


#Dr. #MartinPall is Professor Emeritus from Washington State University and has researched in depth how the omnipresent electro-smog effects biological systems. He explains the dangers he found as well as the proof that the regulators threshold values are far from safe. Our Kla.TV Team had the unique chance to visit him and record a lecture about his knowledge in this field.

Did you know that there is a universe of published scientific findings that are quite underreported, making them widely unknown in the population? One example is the field of digital wireless technology. Today there are many professors and researchers warning about the harmful effects of the radiation emitted by our #smartphones, #WiFi routers, #base-stations and the such. Surf hundreds of best broadcasts - on what these experts in many cases have dedicated their lifetime to study and explain - on Kla.TV in this link:

Will the warning call reach enough open ears on time? Everybody can help this cause by sharing these facts in every day life.

Here now we present Dr. Martin Pall’s valuable speech. In the second half of this speech, he elaborates on very important studies and health observations - so stay tuned and don’t miss the end of this.See less



Interesting, long read about #GenZ, #smartPhones and adolescent #MentalHealth.

"They spent far less time playing with, talking to, touching, or even making eye contact with their friends and families, thereby reducing their participation in social behaviour that is essential for successful human #development.

"The members of gen Z are, therefore, the test subjects for a radical new way of growing up, far from the real‐world interactions of small communities in which humans evolved. Call it the Great #Rewiring of Childhood. It’s as if they became the first generation to grow up on Mars. And it has turned them into the #Anxious #Generation.

"There was little sign of an impending mental illness crisis among adolescents in the 2000s. Then, quite suddenly, in the early 2010s, things changed. In just five years between 2010 and 2015, across the UK, the US, Canada, Australia and beyond, the number of young people with anxiety, #depression and even suicidal tendencies started to rise sharply... The increases were similar for both sexes and happened across all races and social classes. And among a variety of mental health diagnoses, #anxiety rates rose diagnoses, anxiety rates rose the most."



deGoogling – Scope & Definition within the context of /e/OS

This article proposes to set the scope of the term ‘deGoogling’ as defined by /e/OS.

Ever since the first /e/OS ROM’s rolled out, the term ‘unGoogling’ and then ‘deGoogling’ has gained currency. The term is often loosely defined as a complete removal of all #Google related code from the #Android Smartphone operating system code base, leading to a dogmatic definition. This document seeks to correct some of these incorrect assumptions behind such ideas and instead attempts to focus on the expected benefits of #deGoogling.


#security #smartphones #privacy #eOS #free #OpenSource


What happens when a #school bans #smartphones? A complete #transformation

source: https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2024/jan/17/cellphone-smartphone-bans-schools

Another effect has been a surge of students signing up for the school’s photography class, which uses film cameras. Enrollment nearly tripled. While a popular new #teacher may have been a factor, Light Phones also don’t have cameras.

I find the article quite superficial. Sure, the students are interested in analog photography again, but they don't learn anything about #media competence. What will they need more of later in #life?

#education #youth #technology #news #knowledge #internet


On Apple / iOS: do you know if it's possible, on #smartphones in particular, to install #FreeSoftware for the #keyboard #software ?
The purpose of my question is to check the extent to which a device of this brand can represent a danger of mass surveillance, when writing on a message...
For Android, there are several, including OpenBoard by f-droid.

Sous #Apple / #iOS : savez-vous s'il est possible, sur #smartphone notamment, d'installer un #LogicielLibre pour le logiciel du #clavier ?
La question que je pose a pour but de vérifier à quel point un appareil de cette marque peut représenter un danger de #surveillance de masse, lorsqu'on écrit sur une #messagerie...
Pour #Android, il en existe plusieurs, notamment #OpenBoard par #f-droid.

#Numérique #Messagerie #Chiffrement #Sécurité #ViePrivée #Privacy


Marketer sparks panic with claims it uses smart devices to eavesdrop on people

(Note the article attempts to downplay the claims by the companies involved but it doesn't actually prove that they don't do exactly what they said they were doing.... listening in on the microphone)

Your Smart Phone Is Possibly Spying On You And Recording Your Conversations Near It

#News #Smartphones #Spying #ActiveEavesdropping #CMG #ArsTechnica #CoxMediaGroup #Technology


Afrika im Aufbruch: Fortschritt mit Bezahl-Apps und Co.

