

Le ministĂšre de l'Économie prend la Transition ÉnergĂ©tique sous son aile.

Ça n'est pas que pour les fonctionnaires, que c'est inquiĂ©tant...

«Est-ce que ça veut dire qu’on ne va voir l’énergie que sous le prisme industriel et Ă©conomique, et plus sous le prisme environnemental ?
On a aussi un peu peur que lorsqu’il y aura des arbitrages budgĂ©taires Ă  faire, on favorise le nuclĂ©aire plutĂŽt que les Ă©nergies renouvelables.»

#Économie #Écologie #transition #industries #nuclĂ©aire #Bercy



The #Billionaires Got #Organized. The People Didn't. The Rest Is #History
Jan 04, 2024

..."Regulating #polluting #industries and fossil fuel emissions was all the rage in the 1970s, and people loved it. But the billionaires hated it. As the #EPA historian noted, by the time Russell Train had become the EPA Administrator in 1973, they were starting to get organized and active:
That was also the year that America’s industrialists got serious about taking tobacco lawyer Lewis Powell’s Memo’s advice: the rich needed to step up and start buying off politicians and judges, seize control of the media, and use their endowments to stock universities with rightwing professors while pushing out the old-line liberals.

They got a big boost in 1976 (Buckley) and 1978 (Bellotti) when five Republicans on the Supreme Court ruled that billionaires and corporations buying off politicians was no longer considered criminal bribery: from those years forward it was, instead, “Constitutionally protected First Amendment free speech” and corporations were no longer legal fictions but fully “persons” who could claim protections under the Bill of (Human) Rights.
The think tanks got to work, backstopping the GOP at every opportunity. Money flowed to Republican politicians, both state and federal. A small army of commentators was organized, some of them scientists and economists willing to go on-the-take, to convince Americans that regulations weren’t something that would protect average people but were, instead, instruments of socialism or communism.

Their factotum, Jude Wanniski, even came up with a bizarre new economic theory that included techno-sounding phrases like “trickle down” and “supply side” to justify massive tax cuts for the morbidly rich.

The agencies like the EPA that were doing the regulating would, henceforth, be known as the “deep state,” a designation so creepy that few would choose to defend them.
The indoctrination of the Republican voter is so complete that when then-President Trump gutted over 100 environmental regulations — making it more toxic and dangerous to live or work in America and putting our children at risk of childhood cancers and birth defects — there wasn’t a peep. Most Republican voters don’t even know it happened,
This fifty-year-long plot executed by some of the richest men (with few exceptions, they’re almost all men) in America to gut income taxes and environmental regulations has been a stunning success. Without the burden of income taxes, they’re now richer than any humans ever before in the history of the Earth. Richer than the pharaohs, richer than the Caesars, richer than any king in European, African, or Asian history.

Do they care that they’re leaving the rest of us a dying planet? That their actions have created a toxic brew of paranoia and distrust — along with an obese orange-faced monster — that is on the verge of ending the American experiment? That Americans are dying every day from the pollution and climate change their products produce?"...



#Agro-Industrie #Industries #Cereales #Agriculture #Croissance #Multinationales #Nourriture

Perturbations sur un salon d’agro-industrie à Auxerre.

Vendredi 9 novembre 2023, quelques activistes du Groupe Locale icaunais d’ #Extinction-Rebellion ont Ă©tĂ© perturber les 73° JournĂ©es Techniques des Industries CĂ©rĂ©aliĂšres (#JTIC) qui se dĂ©roulaient Ă  #AuxerreQuoique le parc des expos soit dĂ»ment visibiliser comme un site sous protection renforcĂ©e VigiPirate, les rebelles ont pu s’introduire calmement et sans opposition dans le hall du salon pour y dĂ©rouler des banderoles et y donner de la voix avec diffĂ©rents slogans avant d’ĂȘtre expulsĂ© manu militari par les vigiles du lieu.Le groupe est encore restĂ© Ă  l’extĂ©rieur des #JTIC, le temps que soit annoncĂ© les premiĂšres confĂ©rences de la journĂ©e et d’échanger avec quelques mĂ©dias prĂ©sents et une participante qui soutenait leur initiative.

