

One more war – the planning …

#One #more #war – the #planning#US #China #West #2024 #year of #geopolitical #awakening #Russia #Asia #NATO #Israel

"aimed directly at at China. The US and the collective West are not going to for one moment accept equality and #multipolarity with the ultimate guide of the UN Charter as legal guidance. They will fight until they get annihilated or until they annihilate. This is not a task that anyone wants to take on, or something anyone wants to do with any amount of relish.  Then again nobody wants to kill the whole of #Gaza and yet it is happening in front of our eyes."



With hindsight, the plan must have been something like this:
Let #Ukraine keep #Russia occupied. Maybe with help of the Europeans.
With Russia occupied, the #US can focus on #China, which is where the real challenge is.
Whether Ukraine wins or loses does not matter; as long as Ukraine keeps Russia busy.



The U.S. Air Force is stepping up construction at the Tinian North airfield, once used by the largest B-29 bomber fleet during World War II, and at the Tinian International airfield, Gen. Kenneth Wilsbach, commander of the Pacific Air Forces, said in an interview on Wednesday.

Tinian is a part of the United States, and is also a part of the CNMI. Along with Guam, they are the westernmost islands of the US in the Pacific —

North Field was one of several bases for Twentieth Air Force Boeing B-29 Superfortress operations against the Japanese Home Islands in 1944–45. North Field contributed aircraft to the 1945 campaign to burn out Japanese cities with incendiary bombs, including the 9 March 1945 bombing of Tokyo which still stands as the most destructive air raid ever. North Field was the base for the 313th Bombardment Wing which carried out Operation Starvation, the dropping of naval mines in the harbors and sea lanes used by Japan. North Field was also the base for the 509th Composite Group which flew the atomic bombing raids on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August 1945. The incendiary campaign (which destroyed 40% of the targeted cities),[1] the aerial mining campaign (which starved Japan of essential food imports) and the two atomic attacks have all been argued as major factors in the surrender of Japan. —

tags#usa #japan #korea #china #tinian #usaf #history ">


"China verspricht wenig und liefert mehr"

Chinas internationale Klimapolitik folgt kohärenten Linien. Das hat sich auch bei der Klimakonferenz COP 28 in Dubai wieder gezeigt. Teil 1 unserer neuen Serie.#Klimapolitik #Entwicklung #Klimafinanzierung #China #COP28Dubai #Serie:ChinasKlima-undUmweltpolitik
China verspricht wenig und liefert mehr