Love the visuals. I would watch this movie. But I'm not sure why it's been given a narration suitable for a documentary about the migratory habits of the woodlouse. Also, the music. I mean, there are some excellent movies from this era (obviously), but with some important exceptions their soundtracks tend to be pretty ghastly... but not this ghastly. Pretty sure moviegoers have always been expecting THRILLS ! SPILLS ! EXCITMENT ! DANGER ! WITH ONE THOUSAND OLIPHANTS ! and so forth, and even the most penny-pinching directory could have sprung for a better soundtrack than a single novice trumpeter.
Yet more readings of Tolkien's essays because they're like some kind of magical drug. This time it's his look at Beowulf, and why instead of being all about some big bloke who beats up monsters, it's actually a look at how early Christianity reinterpreted its cultural heritage. The monsters were just too much fun to do away with, so they became demonic forces instead, with the eponymous hero a Christian knight fighting against the forces of darkness. This, says Tolkien, is in marked contrast to the Greeks or even the pagans of northern Europe, who viewed their monsters completely differently. Far from being a mere simple story, it actually represents part of a radical shift in cosmological thinking. The monsters are no longer quite simple malevolent beasts, but something deeper and darker, something approaching evil.
Concluding a look at Tolkien's "On Fairy-Stories" essay. Tolkien seems more anti-technology than I would have guessed, or at least anti-industry, but not at all anti-science. Indeed he says that the clearer and more rational the thinking, the better the quality of the resulting fantasy. He also considers how fairy stories are nothing inherently especially suitable for children, it's only adults who have dumbed them down. Children, he says, like everything. They don't have a particular need to believe the story is true (even if that is the hallmark of a good storyteller), only desire to find out what happens. This desire for the other-worldly persists into adulthood whether we want it to or not. Finally I briefly cover the under-appreciated notion of the eucatastrophe, the anti-catastrophe in which things suddenly improve. The eucatastrophe, for Tolkien, is the "highest function" of a fairy story, and I venture some guesses as to how this applies to fantasy and science fiction more generally.
On Tolkien's "On Fairy-Stories" (part one), an essay with a wide-ranging look at the importance of fantasy and defending it against charges of being low-brow silliness. They are indeed escapist, he says - but escape is not desertion. And they should not require suspension of disbelief, but instead convince the reader (at some level) that they are exploring some "real" place; suspension of disbelief is a sign of failure, of bad writing. This is what makes good, serious fantasy a formidable challenge, more difficult by far than boring old "character development" : the author must develop a world based on fundamentally different operating principles to those readers are used to, and develop them with such convincing skill that they really believe in it - at least for a little while.
Just finished Tolkien's wonderful essay 'On Fairy-Stories', on which much more in due course. Meanwhile, here's a magnificent answer to a decoratively simple question.
Unfinished Tales was a great read, but The Nature of Middle Earth does make me want to buy ALL the Tolkien. By and large confirms what I suspected about the philosophy behind the story but that's for another time. Anyway, not much narrative here but tonnes of interesting ideas. In classic Tolkien fashion, this varies from ultra-nerdy pedantry on the life cycles of elves to meditations on the nature of mind and matter that could have been lifted straight out of Locke or Berkeley; an insightful discussion on why the Valar have a moral duty to give Melkor the benefit of the doubt gives way to... the friendly dances of the honey-loving Numenorean bears and why chopping the legs off squirrels is evil. Yes, really.
Man was a fuckin' genius. Definitely went a bit nuts from time to time but that's part of the charm.
Deux nains creusent des tunnels épisode 1. - #MarcMandrilFerrario
On voulait faire une #émission de #télé comme à l'époque mais avec notre #époque.
Bref, un pilote d’émission qui rappelle les fulgurances de la bonne télévision patriarcale où tu pouvais imaginer voir #Abellio et #Choron dans une même soirée….Alors bon, ce panache appartient à un #monde révolu, mais notre monde est suffisamment intense pour qu'un #illustrateur, un #humoriste, un #poète et #essayiste tentent de poser quelques #réflexions intrigantes dans une ambiance bien délurée encline à la sacro-sainte déconne.
La chaine de Greg;
Monsieur #Gilou;
Les #Articles de Rodolphe;
Sommaire des Tunnels
00:00 Intro Promiscuité avec l' #Elysée
00:33 #Hyperuranion entre amis
4:13 Le #wokisme et la #création
17:26 Le classement #dissident qui fâche!
28:13 Kali yuga sous Codéine et Emotrap
33:27 #Goldorak islamised
36:42 Jeux de rôles et #postmodernité
43:41 #MonsieurGilou; #Lecture et #Imaginaire
57:20 De #Tolkien à #StarWars
1:05:13 L' #ia, l' #art et la paternité des #images
1:24:05 Mini tunnel #iconographie du #corps et #Tatouage
1:27:32 De Nabe à Dieudo, la descente?
1:42:22 #Fétichisme et vaudou interdit
1:47:00 #Tradition #Modernité #Postmodernité
1:52:40 Gilou et la res publica
2:02:11 #Religion, #psychanalyse, bouc émissaire
2:07:28 Pause mondaine
2:08:00 Arrivée de Joris
2:23:57 #pocrief et unité du corpus biblique
2:27:38 #Poésie de Gilou
2:31:24 Bouclage de l'émission
#humour #politique #société #analyse #MarcMandril #JSPC #GregTabibian