Partie - Dialogue Franco-Russe

Annie #Lacroix-Riz est une #historienne, ancienne élève de l'École normale supérieure de jeunes filles, élève de #PierreVilar, #agrégée d' #histoire2, #docteur ès lettres, #professeur émérite d' #histoire #contemporaine à l' #université #Paris VII - #DenisDiderot, #spécialiste des #relations #internationales dans la première moitié du XXe siècle
00:52 L'histoire de l'enjeu ukrainien
01:59 Ukraine comme enjeu pour l' #Allemagne et les #Etats-Unis
03:14 Premier prétendant de la conquête ukrainienne - l'Allemagne
04:25 Impérialisme allemand
08:56 L' uniatisme
12:22 L'Allemagne dispose d'une base d'expansion #impérialiste en Ukraine ( 1922)
14:15 La conquête de l' #UnionSoviétique passe par le contrôle de l'Ukraine
16:16 La #Pologne est menacée
18:52 L'Allemagne prend le contrôle à Lvov
20:56 Fanatisme uniate
21:56 #StephanBandera
23:00 Financement allemand de l'autonomisme ukrainien
24:30 #Mouvement #nationaliste #bandériste
27:50 Service des bandéristes au Reich
35:38 La pax americana
38:00 ''Le Monde ''sur l'erreur historique de Bandera
39:50 #DouglasTottle sur le #mythe du #génocide en Ukraine
41:20 La #rhétorique de la #guerre froide
43:49 Les Etats-Unis veulent tout
46:50 Les Etats-Unis et l'Allemagne sont des alliées et des rivaux
49:00 La #Russie sans l'Ukraine?
49:39 L'après guerre #américain
52:56 Les appétits des #américains vers la Russie datent du XIX siècle