Afrika im Aufbruch - Fortschritt mit Bezahl-Apps und Co.

In Afrika boomt die „FinTech“-Branche: Bezahlen per Smartphone-App gehört zum Alltag. Auch andere Finanzgeschäfte werden digital geregelt.#Afrika #Finanzen #FinTech #Smartphones
Afrika im Aufbruch: Fortschritt mit Bezahl-Apps und Co.


QSPTAG #291#Mouchards partout : le contrôle à distance des appareils numériques est légalisé

Reste qu'on peut bloquer la #surveillance du #FAI en utilisant un #DNS. On peut aussi acheter un #smartphone dégooglelisé, qui tourne sur un OS, tel que #LineageOS.

Mais.. Reste la #CarteSIM #SIM !
Cf cette vidéo de Paf LeGeek à 9min : https://yewtu.be/watch?v=em_XgXiGqIU&t=540s
Et n'en déplaise, malheureusement, à ceux qui pensent pouvoir se mettre à l'abri avec un vieux Nokia, non, la carte SIM peut quand même fonctionner comme un processeur à part entière et prendre le #contrôle à distance d'un #téléphone, même éteint !
Le seul moyen d'empêcher cela étant alors d'enlever la #batterie l Et comme par hasard, la plupart des #smartphones ne le permettent pas...
J'ai une autre solution : la pochette #anti-ondes, ou cage #Faraday ! Mais attention, des ondes fortes, comme celles du #Wifi de la Box dans la même pièce, peuvent ne pas être bloquées !
Il faut donc tester. Voire augmenter l'isolation avec de l'alu ou une 2eme pochette.. ou en coupant/réduisant la force du signal Wifi.

Si quelqu'un a une idée, s'il y a du nouveau pour contrer le contrôle par carte SIM, ça m'intéresse.

#Politique #1984 #Trackers #GAFAM #Ondes


🇫🇮 Diese finnische Insel soll Smartphone-frei sein

Die finnische Insel Ulko-Tammio lädt ihre Besucher:innen dazu ein, #Smartphones und #Tablets zur Seite zu legen und sich auf das Erleben der unmittelbaren physischen Umgebung zu konzentrieren.

🔗 https://futurezone.at/digital-life/finnland-insel-smartphone-frei-digital-detox-fasten-ulko-tammio-kotka-hamina/402526057
#natur #umwelt


FeverPhone App: Researchers Created a Simple App That Turns Your Smartphone Screen Into an Accurate Thermometer, but it takes 90 seconds

Thermistors, which are also used in medical-grade thermometers, can’t directly measure a user’s body temperature while inside a smartphone, but they can be used to track the amount of heat energy that has been transferred between a user and the mobile device they’re making contact with.

During a clinical trial at the University of Washington’s School of Medicine’s Emergency Department, the app was tested by 37 participants, which included 16 with a mild fever, and the results were compared against readings from an oral thermometer. FeverPhone was able to predict a user’s core body temperature with “an average error of about 0.41 degrees Fahrenheit (0.23 degrees Celsius),“ which is on par with the accuracy of home use thermometers, including non-contact options.

It does sound quite good, especially seeing no extra hardware is required. The app is not yet available though for download, and it also sounds like other devices may also be explored e.g. holding a Fitbit to your forehead.

See https://gizmodo.com/thermometer-app-1850565745
#Blog, #health, #smartphones, #technology, #temperature


EU: Samsung and other brands may be forced to bring back phones with removable backs so that we can easily replace batteries

Gone are the days when we could easily take off the smartphone’s battery and replace it with a new one. You didn’t need a heat gun or a specialised tool to pop open the back of your phone, and you could easily do that with your fingernails. It seems like we could get the good old days back, thanks to a law passed by the European Union.

According to a new report, the European Parliament has changed a previous law that will force all gadgets, including smartphones, to have easily replaceable batteries. The MEP’s vote count ratio for this change stood at 587 to 9. The term ‘easily’ means that users should be able to replace the batteries without requiring special tools.

