

BARBARIE NUMERIQUE : Une autre histoire du monde connecté

Essai sorti le 4 octobre 2024 aux Ă©ditions L’ECHAPPEE
De Fabien Lebrun
PrĂ©face d’Alain Deneault
Avant-propos de Denis Mukwege, prix Nobel de la Paix 2018

Une #enquĂȘte implacable sur la tragĂ©die que vit le #Congo, cƓur des #industries #numĂ©riques et objet de toutes les convoitises.

À partir des annĂ©es 1990, l’explosion de la production de biens #Ă©lectroniques, caractĂ©ristique du passage du #capitalisme Ă  son stade numĂ©rique, dĂ©clenche une guerre des mĂ©taux technologiques au Congo (RDC) qui n’a fait que gagner en intensitĂ©. Cette enquĂȘte fouillĂ©e montre que la #dĂ©matĂ©rialisation est bel et bien un mythe.

Elle se nourrit d’un #extractivisme sans limites dans des rĂ©gions, comme celle des Grands Lacs en #Afrique, qui subissent depuis des siĂšcles les ravages de la mondialisation : de la traite nĂ©griĂšre Ă  la terreur coloniale du roi belge LĂ©opold II (pour le « caoutchouc rouge » nĂ©cessaire Ă  l’industrie #automobile) jusqu’aux #minerais de sang actuels (dont le #coltan, essentiel aux #smartphones, et le #cobalt, pour la #transition Ă©nergĂ©tique).

La civilisation de l’#ecran est synonyme d’une barbarie numĂ©rique qui se manifeste au #Congo par : une #Ă©conomie militarisĂ©e et une criminalitĂ© institutionnalisĂ©e, un pillage gĂ©nĂ©ralisĂ©, du travail forcĂ©, le viol comme arme de guerre, la destruction des forĂȘts et l’anĂ©antissement de la biodiversité  Autant de catastrophes qui font du Congo l’une des plus grandes tragĂ©dies de l’#histoire contemporaine, le prix fort Ă  payer pour un monde #connectĂ©.
#books #lecture #TousLesJoursLecture #VendrediLecture #LundiLecture #MardiLecture #MercrediLecture #JeudiLecture #SamediLecture #DimancheLecture


BARBARIE NUMERIQUE : Une autre histoire du monde connecté

Essai sorti le 4 octobre 2024 aux Ă©ditions L'ECHAPPEE
De Fabien Lebrun
Préface d'Alain Deneault
Avant-propos de Denis Mukwege, prix Nobel de la Paix 2018

Une #enquĂȘte implacable sur la tragĂ©die que vit le #Congo, cƓur des #industries #numĂ©riques et objet de toutes les convoitises.

À partir des annĂ©es 1990, l’explosion de la production de biens #Ă©lectroniques, caractĂ©ristique du passage du #capitalisme Ă  son stade numĂ©rique, dĂ©clenche une guerre des mĂ©taux technologiques au Congo (RDC) qui n’a fait que gagner en intensitĂ©. Cette enquĂȘte fouillĂ©e montre que la #dĂ©matĂ©rialisation est bel et bien un mythe.

Elle se nourrit d’un #extractivisme sans limites dans des rĂ©gions, comme celle des Grands Lacs en #Afrique, qui subissent depuis des siĂšcles les ravages de la mondialisation : de la traite nĂ©griĂšre Ă  la terreur coloniale du roi belge LĂ©opold II (pour le « caoutchouc rouge » nĂ©cessaire Ă  l’industrie #automobile) jusqu’aux #minerais de sang actuels (dont le #coltan, essentiel aux #smartphones, et le #cobalt, pour la #transition Ă©nergĂ©tique).

La civilisation de l’#Ă©cran est synonyme d’une barbarie numĂ©rique qui se manifeste au #Congo par : une #Ă©conomie militarisĂ©e et une criminalitĂ© institutionnalisĂ©e, un pillage gĂ©nĂ©ralisĂ©, du travail forcĂ©, le viol comme arme de guerre, la destruction des forĂȘts et l’anĂ©antissement de la biodiversité  Autant de catastrophes qui font du Congo l’une des plus grandes tragĂ©dies de l’#histoire contemporaine, le prix fort Ă  payer pour un monde #connectĂ©.
#books #lecture


Distracting preschoolers with devices could cause trouble down the road, study suggests

Parents who steal a moment of calm by handing over a smartphone or tablet to a fussy toddler could set off a cycle of poor anger management and other problems, according to a recent study.