Si ce salon s’adresse essentiellement aux meuniers, il s’adresse aussi Ă  un modĂšle d’agriculture obsolĂšte (73° journĂ©es !) basĂ© sur des modĂšles de croissance, d’endettement et de dĂ©pendance technologique qui assassine notre agriculture paysanne vivriĂšre.
Le systĂšme agricole actuel ne profite qu’à une minoritĂ© de multinationales et syndicats. Nous le dĂ©nonçons par cette action.
Nous rĂ©clamons la garantie pour toustes d’un accĂšs Ă  une nourriture saine, issue d’une agriculture durable, socialement juste et respectueuse du vivant.

En savoir plus et nous rejoindre :


enter image description here

#nasty world ,

orders compliance with the #evil #agendas of the #insane ones

you must take the poisons or else

Booster Jab is a #money-grab

Vax-pushing #EU chief Von der Leyen's husband is an executive in the #COVID-19 #vaccine #business, and there are major #crimes being #committed by her and the EU over this.

There are already court filings in #Europe, which EU media and EU NGOs - nearly all in Soros' pocket - are trying to hide.

It's also coming out that Von der Leyen - #Germany's former defence minister - is pushing for the #war, and #killing all those tens of #thousands of untrained Ukrainians #dying in the #minefields - apparently to #enrich her friends in the #weapons #industries. Von der Leyen hints she has friends in NATO who can whack people dead if they don't shut up about her crimes.

The 4th Reich's new twist is that it's led by criminal women, German women at the top. EU offices are largely female.

From a brief filed with Judge-President Lenaerts of the European Court of Justice in Luxembourg: "Ursula Von der Leyen seems to be in major financial crimes involving millions, with her husband in the covid vaccine business ... Belgium has jurisdiction over crimes in EU offices, so OLAF and EPPO [EU prosecutors] would need to use Belgian officials to prosecute.

"Von der Leyen shields herself by engaging in open corruption with Belgian gov't ministers ... Belgium operates a bribery-extortion scheme over EU Citizen Rights, openly violating important CJEU Court Order C-535/19 of 15 July 2021, guaranteeing universal EU Citizen national Health System Access ... Belgium demanding bribes from EU citizens

"Honest EU Commission staffers are being intimidated and terrorized by Von der Leyen---"Von der Leyen, corrupt to the core regarding both covid vaccine contracts and her joining in crimes with Belgium and violation of Court Orders, is thought by some at the EU to be under blackmail by foreign powers, and this is related to Von der Leyen's continuous posturing and promotion of military conflict in Ukraine."


Les chimistes 3M et DuPont ont sciemment caché la toxicité des PFAS.

PrĂ©sents dans les poĂȘles, emballages, vernis... Ils savaient dĂšs les annĂ©es 1970 que ces polluants Ă©taient trĂšs dangereux.

Peut-ĂȘtre Ă©tiez-vous dĂ©jĂ  au courant de la dangerositĂ© de ces polluants dits «éternels» – car pouvant persister pendant des milliers d’annĂ©es dans l’environnement. Peut-ĂȘtre pas. Leurs fabricants, en tout cas, la connaissent depuis plusieurs dĂ©cennies.
PlutÎt que de mettre fin à leur production, ces deux entreprises ont préféré dissimuler leurs données, au mépris de la santé des humains et de la planÚte.

En 1979, dans un rapport confidentiel Ă  destination de l’entreprise, le laboratoire Haskell (financĂ© par DuPont) indiquait que les chiens Ă  qui l’on faisait avaler 450 milligrammes de cette molĂ©cule (l'acide perfluorooctanoĂŻque, utilisĂ©e au cours du processus de fabrication du TĂ©flon) mouraient dans les deux jours. Des «dommages cellulaires» Ă©taient Ă©galement observĂ©s sur leurs cadavres.
DuPont et 3M n’ont pas seulement omis de transmettre des informations : ils ont dĂ©libĂ©rĂ©ment menti.