This means OEMs, from Apple to Google to Samsung, all have to make drastic changes to their smartphone designs (by 2027) to adhere to the new change that asks them to mount easily replaceable batteries on their devices.

Yes, my experience (a Nexus 6P) has been that it is usually the battery that wears out first, causing a perfectly good phone to become largely useless unless you want to risk the almighty pain of heat guns and levers to pry the phone apart. I did a battery change once, and it is just not something I really want to do again.

I know manufacturers are going to say it is about size (well I’ll gladly have a slightly thicker phone) or water resistance (I’m sure designers can come up with something again that includes rubber rings etc). I do get the feeling that manufacturers deliberately went the route of sealed phones so that we get pressed into buying new phones every two or three years. Now we have longer software updates, but batteries die after three years or so.

It is not just about the environment, but I’ve also seen that so many disposable products actually become far more expensive for users (for example cartridge razor blades).

See https://www.sammobile.com/news/samsung-needs-to-revamp-its-phone-design-to-implement-easily-replaceable-batteries/
#Blog, #batteries, #EU, #ewaste, #smartphones, #technology


‘I’m a photographer and I don’t care about camera quality when buying a new phone’ – Prioritising camera quality severely limits your options

Camera quality has become one of the most important factors when picking a new phone. Android Authority conducted a poll in early 2021, and the results were as they had assumed. About 24% of respondents told them they value the camera above all. Over 50% said it was a key factor in their buying decision, while only about 5% said they didn’t care about the camera at all, and the author of the linked article (a photographer) happens to share this opinion. Let’s talk about why and how not caring about the smartphone camera can be so liberating.

My Galaxy S23 Ultra was chosen mainly because of its camera specifications. It cost me a good 30% to 40% over what I could have paid for a ‘good enough’ phone.

I’ve been guilty of this myself, and it does drive you into some expensive decisions. I just have to think of the Pixel line of cameras. They produce some of the best photos, but they do not have the best camera hardware. This is because post-processing software has got so much better. The other thing is that many cameras now on phones, are already ‘good enough’.

Maybe we must start prioritising battery life, repairability, length of software updates, etc rather.

See https://www.androidauthority.com/photographer-phone-camera-quality-3330606/
#Blog, #photography, #smartphones, #technology


Le Sénat donne son feu vert à l’activation à distance des caméras ou micros des téléphones

The Senate gives the green light to the remote activation of the cameras or microphones of the telephones

L'article 3 du projet de loi du garde des Sceaux est controversé et cristallise les inquiétudes de la gauche et d'associations.

Article 3 of the Keeper of the Seals bill is controversial and crystallizes the concerns of the left and associations.

Translations by StartPage.


Le Sénat a donné, mercredi 7 juin dans la soirée, son feu vert à une disposition controversée du projet de loi sur la justice autorisant le déclenchement à distance des caméras ou micros des téléphones dans certaines enquêtes, à l'insu des personnes visées. L'article 3 du texte porté par le garde des Sceaux, Eric Dupond-Moretti, examiné en première lecture par les sénateurs, apporte plusieurs modifications à la procédure pénale.\
La mesure votée mercredi a deux finalités. D'une part, la géolocalisation en temps réel pour certaines infractions. D'autre part, l'activation de micros et caméras pour capter son et images, qui serait réservée aux affaires de terrorisme, de délinquance et de criminalité organisées.

The Senate gave, Wednesday, June 7 in the evening, the green light to a controversial provision of the justice bill authorizing the remote triggering of cameras or telephone microphones in certain investigations, without the knowledge of the persons concerned. Article 3 of the text carried by the Keeper of the Seals, Eric Dupond-Moretti, examined at first reading by the senators, brings several modifications to the criminal procedure.\
The measure voted on Wednesday has two purposes. On the one hand, real-time geolocation for certain offences. On the other hand, the activation of microphones and cameras to capture sound and images, which would be reserved for cases of terrorism, delinquency and organized crime.

"délinquance" (delinquency) seems a bit vague.

#france #privacy #surveillance #spying #smartphones #trackers #smart-phones #computers #cameras #microphones #remote-spying #remote-surveillance #human-rights #civil-rights