

One more war – the planning …

#One #more #war – the #planning#US #China #West #2024 #year of #geopolitical #awakening #Russia #Asia #NATO #Israel

"aimed directly at at China. The US and the collective West are not going to for one moment accept equality and #multipolarity with the ultimate guide of the UN Charter as legal guidance. They will fight until they get annihilated or until they annihilate. This is not a task that anyone wants to take on, or something anyone wants to do with any amount of relish.  Then again nobody wants to kill the whole of #Gaza and yet it is happening in front of our eyes."



The President and the Press ~ The Day JFK Warned Us About the Globalists’ “Monolithic and Ruthless Conspiracy” and Their Censorship Regime


The US is at a crossroads with its waning #political and #economic #power in this new #geopolitical landscape. #JulianAssange and #EdwardSnowden were targeted by Washington for exposing Western foreign and domestic crimes, they themselves were #censored and charged for various crimes. The #Pulitzer-prize-winning-journalist, #SeymourHersh is also being censored for his reporting on the #US-Norway terrorist attack on #Russia’s #Nord-Stream-gas-pipelines

#president #jfk #johnfkennedy #speech #the-president-and-the-press #27april1961 #press #globalists #monolithic-and-ruthless-conspiracy #censorship #us #cia #secrecy #journalism #truth #freepress #freespeech #freeassange #address-to-the-american-newspaper-publishers-association


The West's governments have access to excellent #intel, #demography, national #statistics, #anthropology & other #info describing the people-groups, cultures & #societies of the #people they have imported into #Western nations.

The West's #governments used #NATO, #UN, #paramilitary & intel agencies to kick proverbial wasp nests in the Middle East, #Africa & South-West #Asia & then opened the West's borders to hostile peoples from antithetical #cultures.

None of the #political, #corporate, #academic, #plutocratic or #aristocratic #elites have been harmed. The #victims have been the peoples of the #West who had little to no say in #geopolitical affairs. The West’s elites are at #war with Western peoples.

#theelite #westerncivilization #thewest #middleeast #islam #uk


Daniel #Radcliffe is a knowing or unwitting #neoliberal #globalist #propagandist pursuing a #depopulation agenda directed by Supranational Nietzschean Elite #Scions.

Study Indo-European (White) #birthrates in the #West plus mass #migration. An agenda to destroy the West by destroying the Indo-European people-group from which #Western #civilization comes.

#Culture, #jurisprudence, #language, #political #philosophy & so on are a product of people & people are a product of #genetics modified by environmental pressures.

No Indo-Europeans, no Western civilization. Study domestic, supranational & #foreign adversaries like the #CCP. See the WEF's #geopolitical bi-pole / multi-pole #NWO. There is a #war upon Western civilization.



Putin is a member of the unified global elite.

They are trying to transition us into a technocratic neofeudal socioeconomic system. They use geopolitical controlled opposition & fear-based manipulation to distract minds & control narratives.

We didn't vote for socioeconomic transition. Unelected elite scions are manipulating our societies through applied plutocracy & blackmail.

Putin has put the same technocratic systems in place in Russia, as Xi has in China & Western elites have & are putting into place in the West.

#structure #transition #neofeudal #system #geopolitical #manipulation #narratives #socioeconomic #elite #scions #plutocracy #blackmail #usa #putin #technocratic #russia #Xi #uk #china #west #global #unified #eu #nuclearwar #ukraine #propaganda



For Warmongers It's Always 1938

Hawks always say our #geopolitical situation resembles that of #1938 so that any call for #de-escalation, #diplomacy or detente can be portrayed as "appeasement". It's never #1919, when the conditions which would give rise to World War Two were put in place, or any of the early 20th century years when the trajectory toward World War One could have easily been turned away from.