Mercredi 31 mai, la commission du dĂ©veloppement durable de l’AssemblĂ©e nationale française examinait une proposition de loi visant Ă  limiter la contamination aux PFAS.
Selon son rapporteur, le député (LIOT) David Taupiac, le texte aurait été, au fil du débat, «vidé de sa substance» par la majorité.

VoilĂ .
Que dire.

#pollution #polluants #industries #crimes-avec-préméditation #capitalisme #gouvernement-complice


#Entretien #exclusif : François #Asselineau & Didier #Raoult. Quel #bilan pour le #covid ? - #UPR


#FrançoisAsselineau a invitĂ© le #professeur #DidierRaoult Ă  l’occasion de la #publication de son #autobiographie aux #Ă©ditions #MichelLafon. La #rencontre s’est tenue en #duplex entre #Marseille et le #studio #UPRTV Ă  #Paris, nous la publions ce lundi 22 mai 2023, trois ans jour pour jour aprĂšs la publication dans la #revue #mĂ©dicale The #Lancet de l' #Ă©tude entiĂšrement falsifiĂ©e concluant Ă  la nocivitĂ© de l' #hydroxychloroquine dans le #traitement de la premiĂšre variante de la #covid-19.

Au cours de cet #Ă©change, François Asselineau et le #professeur Raoult retracent l’ #historique de la #pandĂ©mie de la Covid-19 et reviennent sur les dĂ©cisions aberrantes prises par les #gouvernements #Philippe et #Castex et leurs consĂ©quences dĂ©sastreuses pour la #France et les #Français.

Ils abordent Ă©galement les Ă©normes soupçons pesant sur #BigPharma dont on nous fait croire qu'il faudrait la considĂ©rer diffĂ©remment des autres #industries en termes d’ #Ă©thique et de #rapport aux #profits #financiers.

Enfin sur un #plan plus #philosophique et en prenant du recul sur les Ă©vĂ©nements, ils comparent certaines similitudes de leurs parcours respectifs. Des parcours d’individus prĂ©fĂ©rant le doute au prĂȘt-Ă -penser, rĂ©flĂ©chissant par eux-mĂȘmes et capables de dire non Ă  leur #autoritĂ© lorsque celle-ci fait #fausse-route.

#politique #santé #économie


The biggest point of tension in recent weeks has been #Biden’s green subsidies and taxes that Brussels says unfairly tilt trade away from the #EU and threaten to destroy European #industries. Despite formal objections from #Europe, Washington has so far shown no sign of backing down. 

“The fact is, if you look at it soberly, the country that is most profiting from this war is the U.S. because they are selling more gas and at higher prices, and because they are selling more weapons,” one senior official told POLITICO. 

#us #washington


Ah, enfin il pleut ! Tant mieux !...

Eh bien, non : tant pis. :/

Les PFAS, autrement appelĂ©es « produits chimiques Ă©ternels » ont atteint un niveau tel de concentration dans les riviĂšres, ocĂ©ans et sols, qu’on les retrouve dĂ©sormais dans l’eau de pluie et dans la neige.

Ces produits sont prĂ©sents dans de nombreux biens de consommation de notre quotidien. On les retrouve notamment dans les emballages alimentaires en carton ou en papier, tels que les rĂ©cipients pour plats Ă  emporter, les boites Ă  pizza ou les emballages de fastfood ; les ustensiles de cuisine antiadhĂ©sifs ; certains textiles, tels que les vĂȘtements impermĂ©ables, les tapis et matelas ; certains cosmĂ©tiques, tels que la crĂšme solaire, le fond de teint, les aprĂšs-shampoings ; ou encore dans nos smartphones...

