

Iain Davis, Eva Bartlett ~ "Pandemic" Narratives & "Exercising our Inalienable Rights"


“I speak out because I know #humans have the capacity for immense #strength, #compassion and #solidarity. I’ve seen it every day, throughout my working life. However, we are constantly pitted against each other by an establishment built upon the concept of ‘ #divide-and-rule.’
These divisions can only ever lead to #conflict. Often, that is the intention. Yet #division is not innate to us, rather we have it thrust upon us by leaders who promise #solutions but operate a strategy of #tension.
I firmly believe that #we, the #people, have the capacity #build a #better #society. I hope, through my writing and content creation, I can contribute, in a small way, towards reinvigorating #critical #thought.” #IainDavis #InThisTogether

#davis #evabartlett #bartlett #discussion #pandemic #narratives #inalienable #rights #technocracy #propaganda #manipulation