Research published last week in the journal Frontiers in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry says using such devices for emotional regulation "can be effective in the short term" but in the longer term could lead to technological addiction, "screen time tantrums" and make it harder for kids to cope with stressful situations.

#CBC #News #technology #smartphones #children #psychology #research #parenting #internet


Is the flip phone back? Why some people are switching to dumbphones - Adults and teens go back to basics with devices that only talk and text

When Leigh Tynan agreed to get her 13-year-old daughter a cellphone, she didn't want it to become a distraction.

"When there's a smartphone or screen, you don't practise guitar, you don't read a book, you don't just be bored," she said. So instead of the very popular iPhone, she settled on a TCL Flip phone, with a key feature: no access to social media.

"I just thought I really don't feel comfortable with her being online all the time.... I'm trying to protect her from it for as long as possible."

#CBC #News #smartphones #dumbphones


Adults and teens turn to 'dumbphones' to cut screen time


According to a study by Harvard University, using social networking sites lights up the same part of the brain that is also triggered when taking an addictive substance. This has raised concerns about phone habits among youth.

In the UK, research by Ofcom estimates that around a quarter of children aged five to seven years old now have their own smartphone.

Links have been shown in some studies between use of social media and a negative effect on mental health - especially in children.

#BBC #news #smartphones #dumbphones #internet #socialmedia


Mobifree: ein neues mobiles Open-Source-Ökosystem

Mobifree will die Regeln der #Tech-Giganten auf dem #Mobilfunkmarkt auf den Kopf stellen. Erleben wir hier eine #Open-Source-Revolution?

Wir haben uns daran gewöhnt, dass die Welt der #Smartphones von wenigen großen #Technologiekonzernen beherrscht wird. Ob #Google, #Apple oder #Microsoft – diese #Giganten machen die Regeln fĂŒr Betriebssysteme, App-Stores und mobile Dienste. Doch nun wagt sich eine neue #Open-Source-Initiative ins Rampenlicht und will den Großen die Stirn bieten. #Mobifree heißt der RevolutionĂ€r, der verspricht, endlich ein faires und datenschutzfreundliches Ökosystem fĂŒr mobile GerĂ€te zu schaffen. Klingt zu gut, um wahr zu sein? Schauen wir genauer hin!




#Dr. #MartinPall is Professor Emeritus from Washington State University and has researched in depth how the omnipresent electro-smog effects biological systems. He explains the dangers he found as well as the proof that the regulators threshold values are far from safe. Our Kla.TV Team had the unique chance to visit him and record a lecture about his knowledge in this field.

Did you know that there is a universe of published scientific findings that are quite underreported, making them widely unknown in the population? One example is the field of digital wireless technology. Today there are many professors and researchers warning about the harmful effects of the radiation emitted by our #smartphones, #WiFi routers, #base-stations and the such. Surf hundreds of best broadcasts - on what these experts in many cases have dedicated their lifetime to study and explain - on Kla.TV in this link:

Will the warning call reach enough open ears on time? Everybody can help this cause by sharing these facts in every day life.

Here now we present Dr. Martin Pall’s valuable speech. In the second half of this speech, he elaborates on very important studies and health observations - so stay tuned and don’t miss the end of this.See less



Interesting, long read about #GenZ, #smartPhones and adolescent #MentalHealth.

"They spent far less time playing with, talking to, touching, or even making eye contact with their friends and families, thereby reducing their participation in social behaviour that is essential for successful human #development.

"The members of gen Z are, therefore, the test subjects for a radical new way of growing up, far from the real‐world interactions of small communities in which humans evolved. Call it the Great #Rewiring of Childhood. It’s as if they became the first generation to grow up on Mars. And it has turned them into the #Anxious #Generation.

