

#Tax on the super-rich approved in #G20 leaders' #declaration

Source: https://agenciabrasil.ebc.com.br/en/economia/noticia/2024-11/tax-super-rich-approved-g20-leaders-declaration

"With full respect for tax sovereignty, we will seek to engage cooperatively to ensure that ultra-high-net-worth individuals are effectively taxed. Cooperation may include exchanging best practices, fostering debates on tax principles, and developing anti-avoidance mechanisms, such as addressing potentially harmful tax practices. We look forward to continuing discussions on these issues within the G20 and other relevant forums, drawing on the technical contributions of international organizations, universities, and experts," says the document, whose final content was approved by consensus.

#politics #wealth #rich #future #finance #economy #money #news #poverty


The must-have #accessory of the 2024 Met Gala was a $2750 potato #chip #handbag

Source; https://www.delicious.com.au/entertaining/article/balenciaga-potato-chip-handbag-met-gala-going-viral/5j992eh8

It’s not the first time that the controversial #fashion label has appropriated everyday items and used them as farshun, having released a replica of the big blue Ikea bag for a cool $2,847 back in 2017. Fortunately the #Balenciaga chip bag is a little more reasonable at $2,750.

#news #wealth #rich


This Is One Of The Most Important Videos You Can Watch

American Farmer says he’s tested his soil and it has 5x the amount of aluminum it used to have. The GMO seeds grow fine, all his heirloom seed crops are all the sudden failing (shows proof)

Reminder, Bill #Gates is creating #GMO seeds that grow in #aluminum #rich #soil. I’ve posted the video proof

We are being ruled by extremely #evil #people and one day only their GMO seeds will be the ones that #grow. #Total #control of our #food #supply.