Ils ne se dĂ©gradent que trĂšs lentement, et sont continuellement ramenĂ©s dans notre atmosphĂšre Ă  travers les diffĂ©rents processus naturels, tel que la pluie, contaminant nos Ă©cosystĂšmes, nos sols, les aliments issus de l’agriculture et notre eau potable.

#environnement #eau #industries #consommation #santé #écologie


Les Bretons contre la plus grande usine au monde de pùtisseries surgelées.

40 m de haut, 21 ha dont 15 imperméabilisés, plus de 1000 arbres menacés, en plus des haies bocagÚres et des zones humides, 160 semi-remorques défilant au quotidien, et la consommation de 200 000 m3 d'eau chaque année par l'usine si elle voit le jour.

Si elle voit le jour... Car quand un Breton veut pas, y veut pas.

Mais les Ă©lus locaux, comblĂ©s, soutiennent Ă  l’unanimitĂ© l’implantation : investissement de 250 millions d’euros, 500 emplois pĂ©rennes crĂ©Ă©s, un plan de compensation pour les zones sacrifiĂ©es
 blablabla, blablabla.

En attendant, la modification du PLU de LiffrĂ© a Ă©tĂ© attaquĂ©e au tribunal administratif, et la procĂ©dure "bloque la vente du terrain et rĂ©frĂšne l’ardeur des Ă©lus", dixit Pascal Branchu (prĂ©z de l’association La Nature en Ville) qui prĂ©voit de faire traĂźner le dossier au maximum : premiĂšre instance, seconde instance, rĂ©fĂ©rĂ©-suspension
 "Jusqu’à ce que Le Duff perde patience et abandonne son projet".

D’autres mobilisations sont prĂ©vues d’ici les prochaines semaines.

#Bretagne #environnement #industries #luttes #protection-environnementale


Interesting. Article shows the various ways parts of plants are used to generate products, energy or recycled.

IN FINLAND’S vast forest lives a monster with a voracious appetite. Once, it would have been called a pulp mill. But after a recent makeover costing €1.2bn ($1.3bn) it is now known as a bioproducts mill—and as such is one of the biggest in the world. This sprawling plant, near Ă„Ă€nekoski, a town in the centre of the country, consumes 6.5m cubic metres of wood a year. That translates into the delivery of a large lorryload of felled tree trunks every six minutes, day and night, together with yet further logs arriving on 70 railway wagons a day. Apart from a brief break for maintenance once a year, the mill never stops working.

On the face of things, such rapacious industrialisation of the Finnish forest, which covers three-quarters of the country’s landscape, looks the antithesis of tree-hugging environmentalism. The forest is home to wolves, bears, deer and many other species of wildlife, and its trees lock away carbon that would otherwise be in the air, warming the atmosphere. Yet MetsĂ€ Group, which operates the Ă„Ă€nekoski mill, claims the very opposite.

MetsĂ€ is ultimately controlled by a co-operative belonging to more than 100,000 families who have each owned large chunks of the forest for generations. For every tree harvested, four saplings are planted. These are allowed to grow for a few years and are then thinned to encourage the best specimens to develop vigorously. The thinnings, however, are not wasted. They are sent to the mill. The mature trees, meanwhile, are harvested when they are between six and ten decades old. The consequence of this husbandry, according to Finland’s Natural Resources Institute, is that the annual growth of trees in Finland exceeds the volume of felling and natural loss by over 20m cubic metres, despite the increasing demand for wood.

As for the mill itself, MetsÀ’s stated aim is to make best use of every part of a tree, both to maximise the value of its wood and, where possible, to continue to lock up its carbon. To this end, besides the bread-and-butter business of turning out planks and plywood, the firm has come up with several new ideas. Three are of particular interest. One is a better way of converting wood pulp into fibre that can be turned into textiles. A second is to produce plastic-free cardboard cartons which can be used as food containers and then recycled. The third is to find employment for lignin, a by-product of the pulping process which is, at the moment, usually burned.

#Manufacturing #Recycling #Wood #Industries