

Make sure you vote for the right party!
#Taiwan #election #China

Though the message said “satellite” in Chinese, the English translation of the message was: “Missile flyover Taiwan airspace, be aware.”

A Taiwanese man told me that it's not easy to vote this time because green is corrupted - blue and white suck.
I'm glad I'm not eligible to vote. That way, I can avoid the dilemma of not knowing how or whether to vote.


So the people who try to spin and twist around the narrative still play with this idea that they are the ones who are interested in diplomacy and that the Russians and the Chinese are the evil ones who only want to solve all problems with weapons. It's a fantastic, phenomenal spin on actual reality in which it is the west and NATO that is pushing as hard as possible on getting war and getting more war [...]

--- Pascal Lottaz, https://youtu.be/J9oF4QUJTcU?si=pk2VKP4um2-cTPe0&t=898

#propaganda #projection #NeutralityStudies #PascalLottaz #empire #UnitedStates #NATO #Russia #China