

A quotation from Confucius

Learning without thought ends in a blur. Thought without learning will soon totter.


Confucius (c. 551- c. 479 BC) Chinese philosopher, sage, politician [孔夫子 (Kǒng Fūzǐ, K'ung Fu-tzu, K'ung Fu Tse), 孔子 (Kǒngzǐ, Chungni), 孔丘 (Kǒng Qiū, K'ung Ch'iu)]
The Analects [論語, 论语, Lúnyǔ], Book 2, verse 15 (2.15) (6th C. BC – AD 3rd C.) [tr. Ware (1950)]

#quote #quotes #quotation #contemplation #knowledge #learning #reflection #study #thinking #thought #traditions
Sourcing / notes: https://wist.info/confucius/64470/


This #Hidden #Power of #Water:

Source: https://youtube.com/watch?v=qkVK4BaPSL4

Water #memory allows water to retain #information about anything it has come in contact with and also receive information from #human #thought and #intention. It can, in effect, retain a ‘picture’ of any substance within its molecular core. Some scientists proved that water is also alive, a phenomenon known as structured water. Could it really be possible that water is ever recording a #history of its relationship with the world through molecular clusters? And if so, what is it doing with this information?





The founder of Subud, Bapak Muhammad Subuh Sumohadiwijojo (Bapak), explained that the latihan is a method of #worshipping #God that is open to #all #mankind and whose source is the power of God.

The practice of the latihan involves voluntary #surrender to the power of God. After quietening one’s thoughts and desires, one makes the intention to worship only God, who has the power to reach and move a #human #being from within, without any external means. This power is the #source of the #latihan. Once in such a quiet state, one may feel spontaneous vibrations or movements that derive from #divine #grace. By willingly following these movements, one can #experience a #worship #free #of #thought and #desire.

only 10,000 in the whole world /


George Orwell on background music

The music-and if possible it should be the same music for everybody-is the most important ingredient. Its function is to prevent thought and conversation, and to shut out any natural sound, such as the song of birds or the whistling of the wind, that might otherwise intrude. The radio is already consciously used for this purpose by innumerable people. In very many English homes the radio is literally never turned off, though it is manipulated from time to time so as to make sure that only light music will come out of it. I know people who will keep the radio playing all through a meal and at the same time continue talking just loudly enough for the voices and the music to cancel out. This is done with a definite purpose. The music prevents the conversation from becoming serious or even coherent, while the chatter of voices stops one from listening attentively to the music and thus prevents the onset of that dreaded thing, thought. For

The lights must never go out.
The music must always play,
Lest we should see where we are;
Lost in a haunted wood,
Children afraid of the dark
Who have never been happy or good.

George Orwell, Pleasure Spots (1946)

#george #orwell #music #thought #conversation #consciousness #collectivism #individualism


This is an outstanding #documentary from #TruthstreamMedia produced in 2019 which looks at the #spiritual, #psychological and #thought #doctrine behind the Extinction Rebellion #cult which is now matching actual policy implementation being rolled out globally by politicians in an attempt to address “climate change”. There is a large element of occult ritual, as well as flawed “science” such as the claim that humans are causing it all, while the major pollutant role of the mega corporations are completely ignored.

Source: https://youtube.com/watch?v=ci9rD2N1P-E

#Extinction #Rebellion 'The #Truth#Documentary


This is an outstanding #documentary from #TruthstreamMedia produced in 2019 which looks at the #spiritual, #psychological and #thought #doctrine behind the Extinction Rebellion #cult which is now matching actual policy implementation being rolled out globally by politicians in an attempt to address "climate change". There is a large element of occult ritual, as well as flawed "science" such as the claim that humans are causing it all, while the major pollutant role of the mega corporations are completely ignored.

Source: https://youtube.com/watch?v=ci9rD2N1P-ESee less

#Extinction #Rebellion 'The #Truth' #Documentary


Iain Davis, Eva Bartlett ~ "Pandemic" Narratives & "Exercising our Inalienable Rights"


“I speak out because I know #humans have the capacity for immense #strength, #compassion and #solidarity. I’ve seen it every day, throughout my working life. However, we are constantly pitted against each other by an establishment built upon the concept of ‘ #divide-and-rule.’
These divisions can only ever lead to #conflict. Often, that is the intention. Yet #division is not innate to us, rather we have it thrust upon us by leaders who promise #solutions but operate a strategy of #tension.
I firmly believe that #we, the #people, have the capacity #build a #better #society. I hope, through my writing and content creation, I can contribute, in a small way, towards reinvigorating #critical #thought.” #IainDavis #InThisTogether

#davis #evabartlett #bartlett #discussion #pandemic #narratives #inalienable #rights #technocracy #propaganda #manipulation


A quotation by Sophocles

And speech he has learned, and thought

So swift, and the temper of mind

To dwell within cities, and not to lie bare

Amid the keen, biting frosts

Or cower beneath pelting rain;

Full of resource against all that comes to him

is Man. Against Death alone

He is left with no defence.

[καὶ φθέγμα καὶ ἀνεμόεν φρόνημα καὶ ἀστυνόμους

ὀργὰς ἐδιδάξατο καὶ δυσαύλων

πάγων ὑπαίθρεια καὶ δύσομβρα φεύγειν βέλη

παντοπόρος: ἄπορος ἐπ᾽ οὐδὲν ἔρχεται

τὸ μέλλον: Ἅιδα μόνον φεῦξιν οὐκ ἐπάξεται.]

Sophocles (496-406 BC) Greek tragic playwright

Antigone, l. 354ff, Stasimon 1, Strophe 2 [Chorus] (441 BC) [tr. Kitto (1962)]

#quotation #quote #achievement #civilization #humanity #mind #mortality #progress #resourcefulness #speech #thought #weather

More notes and sourcing on WIST: https://wist.info/sophocles/46782/


I think cognitive dissonance is one of the great culprits of today's polarization and underlying violence in the world. I just had a very sad exchange here in Diaspora with someone who had so far behaved very politely in all our previous interactions, but resorted to name-calling and dismissive comments when faced with an idea that conflicts with his own practices.

This is just another example of a phenomenon I see very often, both out there in the world, as well as in the Internet. People are generally nice and decent to each other until they are confronted with an idea that puts them in a state of contradiction between what they do and what they believe. In other words, ideas with which they deep down agree with, but that stand in contrast to what their habits.

I think it's a shame, because the response is quite automatic, and therefore outside of most people's control. Yet, it has the very negative effect of distancing people away from each other, and of moving those affected by cognitive dissonance to extremes they would normally not be drawn into. However, such people often prefer to inhabit these extremes rather than confront the ideas that challenge their deeply ingrained habits. And what is worse, in these extremes they meet with other people who, for whatever reason, have also found themselves moved to such extremes. Once people find each other in these extremes, they comfort each other and tell each other it is OK to be in such extremes, further reinforcing a behavior that results in alienation from others with different world-views, and results in the creation of bubbles of thought, where the exchange of different ideas no longer becomes possible.

I wonder what is the solution for this. Perhaps practices like Mindfulness help, so that individuals can notice how they are alienating themselves. Unfortunately, Mindfulness practices are not for everyone, and often are incompatible with the modern way of life we have nowadays.

I'm interested in what you think are possible solutions to this conundrum

#thought #society #cognitiveDissonance #mindfulness #empathy #humanity