"There was little sign of an impending mental illness crisis among adolescents in the 2000s. Then, quite suddenly, in the early 2010s, things changed. In just five years between 2010 and 2015, across the UK, the US, Canada, Australia and beyond, the number of young people with anxiety, #depression and even suicidal tendencies started to rise sharply... The increases were similar for both sexes and happened across all races and social classes. And among a variety of mental health diagnoses, #anxiety rates rose diagnoses, anxiety rates rose the most."



deGoogling – Scope & Definition within the context of /e/OS

This article proposes to set the scope of the term ‘deGoogling’ as defined by /e/OS.

Ever since the first /e/OS ROM’s rolled out, the term ‘unGoogling’ and then ‘deGoogling’ has gained currency. The term is often loosely defined as a complete removal of all #Google related code from the #Android Smartphone operating system code base, leading to a dogmatic definition. This document seeks to correct some of these incorrect assumptions behind such ideas and instead attempts to focus on the expected benefits of #deGoogling.


#security #smartphones #privacy #eOS #free #OpenSource


What happens when a #school bans #smartphones? A complete #transformation

source: https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2024/jan/17/cellphone-smartphone-bans-schools

Another effect has been a surge of students signing up for the school’s photography class, which uses film cameras. Enrollment nearly tripled. While a popular new #teacher may have been a factor, Light Phones also don’t have cameras.

I find the article quite superficial. Sure, the students are interested in analog photography again, but they don't learn anything about #media competence. What will they need more of later in #life?

#education #youth #technology #news #knowledge #internet


Marketer sparks panic with claims it uses smart devices to eavesdrop on people

(Note the article attempts to downplay the claims by the companies involved but it doesn't actually prove that they don't do exactly what they said they were doing.... listening in on the microphone)

Your Smart Phone Is Possibly Spying On You And Recording Your Conversations Near It

#News #Smartphones #Spying #ActiveEavesdropping #CMG #ArsTechnica #CoxMediaGroup #Technology


Afrika im Aufbruch: Fortschritt mit Bezahl-Apps und Co.

Afrika im Aufbruch - Fortschritt mit Bezahl-Apps und Co.

In Afrika boomt die „FinTech“-Branche: Bezahlen per Smartphone-App gehört zum Alltag. Auch andere FinanzgeschĂ€fte werden digital geregelt.#Afrika #Finanzen #FinTech #Smartphones
Afrika im Aufbruch: Fortschritt mit Bezahl-Apps und Co.


QSPTAG #291 – #Mouchards partout : le contrĂŽle Ă  distance des appareils numĂ©riques est lĂ©galisĂ©

Reste qu'on peut bloquer la #surveillance du #FAI en utilisant un #DNS. On peut aussi acheter un #smartphone dégooglelisé, qui tourne sur un OS, tel que #LineageOS.

Mais.. Reste la #CarteSIM #SIM !
Cf cette vidéo de Paf LeGeek à 9min : https://yewtu.be/watch?v=em_XgXiGqIU&t=540s
Et n'en dĂ©plaise, malheureusement, Ă  ceux qui pensent pouvoir se mettre Ă  l'abri avec un vieux Nokia, non, la carte SIM peut quand mĂȘme fonctionner comme un processeur Ă  part entiĂšre et prendre le #contrĂŽle Ă  distance d'un #tĂ©lĂ©phone, mĂȘme Ă©teint !
Le seul moyen d'empĂȘcher cela Ă©tant alors d'enlever la #batterie l Et comme par hasard, la plupart des #smartphones ne le permettent pas...
J'ai une autre solution : la pochette #anti-ondes, ou cage #Faraday ! Mais attention, des ondes fortes, comme celles du #Wifi de la Box dans la mĂȘme piĂšce, peuvent ne pas ĂȘtre bloquĂ©es !
Il faut donc tester. Voire augmenter l'isolation avec de l'alu ou une 2eme pochette.. ou en coupant/réduisant la force du signal Wifi.

Si quelqu'un a une idée, s'il y a du nouveau pour contrer le contrÎle par carte SIM, ça m'intéresse.

#Politique #1984 #Trackers #GAFAM #Ondes