

Jo Hedwig Teeuwisse räumt in ihrem unterhaltsamen und gut recherchierten Buch mit zahlreichen Mythen und Missverständnissen der Geschichtsschreibung auf. Eine Rezension

Jo Hedwig Teeuwisse entlarvt in ihrem unterhaltsamen und gut recherchierten Buch 101 vermeintlich historische Fakten als Mythen. Eine Rezension (Rezension zu Fake History – hartnäckige Mythen aus der Geschichte von Jo Hedwig Teeuwisse)#Geschichte #Geschichtsschreibung #Mythos #Mythen #Legende #Alternativehistory #Mittelalter #Historie #Napoleon #Sphinx #QueenElizabeth #Rom #Kultur #PsychologieHirnforschung
»Fake History – hartnäckige Mythen aus der Geschichte«: Von wegen Napoleon war klein


#Earth #Ancients - Bill Brown & Trevor Grassi: The #Secret #Underworld of #Giza
1 hour 44 minutes - Posted Apr 13, 2024

Trevor Grassi is an independent researcher studying prehistoric evidence of advanced civilizations, focusing on the Great Pyramids, #Sphinx, and the underground of Giza. He's visited over a dozen countries and over a hundred pyramids, temples, and sacred sites. He's studied megalithic stonework, mythology, astrology, math, and geometry of ancient cultures in an attempt to reconstruct the 'sacred sciences' of the last Golden Age, and he has written a book series that is soon to be published and is currently working on a long format documentary series with Bill Brown, called 'The Secret Underworld Of Giza'.

William (Bill) Brown is a retired civil engineer turned Gizatologist, who has spent the last 20 years investigating the mysteries of the Giza Plateau. He has been deep underground at Giza many times and in many locations. Bill has also carried out ground penetrating radar scans at many sites at Giza as well as at the Hawara #Labyrinth site in the Fayoum Oasis. He has made many discoveries at both sites. He is currently leading a project attempting to excavate and access many underground chambers and tunnels at Giza with the IRGE (International Research Group, Egypt) and Mission Pharaoh, an international collection of foundations supporting his work.

For notifications about the series (and referenced documents listed in the description), subscribe to the channel and watch Part One here:

Source: https://youtube.com/watch?v=O6o77G5Najg


This video contains historical images of #Egypt in the 1800's. You can tell they've done a lot of work to display the sites for tourists.

01/09/24 (10:27)

Source: https://youtube.com/watch?v=Vh8n91ov6ig

Quote Some of the Oldest Photos of Egypt, before the restoration of Egyptian Temples, before unburying the Sphinx, and before Mcdonalds and Pizza Hut popped up in Giza 😉

Ancient Egypt was an incredible place and a really important part of humanity's history, so it's a pleasure to bring you this research and I hope you enjoy each of these historical pictures.

You'll see rare and historic images of Egyptian #Temples, the Egyptian #Pyramids, the #Giza Plateau, the Great #Sphinx and #ncient Egyptian #Statues and Artifacts. Kudos to the Archaeologists who spent the painstaking time to reconstruct this era of Ancient #History into what we see today, block by block, piece by piece.


enter image description here

#MAP OF #CAIRO, #1575
#Hidden #beneath the #desert #sand is the fact that the #Sphinx and the #pyramids are standing on the stump of a #giant #ancient #tree.

enter image description here

the keystone of the #Great #Pyramid is simply... missing.

Who removed it and why, and, more importantly, what happens if you put it back in place?


enter image description here
#Egypt - The #Great #Sphinx. And the Great #Pyramid of #Giza.
The Postcard

A postally unused carte postale that was published by L.L. The card has a divided back.

The Great Sphinx of Giza

The Great Sphinx of Giza is a limestone statue of a reclining sphinx, a mythical creature with the head of a human, and the body of a lion.

Facing directly from west to east, it stands on the Giza Plateau on the west bank of the Nile. The face of the Sphinx appears to represent the pharaoh Khafre.

The original shape of the Sphinx was cut from the bedrock, and has since been restored with layers of limestone blocks.

It measures 73 m (240 ft) long from paw to tail, 20 m (66 ft) high from the base to the top of the head, and 19 m (62 ft) wide at its rear haunches.

