

#art #Paris #france #lautrec
CARMEN GAUDIN ~ A Laundress by profession in the Montmartre District, Paris, France. Not a dancer, prostitute or a drunk, which Lautrec also painted.
Carmen Gaudin became a favorite model of Toulouse Lautrec. 15 paintings and drawings.


#art #model #lautrec #paris
Carmen Gaudin ~ Model for 'The Laundress' by Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec.
She was in fact an ordinary laundress by profession in the Paris neighborhood where Lautrec lived. He saw her one day and was attracted by her red/golden hair. She became one of his favorite models. He painted many portraits of her. Lautrec lost interest in Gaudin when she stopped dying her hair the red/golden color that he loved. Even so, she was immortalized. 'The Laundress' painting alone sold for $22.4 million dollars at auction by Christie's.


🎨 Aoyama Masaharu (1893-1969)

...studied ink painting at the Tokyo School of Fine Arts and then worked at the Imperial Household Museum until 1939. Aoyama participated in the Sosaku Hanga movement and produced woodblock prints. He exhibited these prints in 1936 at Teiten and Nihon Sosaku-Hanga yokai. He is also known as Aoyama Seiji or “Ao”

#Art #AoyamaMasaharu #CATURDAY


#art #handwriting
This is an example of an heirloom wedding invitation I did. There are three parts to it. This is the center section. The bride selected the quote. The invitation was printed on fine, light pink paper at a printers, and envelopes were made. She loved roses, especially pink ones. Roses were on her dress, in her bouquet, and decorated the place of their wedding. She was given the original invitation.

I incorporate my last name in all the artwork I do, but for the sake of privacy on the internet, I have removed it from these posts.


#art #handwriting #mywork
This is an example of an heirloom wedding invitation I did.The bride selected the quote. Each section contains written information. For the sake of their privacy, I have removed their names, time and place from the invitation. It was printed on sturdy paper at a printers, then folded, addressed and a gold seal was placed to close it. Each an every heirloom invitation is different, and personalized for every couple. I also give them the original art.


Les Jeux floraux ont été institués en 1323, à Toulouse, par sept troubadours pour maintenir le lyrisme courtois.

La « Compagnie du Gai Savoir », ainsi créée, fut dotée du statut d’Académie en 1694 par Louis XIV. Héritière d’une tradition d’excellence depuis près de sept siècles, elle entend promouvoir la poésie sous toutes ses formes et, d’une manière générale, la littérature. Chaque 3 mai, elle remet depuis 1324, des « Fleurs » aux lauréats des différents concours qu’elle organise.

Considérée comme la plus ancienne société savante d’Europe, l’Académie des Jeux floraux fut reconnue d’utilité publique en 1923. Elle est aujourd’hui hébergée dans l’hôtel d’Assézat, à Toulouse.

#poesie #poete #litterature #art #toulouse #occitanie #troubadour