

#Biden Didn’t “Fail” To Get A #Ceasefire; He Never Tried

"He could have ended it with a phone call..." (ed. I disagree. Triggered #Zionists #doomsdaycult hasn't listened to ANYONE and won't)

"I’ve seen some people calling this a “failure” on the part of the Biden administration... It’s not a failure. You can only fail at something you tried to do. Biden and Harris didn’t “fail” at anything, they SUCCEEDED... helping #Israel destroy #Gaza." – #CaitlinJohnstone

#Netanyahu #Genocids #Hypocrisy #Propaganda


When the destruction of Gaza first began I used to read the jarring claims about the horrific things the IDF were doing and often think, “No, no way. That can’t be the whole story. It’s too cartoonishly evil. There must be some information missing.” Then a few days or weeks later confirmation would come out, showing it’s even worse than I thought before.

I don’t experience that kind of dubiousness when reading such stories anymore. There are only so many atrocities you can see documented, so many videos of IDF troops recording themselves gleefully behaving like monsters, so many hospitals you can see attacked, so many journalists you can see assassinated, before you read a new report about new unfathomable acts of depravity and find yourself saying “Yeah, that sounds about right.”

--- Caitlin Johnstone, in this article

#CaitlinJohnstone #Gaza #Palestine #genocide #depravity


What’s really interesting about this situation right now is how western empire managers and propagandists have been framing the coming Iranian retaliation to suggest that Iran is about to attack Israel out of the blue, completely unprovoked. As though bombing an embassy would not be considered an extreme act of war by any nation anywhere on earth.

--- Caitlin Johnstone on x/twitter, Apr 13, 2024

#CaitlinJohnstone #propaganda #framing #UnprovokedNarrative #Iran


#Iran #media #propaganda #CaitlinJohnstone



Don’t worry, Israel will be at peace once it defeats Hamas. Well, first it’ll need to conquer Syria, eliminate Hezbollah and Ansarallah, achieve regime change in Iran, and defeat all the new enemies these military campaigns will create along the way.

— Caitlin Johnstone, source

#CaitlinJohnstone #Gaza #Palestine #Israel #genocide #war #peace #Syria #Iran #Hezbollah


#CaitlinJohnstone #Orwell #propaganda #genocide #Gaza



Sometimes Israel’s crimes are so horrific that at first you don’t even understand what you’re looking at. You just stare at it trying to make sense of what you’re seeing for a bit, like you would if you suddenly saw a space alien or a leprechaun or something.

It happened to me yesterday when I was watching a Sky News report about a teenage boy who was shot by Israeli forces in Jerusalem for celebrating the release of Palestinian prisoners in the hostage negotiations with Hamas. I was watching it thinking to myself, I must be misunderstanding what I’m looking at. I know that Israel does gross things, but surely the story here isn’t that they shot a kid for being happy about something.

Then, as has happened so many times over the last two months, I kept watching and learned that yes, that is indeed what happened. The deputy mayor of Jerusalem Fleur Hassan-Nahoum is seen defending the shooting by saying “part of the deal is that there would be no celebrations for the release of attempted murderers” (this was actually not a part of the deal, it was just a decree issued by Israel’s national security minister) and claiming dishonestly that “we’re talking about the release of attempted murderers” (the vast majority have not been convicted of any crime and have been denied any due process for the accusations against them).

The band Eve6 nicely summed up what it felt like watching the clip of the deputy mayor’s comments, tweeting, “The remarkable thing about this clip is her self assurance. Like she’s supremely confident that ‘we shot the teenager because he was celebrating’ is a thing that people will find reasonable.”

--- Caitlin Johnstone, in her article Israel's Savagery Is So Shocking It's Sometimes Hard To Take In

#colonialism #Israel #genocide #MassPsychosis #GenocidalPsychosis #CaitlinJohnstone


#CaitlinJohnstone #Gaza #genocide #EthnicCleansing



There's Only So Much Propaganda Spin You Can Put On The Murder Of Thousands Of Children

by #CaitlinJohnstone


'This is all so, so horrible and so, so painful to watch day in and day out. But something is moving underneath it all. Something big. The empire has done irreparable harm to its ability to keep everyone sleeping and complacent going forward. A healthy world may be in our future yet.'

#timfoley #audio #noamchomsky #video #propaganda #spin #murder #children #palestine #gaza #israel #media


#CaitlinJohnstone #propaganda #media #Israel #Gaza



#propaganda #ManufacturingConsent #genocide #CaitlinJohnstone