Its nose was broken off for unknown reasons between the 3rd. and 10th. centuries AD.

The Sphinx is the oldest known monumental sculpture in Egypt, and one of the most recognisable statues in the world.

The archaeological evidence suggests that it was created by ancient Egyptians of the Old Kingdom during the reign of Khafre (c. 2558 - 2532 BC).

The Great Sphinx's Name

The commonly used name "Sphinx" was given to the monument in classical antiquity, about 2,000 years after the commonly accepted date of its construction by reference to a Greek mythological beast with the head of a woman, a falcon, a cat, or a sheep and the body of a lion with the wings of an eagle. (Although, like most Egyptian sphinxes, the Great Sphinx has a man's head and no wings).

The English word sphinx comes from the ancient Greek Σφίγξ from the verb σφίγγω (meaning to squeeze in English), after the Greek sphinx who strangled anyone who failed to answer her riddle.

History of the Great Sphinx

The Sphinx is a monolith carved from the bedrock of the plateau, which also served as the quarry for the pyramids and other monuments in the area.

Egyptian geologist Farouk El-Baz has suggested that the head of the Sphinx may have been carved first, out of a natural yardang, i.e. a ridge of bedrock that had been sculpted by the wind. These can sometimes achieve shapes which resemble animals.

El-Baz suggests that the "moat" or "ditch" around the Sphinx may have been quarried out later to allow for the creation of the full body of the sculpture.

The archaeological evidence suggests that the Great Sphinx was created around 2500 BC for the pharaoh Khafre, the builder of the Second Pyramid at Giza. The stones cut from around the Sphinx's body were used to construct a temple in front of it.

However, neither the enclosure nor the temple were ever completed, and the relative scarcity of Old Kingdom cultural material suggests that a Sphinx cult was not established at the time.


Egypt - The Great Sphinx. And the Great Pyramid of Giza.

Suchen ab sofort eine:n Entwickler:in mit Schwerpunkt PHP und Datenbanken in Vollzeit

Die #taz war die erste online lesbare #Tageszeitung Deutschlands. Sie bietet nach wie vor alltäglich die Möglichkeit, Dinge anders zu machen und ist immer noch #Konzern - #unabhängig.

Willst Du mit uns die zunehmend digitale #Zukunft des #Journalismus gestalten? Wir bieten ein kooperatives #Umfeld, das Raum für #Weiterentwicklung und #Kreativität lässt, aber auch strategisches #Denken erfordert und die Bereitschaft, alltägliche Probleme auch eigenverantwortlich zu lösen.

Wir suchen zeitnah ein:e Kolleg:in mit praktischer #Berufserfahrung in der #Softwareentwicklung. Es geht hierbei nicht um Webentwicklung, sondern um die #Aufbereitung und #Bereitstellung unserer #Verlagsprodukte für unsere #Apps, als #ePaper in verschiedenen Formaten und für unsere #Syndikationen.

Existierende #Softwareprojekte sollen übernommen werden - dies beinhaltet #Pflege, #Fortentwicklung und die #Dokumentation. Es sollte #Bereitschaft bestehen, sich in verschiedenartigen #Fremdcode einzuarbeiten. Wir wünschen uns #Offenheit für #Altes und #Neues gleichermaßen. Ferner solltest Du es gewohnt sein, mit #GIT und #Debian - Paketen zu arbeiten.

Von unserer Seite gefragt sind außerdem:
- Erfahrung mit #PHP. Ein Bewusstsein über die Notwendigkeit von #Typensicherheit ist notwendig
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- Verständnis für das Arbeiten mit #Volltext-Retrieval. Erfahrungen mit #Sphinx wären hilfreich
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Egyptian Sphinx on the Neva Embankment

There are 12 sphinx statues in Saint Petersburg. The most famous are two ancient Egyptian sphinxes that are located on the University Embankment in front of the Academy of Arts. They are really Egyptian and some 3500 years ago could be found standing on the Alley of Sphinxes in front of the tomb of Pharaoh Amenhotep III.

The sphinxes discovered by French archaeologist were supposed to decorate the shores of Seine in Paris but in the end were sent to Russian emperor Nicholas I straight from Alexandria.

#sphinx #egypt #russia #statue #wisdom